Nobel Prize winner French Virologist Prof. Luc Montagnier in an interview has made a startling claim that the COVID-19 vaccines itself are creating variants. He said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Luc Montagnier Explains How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Creating Variants

While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

The 2008 Nobel Laureate made the explosive comments as part of a larger interview (watch below) with Pierre Barnérias of the French Hold-Up Media earlier this month.

The relevant part of the interview was translated by RAIR Foundation USA.

As reported by GreatGameIndia last year, Luc Montagnier confirmed the study linking COVID-19 and HIV conducted by Indian scientists.

A group of Indian scientists discovered that coronavirus was engineered with AIDS like insertions. The study concluded that it was unlikely for a virus to have acquired such unique insertions naturally in a short duration of time.

Readers of GreatGameIndia would remember how after we published the results of the study, it attracted heavy criticism from social media experts to an extent that even the authors were forced to retract their paper. The Nobel laureate’s confirmation finally put all such amateur criticism to rest.

It was in this context that the Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli said, “I advice those who believe… academic analysis of Indian scholars, to shut their stinking mouths”.

Last year, in a major study a group of researchers warned in the The Lancet medical journal that COVID-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, potentially leading to an increase in infections.

As GreatGameIndia reported, even Australia scrapped a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement after several trial participants tested HIV positive.

How Vaccines are creating Variants

Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake”. Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants,” Prof. Luc Montagnier continued.

The prominent virologist explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

Prof. Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

Prof. Montagnier explained that the trend is happening in “each country” where “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”

We observed the same in India as well. India saw nearly 750% increase in COVID-19 cases in less than a month. Was this spike logical? Did the mass vaccination drive in the metro cities cause the second COVID-19 wave in India? Or is there something else?

Results of a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practuce found that there is enough literature available to determine that COVID-19 vaccines increases the risk of more severe diseases and that recipients should be made aware of all the risks before being vaccinated.

The scientists concluded that vaccines may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and that the risks are kept secret in clinical trial protocols and consent forms.

The Nobel Laureate’s point is emphasized by information revealed in an open letter from a long list of medical doctors to the European Medicines Agency. The letter stated in part that “there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents.”

Prof. Luc Montagnier continued to say that he is doing his own experiments with those who become infected with the coronavirus after getting the vaccine. “I will show you that they are creating the variants that are resistant to the vaccine,” he said.

Prof. Luc Montagnier continued to say that he is doing his own experiments with those who become infected with the coronavirus after getting the vaccine. “I will show you that they are creating the variants that are resistant to the vaccine,” he said.

Watch the relevant translated part of the interview below.

23 Responses

  1. Anyone believes in what Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli says that Covid 19 had nothing to with the laboratory will this be the Biolab 4 in Wuhan?

    I believe there is another reason of how Covid 19 came into existence at Wuhan and that’s from 5G because nothing is being said about 5G being the Culprit and it’s the only explanation that makes sense.

  2. (READ) Proposed bill to defund the Wuhan Institute of Virology

    Dated: May 17, 2021 by Sharyl Attkisson 10 Comments

    Republican members of Congress have introduced “The Defund the Wuhan Institute of Virology Act.”

    It would permanently cut U.S. funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. A growing number of scientists have said they believe Covid-19 leaked from the lab.

    Despite confusion, misleading statements from some public health officials and politicians, and much misreporting, U.S. taxpayer funds have gone both directly and indirectly to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and/or its scientists in recent years.

    Read and watch my exclusive investigation on Covid-19 origins and US taxpayer funds for research with China.

    As we first exposed last April, the Wuhan lab received over $600,000 in taxpayer funds via the NIH for dangerous coronavirus experiments that many experts believe caused the pandemic. We also confirmed as recently as yesterday that the lab is still eligible to receive even more taxpayer funds from the NIH. WIV also received funding from DOD and USAID in the past. In February of this year, WCW and the Organic Consumers Association called on the White House to defund WIV.
    White Coat Waste Project and the Organic Consumers Association

    According to White Coast Waste Project, “The Defund the Wuhan Institute of Virology Act is being led by Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) (who sent this letter to NIH in Feb) and cosponsored by Reps. Brian Mast (R-FL), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), Diana Harshberger (R-TN), Bill Posey (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Robert Aderholt (R-AL), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Greg Steube (R-FL), Bob Gibbs (R-OH), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), and Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ).”

