In a report published on September 14 in connection with its ongoing 2022 Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, the World Economic Forum, led by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, cites compliance with COVID mandates to promote climate change lockdowns.

World Economic Forum Cites Compliance With COVID Mandates To Promote ‘Climate Change’ Lockdowns 1

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), widespread compliance to the strict COVID-19 regulations “demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility” and paved the path for future “climate”-related restrictions.

The WEF, led by German engineer, economist, and author Klaus Schwab of “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” established the connection in a report published on September 14 in connection with its ongoing 2022 Sustainable Development Impact Meetings.

Moves to monitor and regulate individual carbon emissions, according to the WEF research, had “limited success due to a lack of social acceptance, political resistance, and a lack of awareness and a fair mechanism for tracking ‘My Carbon’ emissions.”

This “lack of social acceptance and political resistance” may be overcome, according to the report, which observed that the unprecedented response to COVID-19 had created such an environment.

“A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world,” the report read. “There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

In guiding the future toward smart and sustainable cities, this compliance “could help realise ‘My Carbon’ initiatives,” the report claims.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and “Smart” technology, according to the paper’s authors, has created platforms that allow for the monitoring and regulation of personal energy consumption.

The WEF said that the “roll-out of smart metres” aids individuals in making decisions “to reduce their energy-related emissions,” and the statement listed “major advances in smart home technologies, transport choices with carbon implications.”

The WEF praised “the development of new personalised apps to account for personal emissions, and better personal choices for food and consumption-related emissions.”

Although the WEF report’s language suggests that people will be able to voluntarily opt into programmes limiting their purported carbon emissions, the idea has raised concerns that sometimes consumers may not have the choice.

Earlier this month, a company that offered opt-in “smart” thermostats to residents in Colorado locked the devices at 78 degrees F amid a heat wave, declaring a local “energy emergency,” preventing the people from adjusting their thermostats.

Residents claimed they were shocked and disappointed to learn that they couldn’t adjust the temperature in their home, despite the “smart” thermostat company, Xcel, stressing to the media that the initiative was voluntary and incentive-based.

“To me, an emergency means there is, you know, life, limb, or, you know, some other danger out there — some, you know, massive wildfires,” a customer told ABC 7 Denver. “Even if it’s a once-in-a-blue-moon situation, it just doesn’t sit right with us to not be able to control our own thermostat in our house.”

Author of The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown Marc Morano said this week that planned economic collapse and lockdowns are all part of the “climate” agenda in an interview with LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen.

“The COVID lockdowns were literally a version of what they’ve called for for decades in the climate movement,” Morano said. “I attend every United Nations climate summit, and I’m going to the one in Egypt this year … and what these summits call for … is the ‘degrowth movement,’ or ‘planned recessions’ … to fight global warming. And what that means is the government imposes slower economic growth or forces a recession to lower emissions.”

The WEF claimed during the summer that accelerating the “clean energy transition”—partially by raising the already-record-high gas prices—would be essential for preserving democracy and averting environmental catastrophe.

Joe Biden, the president of the United States, who has presided over record high gas prices and surging inflation, sparked outrage in May when he said that the high cost of fuel was a result of a “incredible transition.”

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