A sketch of a complex has revealed that Canada is planning to militarise its climate police force, and some believe these actions represent the beginnings of a pattern of attacks on farmers similar to those that sparked massive discontent in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe.

Canada Planning Militarized Climate Police Force 1

A new building in Winnipeg being constructed by the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) will contain an arsenal of firearms, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence facilities.

The blueprints, which were created by a Winnipeg firm, provide a glimpse into Justin Trudeau’s long-term goals for Climate Enforcement.

There are a number of evidence rooms, interrogation suites, and nearby recording rooms down the hall from the proposed “Firearms Storage” rooms.

Canada Planning Militarized Climate Police Force 2
Leaked plans for a Climate Police Armory

The Ministry is looking to fill a battalion of Climate “Pollution” Officers, a position within the coldly called “Environmental Enforcement Directorate,” according to a recent Indeed.com ad.

You can find yourself on the Climate Communists’ hit list if you emit too much carbon or use too much fertiliser.

A sketch of the entire complex was received, which is estimated to be larger than 50,000 square feet and will accommodate hundreds of ECCC employees as well as personnel responsible for weather forecasting.

In the latter days of Trudeau’s majority administration, the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) (pdf below), which was quietly approved, gave Ministerial “Enforcement Officers” sweeping power. But up to this point, little has been said regarding the location and operation of Climate Police.

The IAA gives Ministry of Climate Change agents the authority to access locations without a search warrant in order to “verify compliance or prevent non-compliance with [the Act]”.

Any project site that has an impact on the environment is subject to entry by Trudeau’s Climate Police, who may use the room to snap photographs, access computer networks and communication equipment, and “direct any person to put any machinery, vehicle, or equipment in the place into operation or to cease operating it.” Climate Police may also prohibit access to the location entirely.

The location of this Climate Police armory in Canada’s agricultural production centre does not appear to be a coincidence. This information was released just days after ECCC agents, the newest focus of Trudeau’s climate change agenda, were accused of trespassing on private land in Saskatchewan while collecting samples of nitrogen.

The landowners who confronted the federal officers trespassing on their property claim they were informed that their presence was required due to nitrate testing of the water in the farmers’ dugouts.

The Trudeau government recently unveiled a plan to reduce fertiliser use on Canadian farms by 30%. Farmers countrywide and the governments of the Western provinces have sharply condemned this policy, claiming that it will severely impair the nation’s food supply.

According to some observers, there is cause to believe that these actions represent the beginnings of a pattern of attacks on farmers similar to those that sparked massive discontent in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe.

Although the federal government has not acknowledged it, there is concern that baseline measurements from the water sampling that is currently taking place will be used to impose future reductions in fertilizer usage.

Read the act given below:


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