East India Company’s trade was divided into many parts and a particular family owned each part. They were given full control over a nation under consideration. They developed local industrial/business house, through which they exploited the independent nations. So for people of any nation, it is the local industrial house that comes to light as the exploiter and not EICs. Even today these Houses control most
of the MNCs we see and follow the same Ideology & Methodology as the EICs.

In the previous parts of this ongoing East India Company Series we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). We also examined the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with along with the unique philosophical outlook that determined their ideology and methodology and gave them the opportunity to trade in goods like narcotics, which can destroy human civilization.

With this background we now study the EICs and MNCs operatives or controller families. EIC trade as mentioned earlier was divided into many parts and a particular family owned a particular part. For example, the growing of opium and collecting taxes in India was owned by EIC and its paid officials or after 1837 by the British government itself. But the House of Sassoon’s handled the trading in opium and other goods in India. Thereafter, the House of Jardine and Matheson handled their distribution in China and the House of Inchapes handled the shipping of these goods. House of Openheimers/Rhodes handled the gold and diamond mining business. The American operations were handled by the House of Rockefellers, Seagrams, Sassoons, Japhets, Jardine – Mathesons etc. The Houses of Rothschilds and Warburgs coordinated the banking aspect of this trade. Apart from theses, Houses of Lloyds, Abes and Astors assisted these operations by insuring the business of EICs. Even today these houses control most of the MNCS we see. We do an in-depth study of Rothschilds and Rockefellers and at the end give a list of Indian MNCs, only to show how most of these belong to only one single group run by a single family which was associated with the EIC owners, by either business or marriage.

East India Companies had a unique managerial style. In any particular country, all trading, business and commerce was always handed over to one or at the most two business houses. They were given full control over a nation under consideration. From 1800 to 1947, the House of Sassoon controlled most of the trade within India: banking, trading, shipping, insurance etc., from their Mumbai headquarters. Most of them started moving out of India and to England from 1900. Wherever the MNCs were in operation, they followed the above rule. They developed local industrial/business house (India is a large nation so we may encounter multiplicity in case of India), through which they exploited the independent nations. So for people of any nation, it is the local industrial house that comes to light as the exploiter and not MNCs. (During EICs the poor zamindaars were blamed for exploitation of farmers with huge taxes, whereas the fact was that the British under the EIC exploited the farmers). And these business houses will be ready to move out of the country once the MNCs finish their job and leave. At the end of the section we try to show that this unique feature of EICs is retained by MNCs in India under the current wave of liberalization and privatization as well. We will try to trace the modern equivalent of these EIC Houses at the end of the article.

Related: The Rothschild Plan To Develop India

Also read: 2019 Pulwama Attack

GreatGameIndia East India Company British Empire Bloodlines Illuminati Freemason Rothschild Rockefeller Jardine Matheson Inchcape Sassoon Secret Society

Controller Houses of East India Company and various Multinationals

  1. Jardine & Matheson: Noble Opium Knights (covered in this part)
  2. House of Inchapes: Lords of Seas (covered in this part)
  3. House of Sassoon: Masters of India and China (covered in this part)
  4. House of Rockefeller: Princes of North America
  5. Rhodes & Openheimers: African Elite-Monopolists of Gold and Diamonds
  6. House of Rothschild: Uncrowned Kings of Europe

Read complete article in the Apr-Jun 2016 Special NarcoTerrorism issue of GreatGameIndia.

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Read the entire history of these Ancient Family Bloodlines controlling the East India Company and their operations in India only in this exclusive Apr-Jun 2016 Special NarcoTerrorism issue of GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly magazine on Geopolitics & International Relations.

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#EIC2MNC Series
Part 1 Noble Motives
Part 2 Glorified Commodities
Part 3 Ideology & Methodology
Part 4 Controller Houses Of The East India Company
Part 5 Houses Of Rhodes & Oppenheimers

4 Responses

  1. Greetings, were the House of Rothschild and the House of Sassoon significant players during the British Raj? If so were they the most influential players?

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