    Shipping tax dollars to the notorious CCP-run Wuhan animal lab where there’s no transparency and accountability about how our money is spent is a recipe for disaster. Taxpayers should not be forced to bankroll animal experiments to supercharge coronaviruses or any other reckless spending at this bio-agent lab and recent polls show that a majority of Democrat and Republican voters agree. We applaud Rep. Scott Perry and his colleagues for their outstanding efforts to protect taxpayers and public health by introducing legislation to permanently defund the Wuhan animal lab.
    Anthony Bellotti, president of taxpayer watchdog group White Coat Waste Project

    The possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic started with a laboratory acquired infection at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and could have happened during coronavirus ‘infection experiments’ funded by NIAID, is reason enough to cut off funding. The U.S. should have never funded gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens, and least of all at foreign institutions that lay outside of our regulatory control.
    Ronnie Cummins, international director of the Organic Consumers Association

    Actually US$3.7 Million was paid to Wuhan Bio-lab for experiments in China which could not be done in Western Countries because of Laws there, which don’t apply to China.

    The Coronavirus/Covid infecting the World today was also done there, according to a Chinese research scientist who fled to the West – I posted the blurb somewhere else, but not all of my posts make it to “print” and I can’t find it, at the moment again, but if I do, I will post it here.

    Probably too politically sensitive.


  3. You should remember that the Chinese China currency is completely separated from all other currencies and is used inside China only, so that all work done there, is cheaper than anything that can be made in Western Democracies – for example US$1 is probably enough to provide a person with income in China to live very comfortably on their own currency, for 1 week, so US$3.7 million plus US$60,000 = a long time in weeks, for research subjects to be explored in China, bearing in mind that the technology created in the Wuhan Bio-Lab, serves the interests of the Chinese China Communist party first and its American customers last.

    China has said that the next 3rd world war war will be a virus related one and they will overcome America easily.

    It is frustrating for me to find select pieces for publication, only to find that they don’t make it to print and because I rely on that happening, I don’t keep copies of those articles, after all, if they don’t make it to print, then they won’t ever make it to print, so why keep them?

    My specialty is mining random pieces of information, to fill in the overall picture and has been what kept me employed, prior to retirement, years ago, so it is fun, being able to do that, whenever I can.


  4. Correction US$600,000 not US$60,000 and still an additional US$3.7 Million that we know about.

  5. December 19, 2017

    NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research

    Image of Avian influenza
    Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses (seen in gold) grown in MDCK cells (seen in green).CDC/Cynthia Goldsmith
    Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. GOF research is important in helping us identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health. The funding pause was lifted in response to today’s release of the Department of Health and Human Services Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (link is external)(HHS P3CO Framework). The HHS P3CO Framework describes a multi-disciplinary review process, involving the funding agency and a Department-level review group, that considers the scientific merits and potential benefits of the research, as well as the potential to create, transfer, or use an enhanced potential pandemic pathogen. This framework formalizes robust oversight for federally funded research with enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential. It is the product of an extensive deliberative process undertaken by experts throughout the public and private sectors, and is aligned with the Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO)(link is external).

    We have a responsibility to ensure that research with infectious agents is conducted responsibly, and that we consider the potential biosafety and biosecurity risks associated with such research. I am confident that the thoughtful review process laid out by the HHS P3CO Framework will help to facilitate the safe, secure, and responsible conduct of this type of research in a manner that maximizes the benefits to public health.

    I would especially like to acknowledge the efforts of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine(link is external) for their thoughtful deliberations on the issues surrounding this important area of research. The work of these committees was instrumental in guiding the United States Government in its job of creating rigorous policy that allows vital research to move forward.

    Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
    Director, National Institutes of Health

    Related Links

    Statement on Funding Pause on Certain Types of Gain-of-Function Research

    Statement on the HHS framework to guide funding for avian (HPAI) H5N1 influenza research

    Me: See what I mean


  6. A scientific study has been published which has found the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, used in the Covid-19 vaccines causes major vascular damage inducing strokes, heart attacks, migraines, and blood clots among dozens of other dangerous adverse reactions that have already killed a minimum of over 1100 people in the UK and over 10,500 people across EU countries alone.

    The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published the bombshell scientific study revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein used in the Covid jabs is what’s actually causing vascular damage. Critically, all three of the experimental Covid vaccines currently under emergency use authorisation in the UK either inject patients with the spike protein or, via mRNA technology, instruct the patient’s own body to manufacture the spike protein and release them into the blood system.

    The Salk Institute study proves the assumption made by the vaccine industry, that the spike protein is inert and harmless, to be false and dangerously inaccurate.

    In an article entitled, “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness“, published on April 30th, 2021, the Salk Institute warns that, “Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.”

    From that article:

    Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins also play a key role in the disease itself.

    The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level.

    “A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

    The paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the mechanism through which the protein damages vascular cells for the first time.

