In a $2 billion race to find a vaccine various companies are infecting humans with Coronavirus for clinical trials. A medical research firm based in the U.K. is offering more than $4,500 to individuals willing to serve as guinea pigs and be injected with two strains of Coronavirus similar to COVID-19 in a bid to find a vaccine for the new deadly virus. In the U.S., another firm is seeking participants for a COVID-19 vaccine study, but the pay is not as high, nor as quick, nor as risky.

Companies Infecting Humans With Coronavirus For Clinical Trials
Companies Infecting Humans With Coronavirus For Clinical Trials

Human Lab Rats Needed

The offer comes from London-based company Hvivo, which is seeking 24 healthy individuals at a time to receive the weaker shots of Coronavirus before being administered vaccines in what the Times of London described as “a $2 billion race to find a vaccine” for COVID-19.

According to the New York Post, participants would make around $4,588 to participate in Hvivo’s “flu camp,” which entails a two-week quarantine where they must “eat a restricted diet and avoid human contact and exercise.”

The firm is still awaiting approval from the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency before trials can begin — but even if it gets clearance quickly, a cure is not expected until next winter, despite more than 20 firms participating in the race to find a shot to prevent the virus that has already taken nearly 4,000 lives globally.

In the U.S., another firm is seeking participants for a COVID-19 vaccine study, but the pay is not as high, nor as quick, nor as risky.

Business Insider reported that Seattle’s Kaiser Permanente Washington research clinic plans to enroll 45 healthy folks to participate in a 14-month trial to test three doses of a potential vaccine against the novel Coronavirus for safety.

However, in the Seattle study, participants would not be injected with the Coronavirus. The researchers are offering $100 per visit for volunteers to show up in person 11 times, offering a total payout of $1,100 for those willing to serve as guinea pigs to test out the safety of what could be a life-saving vaccine.

Making Millions from Coronavirus

While the outbreak has claimed more than 3000 lives officially, this small elite group made millions from Coronavirus, courtesy of their association with the biotechs working on Coronavirus vaccine development programs.

The $35 billion vaccine market is dominated by GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Adventis, Merck and Pfizer. These 4 players represent 85% of the vaccine market. These are the primary players but are by no means alone because there is a global rush out there.

Three biotech stocks are surging on the possibility of coronavirus drugs and minting millions of dollars for their biggest shareholders. GileadModerna, and Novavax have all outperformed the falling stock market in recent days as the three drug developers rush to introduce preventative vaccines and treatments.

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