According to a new study published in Neurology, which looked at 184,024 adults from six European nations, coffee is linked to a reduced risk of Parkinson’s.

Coffee Linked To Reduced Parkinson’s Risk 1

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You might be getting more benefits from your morning cup of coffee than just an energy boost to get through the day. According to recent research, caffeine may have an added benefit by lowering your chance of getting Parkinson’s disease.

Findings Suggest Caffeine May Reduce Parkinson’s Risk by 40 Percent

Although earlier studies have emphasized the advantages of caffeine, such as improved energy and cognitive function, a new study published in Neurology strengthens the case that the degenerative movement condition Parkinson’s disease may be prevented with caffeine.

This new study looked at 184,024 adults from six European nations about coffee use and the future risk of Parkinson’s disease.

It measured coffee biomarkers years before Parkinson’s disease symptoms appeared, in contrast to other research. Following blood collection, 351 Parkinson’s cases were identified and matched with controls based on age, sex, study center, and status regarding fasting.

Results indicated a lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease associated with higher coffee use and the presence of important metabolites such as theophylline and paraxanthine.

It has been demonstrated that theophylline and parexanthine have antioxidant properties. Antioxidant-active substances may help shield neurons from harm because oxidative stress is thought to contribute to the neurodegeneration observed in Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine neuron death is another aspect of Parkinson’s disease. According to some studies, theophylline and paraxanthine may boost dopamine receptor activation, potentially offsetting the loss of neurons.

The neuroprotective effects were exposure-dependent; those who drank the most coffee had a nearly 40% lower risk of Parkinson’s disease than those who did not.

According to Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified cardiologist in Scottsdale, Arizona who is not connected to the study, the “sweet spot of coffee consumption” is likely two to four cups per day. This was said to The Epoch Times. Above that amount, “there is probably not much benefit,” he added.

Link Promising but Not Proven

Dr. Hwai Ooi, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York who was not involved in the study, told The Epoch Times that there is substantial scientific evidence connecting coffee drinking to a lower chance of getting Parkinson’s disease. Over the previous 20 years, a “clear association” has been shown in numerous investigations, the researcher stated.

The association does not, however, indicate causality. According to Dr. Ooi, the precise mechanism by which coffee may provide neuroprotection and lower the likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease is still unknown.

Furthermore, she pointed out that there has been no evidence of any benefit from caffeine or its metabolites in terms of slowing the advancement of Parkinson’s disease or easing its symptoms in clinical trials conducted to yet.

Dr. Ooi stated that additional research is necessary to completely comprehend the association between coffee drinking and the risk of Parkinson’s disease, even though the evidence appears promising. This involves figuring out how much and what kind of coffee is best to drink to get the most out of it.

Don’t Overdo the Coffee: Expert

To reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, Dr. Ooi advised avoiding drinking too much coffee. “As with almost everything we put into our bodies, moderation is key,” she said.

An excessive amount of caffeine has been associated with several negative effects, including poor sleep, anxiety, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal disorders, higher blood pressure and heart rate (which can be particularly troublesome for people with heart diseases or hypertension), decreased bone density, and possible drug interactions.

Large-scale coffee consumption regularly can cause dependency and withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, exhaustion, and irritability when intake is reduced.

If you have any worries regarding your caffeine intake, Dr. Ooi advises seeing a medical expert.

Other Ways to Reduce Parkinson’s Risk

Experts claim that consuming coffee is not the only lifestyle choice and habit that may help lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Aerobic exercise is the most crucial because, according to Dr. Ooi, “it has clearly been shown to have neuroprotective effects in Parkinson’s disease and can slow down the progression of the disease.” According to current standards, people with Parkinson’s disease should engage in aerobic activity for at least 2.5 hours each week.

Sustaining a nutritious, balanced diet is another element associated with reduced Parkinson’s risk and excellent brain function. Dr. Wolfson advises consuming a lot of wild seafood in your diet because it is linked to a lower risk.

Other easily adjusted lifestyle adjustments that could be helpful include getting enough sleep, reducing stress with techniques like mindfulness meditation, and maintaining a busy social and mental life, he continued.

Previously, GreatGameIndia reported on a study by The Weizmann Institute of Science published in PLOS Biology that revealed women’s tears lower testosterone and aggression in men.

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