    In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.

    The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.

    Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.

    “If you remove the replicating capabilities of the virus, it still has a major damaging effect on the vascular cells, simply by virtue of its ability to bind to this ACE2 receptor, the S protein receptor, now famous thanks to COVID,” Manor explains. “Further studies with mutant spike proteins will also provide new insight towards the infectivity and severity of mutant SARS CoV-2 viruses.”

    The research proves that the Covid vaccines are capable of inducing vascular disease and directly causing injuries and deaths stemming to blood clots and other vascular reactions. This is all caused by the spike protein that’s engineered into the vaccines.

    The Salk Institute article refers to this science paper published in Circulation Research: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.

    This paper is the first to document the mechanism by which spike proteins — even ones lacking an active viral component — cause vascular destruction by binding to ACE2 receptors and inhibiting the function of cellular mitochondria.

    From the paper:

    SARS-CoV-1 [Spike] protein promotes lung injury by decreasing the level of ACE2 in the infected lungs. In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.

    Also from the paper:

    We next studied the impact of S protein on mitochondrial function. Confocal images of ECs treated with S1 protein revealed increased mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating altered mitochondrial dynamics…

    Moreover, ACE2-L overexpression caused increased basal acidification rate, glucose-induced glycolysis, maximal glycolytic capacity, and glycolytic reserve (Figure [D], ii). Also, ECs incubated with S1 protein had attenuated mitochondrial function but increased glycolysis, when compared with control cells treated with IgG…

    …our data reveals that S protein alone can damage endothelium, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function and eNOS activity but increased glycolysis. It appears that S protein in ECs increases redox stress which may lead to AMPK deactivation, MDM2 upregulation, and ultimately ACE2 destabilization.

    The study then states that “vaccination-generated antibodies” may protect the body from the spike protein.

    However it is the very spike protein within the vaccine that causes damage to the vascular system. In other words, the human immune system is trying to protect the patient from potential damage caused by the vaccine, before the damage can be caused. Therefore any person who does not suffer a serious adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine only does so because their innate immune system is protecting them from the vaccine, not with the vaccine as authorities want you to believe. The vaccine is the weapon. Your immune system is your defense.

    Based on this research alone, all covid vaccines should be immediately pulled from the market and reevaluated for long-term side effects.


  7. 95% Efficiency What they did:
    They took 36,523 people and divided them into two groups. 18,198 got the injection and 18,325 didn’t.
    Then they looked at how many people had an increased cough or muscle pain or sore throat or diarrhea or some other generic symptom that can be caused by almost anything.
    Next, they used PCR tests to see how many of them supposedly had Covid. They found that 8 of them got the Experimental Injection and 162 did not. Based on these results they called their injection 95% effective.
    Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Fernando P. Polack, et al., N Engl J Med 2020; 383:2603-2615
    The Clinical Trial does discuss severe Covid. Here’s what it says:
    “Major secondary end points included the efficacy of BNT162b2 against severe Covid-19. Severe Covid-19 is defined by the FDA as confirmed Covid-19 with one of the following additional features: clinical signs at rest that are indicative of severe systemic illness; respiratory failure; evidence of shock; significant acute renal, hepatic, or neurologic dysfunction; admission to an intensive care unit; or death. Details are provided in the protocol. An explanation of the various denominator values for use in assessing the results of the trial is provided in Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix.”
    Interestingly, when the report discusses the injection and the placebo it states:
    “No deaths were considered by the investigators to be related to the vaccine or placebo. No Covid-19–associated deaths were observed.”
    So how can they say the vaccine will stop you from dying from Covid if “No Covid-19–associated deaths were observed” in either the placebo or injection groups?
    But, putting that aside, what about the other severe side-effects? Here’s what appears in the Supplementary Appendix:
    So according to Pfizer’s data, out of 21,669 people who got the experimental injection 2 people had severe Covid and out of 21,686 people who got the placebo, 18 had severe Covid.
    Sound impressive. Let’s put that into simple statistics:
    The percentage of people who got the placebo and did not get severe Covid was 99.916997%
    The percentage of people who got the experimental injection and did not get severe Covid was 99.99077%
    Do these results prove that the injection is effective against stopping severe Covid symptoms? Is this statistically valid?

