There is a vaccine agenda in which the forces that be want everyone to continue getting vaccinated eternally. Furthermore, the vaccine response to COVID-19 was pre-planned, according to the authors of a new book, ‘The Courage to Face COVID-19.’

Vaccine Response To COVID-19 Was Pre-Planned Authors Of New Book The Courage to Face COVID-19

While conducting research for their book “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, and John Leake, a writer, learned that the “system” was set up by world leaders to render vaccination the primary reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This was absolutely telegraphed from the beginning,” McCullough said. “[In] 2010, Gates says it’s the decade of the vaccines. Later on, Gates announces at meetings that the return on investment of vaccines is 20-to-1 anything else that he’s done.

In a new interview with “American Thought Leaders” show, McCullough stated, “It is clear the system is juiced for a vaccine.”

McCullough was responding to a tweet from billionaire investor Bill Gates from 2010 that read: “Decade of Vaccines- a $10B, 10yr pledge for vaccine research, development & delivery.”

Gates informed CNBC’s Becky Quick on “Squawk Box” in 2019 from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that “We feel there’s been over a 20-to-1 return” on his $10 billion investment in vaccine development.

In his interview with McCullough, Leake asked why the COVID vaccines, which were produced quickly, were marketed as safe and hailed as the only answer to the pandemic, while effective alternative and off-label treatments were vilified.

“What we discovered in our research and what we map out in our book is that this was being planned for, well in advance,” Leake said.

He also chastised Gates for his vaccine addiction.

Vaccine Response To COVID-19 Was Pre-Planned Authors Of New Book The Courage to Face COVID-19 2
Bill Gates attends a press conference on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on May 25, 2022. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)

“[Gates] seems to have sort of shifted his monopolistic spirit from the software business to the vaccine business,” said Leake.

Gates is also the founder and major contributor to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI), which was inaugurated in 2017 at the World Economic Forum. According to McCullough, the organization’s business strategy seems to be exclusively focused on the production of vaccinations, with no mention of alternate therapies for viral outbreaks.

According to CEPI, it pulls together heads of government, private businesses, and philanthropists to “accelerate” the production of vaccinations to avoid future “epidemics and pandemics,” as well as to guarantee that “all people in need” have access to these vaccinations.

Furthermore, one of Gates’ most recent initiatives in vaccine proliferation is his book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.” According to McCullough, Gates makes the argument in the book for the establishment of a well-funded worldwide institution that would be overseen by the United Nations’ World Health Organization and whose duty it would be to hunt for and react to the world’s next outbreak.

According to McCullough, despite the fact that vaccines normally do very little to prevent disease from upper-respiratory infections, they were nonetheless promoted as the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There isn’t a single shot in the arm that does virtually anything for a respiratory illness,” McCullough said, adding that the COVID vaccines were introduced “with an implicit talking point, and the talking point is, ‘They are safe and they are effective, and you will take them.’ Period. No discussions after that. No official discussions on safety and efficacy, no guarantee for reevaluation, no monthly review of safety.”

According to McCullough, the safety was just accepted, even after a Chinese scientific report was released pointing out that the vaccination caused serious health concerns for individuals with preexisting health difficulties.

McCullough described the widespread use of vaccinations as a “biological catastrophe.”

Furthermore, the FDA attempted to conceal knowledge regarding the vaccines’ safety and efficacy by sealing the “Pfizer dossier,” which is around 500,000 pages of data outlining the important results in the vaccines’ development and deployment, for 55 years, according to McCullough.

The nonprofit Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FDA, demanding that the dossier be publicly disclosed.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman ruled that the group’s FOIA petition was “of paramount public importance,” and he directed the FDA to produce 55,000 pages every month (read below).

From these documents, “we learned there were 1,223 deaths within 90 days of the release of the Pfizer program, worldwide. The standard is typically 50 deaths for some widely used product, [and it’s] taken off the market,” said McCullough

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks vaccine-related deaths in its Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS).

According to McCullough, 13,000 people died in the United States after getting the COVID vaccine.

“That is astounding,” he said. “We have never let a product run like this for this period of time without revisiting safety, without reporting safety, without even questioning safety, and death being the final outcome.”

McCullough also stated that the three primary vaccines have caused a myriad of nonfatal but substantial adverse effects, including heart damage, blood clots, and inflammatory disease.

“What I think a lot of the public didn’t understand is this is a completely novel technology,” said Leake. “These are genetic transfer technologies. You’re actually injecting messenger RNA that codes for the production of the spike protein, so this is Star Trek stuff.”

According to McCullough, the assertion that vaccinations minimize hospitalization and death is untrue.

He stated that there have been no comprehensive randomized trials with the active medicine and a placebo to demonstrate a reduction in hospitalization and death.

“None of the vaccines have had clinical trials done versus placebo with that composite endpoint,” said McCullough. “What’s happened over time is a false narrative that’s developed from observational data.”

There have been many “biased analyses by investigators and doctors and those in the biopharmaceutical complex who are invested in trying to promote the vaccines,” said McCullough

Vaccine Response To COVID-19 Was Pre-Planned Authors Of New Book The Courage to Face COVID-19 3
This file photo shows a box of ivermectin tablets. (Carl D. Master/Shutterstock)

He went on to say that the assessments are based on incorrect and skewed data, which does not keep a record of vaccinated people who visit a hospital. Instead, everybody who comes into the hospital with a COVID illness is automatically considered unvaccinated.

“I can tell you those who’ve taken the vaccine are much more likely to have gotten early treatment, which really is the driver for reducing hospitalization and death,” said McCullough. He went on to say that while Gates, Anderson Cooper, and Vice President Kamala Harris have all been vaccinated, they have also taken Paxlovid, an early treatment for COVID-19.

According to Leake, the very same rigor and safety criteria that were adhered to early COVID treatment are completely neglected with the new messenger RNA vaccinations. “Suddenly, the methodology and the rigor of ascertaining safety and efficacy is just thrown out the window with the vaccine,” he said.

McCullough believes that if funds had been invested in offering high-risk individuals early treatments with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the pandemic could have concluded much sooner.

McCullough also mentioned monoclonal antibodies, another safe and effective treatment that has been reduced in favour of vaccines.

Despite the fact that these early therapies function well, they are taken off the market, while vaccines, which have not been proven to be safe or effective, are pressed on the public as the answer for the pandemic, according to McCullough.

Leake and McCullough identified and reported a “monolithic vaccine solution” to all public health challenges.

“This is what these international foundations are: the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust. The big money guys have put all of their money on vaccines,” said Leake.

Their book explains how other government institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health, benefit from vaccinations and relationships with wealthy patrons.

“They actually had a meeting at Bill Gates’ grand house near Seattle back in 2000. For 20 years, they’ve been working together,” said Leake.

According to McCullough, there is a vaccine agenda in which the forces that be want everyone to continue getting vaccinated eternally.

“They have advanced it forward and there is at the same time an oblivion to safety, and it’s global,” said McCullough.

McCullough and Leake have stated that they would like to see all vaccine requirements abolished and all COVID-19 vaccines taken from the market for a complete safety and efficacy evaluation.

“We have been burned,” McCullough said. “This has been, in a sense, the crime of our lifetime, if not of all time, of mass vaccination of the world in the middle of a highly prevalent and evolving pandemic.”

Read the document below:


4 Responses

  1. You will find the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as the sole ‘Foundation Partners’ of the World Economic Forum!

  2. now that so many people have fallen for their deceit, and dont know the health risks ahead, we should be tirelessly finding an antidote to the poison these sub-human billionares gave.

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