    Moderna Vaccine did not prove true clinical efficacy
    According to the FDA, they don’t know if the Moderna injection will protect people for more than 2 months.
    “[I]t is not possible to assess sustained efficacy over a period longer than 2 months.”
    The primary efficacy endpoints were similar to Pfizer such as things like sore throat or headache.
    For the primary efficacy endpoint, the case definition for a confirmed COVID-19 case was defined as:
    At least TWO of the following systemic symptoms: Fever (≥38ºC), chills, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new olfactory and taste disorder(s), or
    At least ONE of the following respiratory signs/ symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, OR clinical or radiographical evidence of pneumonia; and
    NP swab, nasal swab, or saliva sample (or respiratory sample, if hospitalized) positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR.
    If you already tested positive for Covid, they don’t know if the Moderna shot will provide any benefit because they didn’t test for this.
    “Thus, the study was not designed to assess the benefit in individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
    They don’t know if the Moderna injection will stop people from dying from Covid.
    “A larger number of individuals at high risk of COVID-19 and higher attack rates would be needed to confirm efficacy of the vaccine against mortality.”
    They only have limited data to see whether the Moderna injection stops the virus from being transmitted from person to person.
    “Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination.”
    There is no data to determine if the injection is safe for a large percentage of the population.
    “There are currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.”
    They don’t know if getting the injection will make getting the disease even worse.
    “However, risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown…”
    Source for all the above statements:
    Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting December 17, 2020 FDA Briefing Document Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

  8. An experimental physicist and bio-materials researcher examined various PCR test swabs under a microscope and found that the fibres they contain are as dangerous for human beings as inhaling asbestos.
    Professor Antonietta Gatti examined various PCR test swabs and analysed their ingredients. The results showed that they are made of tough materials and contain a large number of nano-particles including silver, aluminum, titanium, and glass fibres. All of which are not declared on the PCR test package insert.
    According to the Professor if these fibres get stuck in the mucous membranes they can cause severe wounds and inflammation. Mucous membranes that are no longer intact can no longer fulfill their role of fending off viruses, bacteria and fungi before they reach the airways. The germs penetrate the respiratory tract without any immune filter. This isn’t good news for those who have been compliant with the authorities rules since the start of the alleged pandemic and take part in regular testing and mask wearing. This is because face coverings are the ideal breeding ground for all types of germs.
    In the laboratory, Professor Gatti used electron microscopy (ESEM and EDS) to analyse various types of swabs, which are used to collect human organic material for PCR diagnostics, in order to check the morphology and chemical composition.
    With a “cotton wool” stick made by Biocomma in Shenzhen, China, it was not possible for Prof. Gatti to determine whether it was made of carbon or cotton. The dirt in the product consisted of calcium corbonate, stainless steel and silicates.

    A brush-like test stick from Manta, China, showed a large number of broken fibers. Carbon, oxygen, silicon, zirconium, sulfur, aluminum, titanium and sodium were found to be components of the sample.
    Another swab from Biocomma appeared to be made of fiberglass, or at least to have a fiberglass coating. Components were carbon, oxygen, aluminum, silicon and titanium. It could not be ruled out that an additional coating was made of organic materials.
    The tip of the applicator of another test stick – FLOQSwabs – was coated with short nylon fibers arranged vertically.
    Prof. Gatti said – “The company explains that the fiber core is made of nylon with a coating of a patented material, which in the analysis, turns out to be silicate-zirconium-titanium. This coating makes the fiber harder so that it is able to tear the mucous membrane. There is a chance that the pressure applied during the smear manoeuvers could break some fibres that remain in situ. When this happens, they can cause a foreign body reaction that can damage the mucous membrane in such a way that breathing and speech are impeded.”
    Neck of the PCR Test Swab
    According to the analysis by Professor Gatti, the small white dots on the picture of the swab neck are silver nanoparticles – “Silver is a material that is not declared in the manufacturer’s data sheet.”
    Prof. Gatti comes to the following conclusions –
    “The “porcupine” swabs are made from tough fibers. If they scrape on the nasal mucosa, they can damage it, causing a bleeding lesion or, in any case, trauma to the tissue.
    “During the healing process of the mucous membrane, the broken fibers can penetrate the tissue without an opportunity to remove them, causing the formation of a granuloma or fibrotic tissue, as happens with any foreign body.
    The medical devices examined are not completely biocompatible and therefore do not meet the requirements of ISO standard 10993 and the tests required to obtain the CE mark.
    The summary of the professors findings were as follows –
    Swabs are dangerous for the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The glassy fibers, hard and brittle, can scratch the mucous membrane and create lesions. The bleeding is an indication of the invasiveness of the test.
    Repeated swab testing can produce chronic lesions. The release of fragments of the brittle glassy fibers can cause biological reactions such as granulomas and / or fibrosis of the tissue.
    These smears pose a risk to the health of infants and children. If the tests are necessary, small and mild smears must be carried out in children.

  9. Coronavirus and viruses cure:
    1 heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water, (can be cold) cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole lot up, spitting anything which comes down into your mouth – no reaction fine, blow out your nose, flush away, washing your hands afterwards, you don’t have a virus .
    A reaction, you have a virus – retain the salt water in your head for as long as the soreness lasts (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose, flush away, washing hands afterwards and do this treatment 3 times a day, morning, noon, night, or more often, until the soreness goes away, when you have killed off the virus in your head and you won’t get the disease it will become, as I have done these past 26 years and to this, I add those virus related diseases which remain unknown to us, but are delivered by a virus, as in (unspecified) air pollution. Simple.
    Me, 9,490 days never ill, salt water cure vs vaccines 160 days and horrid side effects, some low blood count platelet disorders, blood clots and death, it is a test vaccine and the makers cannot be held accountable for whatever it does, in the short, or longer term – you are human laboratory white mice, all said and done. Vaccinated. Too late!!
    Try it, if you are satisfied with the results, pass the cure along, if results are not excellent, there are still the untested, trial vaccines to fall back on.
    I never have Flu shots, or this vaccine either. No point doing the above salt water cure and then having vaccine shots too – like Duh!!
    About 26 years ago, I read the report from a posh Research Center in America, where the author suggested, in his research paper, that his experiments with Salt Water cured flu type colds and he in turn referred to the Swedish or Norwegian Army (I think), who had barrels filled with Salt Water, attached to a hose, out of the bottom, which soldiers used to flush out their heads, when they thought they were getting a cold – and their troops never got colds.
    I have been doing it ever since and neither do I, from any virus related “thing”.
    There are weak salt water spray preparations you can buy from your local chemist, to clear your head. To my way of thinking, (as above) you need a stronger salt water solution to wash out your inner head and no spray is ever going to be enough to do that, which is proof of safety concerns, regarding salt, as above.
    If you are allergic to salt – don’t do as I suggest!!

  10. Is bat woman dead yet? She swore on her life it didnt come out of wuhan lab…..Shi lied.

  11. At days end, you have to make a choice – Are you going to have the test vaccine or not
    My free, salt water cure for the Coronavirus, before it is allowed to become Covid in the body, provides you with an alternative, where one did not exist before.
    Someone is going to knock on your door, or approach you on the street, or at work and ask you to take the test vaccine, then and there under Biden’s new policy.
    So really it comes down to either Yes or No, remembering that having a vaccine is with informed consent, otherwise it is in breach of The Geneva Convention and the people doing it can be executed.


  12. This “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE) and new variant is BULLSHIT. And this nobel prize virologist is another CRIMINAL. The virus has never been isolated so how can they say that there is a new variant? The simple explanation is that the vaccines are causing those symptoms, due to the injected spike proteins or due to the many toxic substances. They blame it on invisible viruses like they did with AIDS and many other man-made pandemics. Don’t let them put anything inside your body, EVER.

  13. in this times of government crooks + bullshiters everybody has to learn to
    behave as lonely wolf defending his family + belongings. you have to be
    armed with anything you get + hidden . this is no legal war + wars never
    were legal ! lern from criminal african americans ! so you have to live as
    a white man. no more in the stupid government believing way as decent
    people . you have to be a crook like the governments ! LEARN IT !

  14. I believe your argument is flawed there are many who have taken Vaccines in the past due to 10 to 15 years clinical trials including animal trials and at least Serious Adverse Reactions and Deaths are very low. With Covid 19 Experimental Gene Therapy Injections there is room for concern even VAERS has more deaths from these shots than the past 20 to 30 years and that’s from less than 1% reported. This is why the Covid 19 Experimental Gene Therapy hesitancy is getting bigger even though the Narrative is Vaccine hesitancy.

  15. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Biology can explain how variants occur. Viruses produce millions of other viruses and there are always viruses that have a natural immunity to any particular drug humans create. While the original drug kills off millions of viruses those that have the natural immunity live on and reproduce creating the variant. Even if a drug is created to kill off the variant there are others that are naturally immune to the new drug. That’s nature. That’s evolution. That’s survival of the fittest.

  16. Too much deception for a virus that has never been truly isolated (purified, not cultured), properly sequenced (analyzed, not a computer fabrication), or proven contagious. And yet we now have “variants” of this “cartoon virus”. Please.

  17. Totally missing the point: You’re confusing real, traditional “vaccines” with the novel mRNA biologics, which in a semantic sleight of hand, are being called “vaccines” by Big Pharma, the media and politicians. These experimental mRNA biologics are what Dr. Montagnier is referring to.

  18. @roger what are you? A virologist? You are part of propaganda globalist groups like MSM.

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