For the first time in human history, the gene regulatory program of healthy individuals has been extensively manipulated.

COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never Made With mRNA

Contrary to prior information, RNA-based COVID-19 injections were produced using modified RNA, not messenger RNA (mRNA).

Modified RNA (modRNA) carries significant health risks.

These risks not only pertain to current COVID-19 injections and boosters but, unless we take action now, also to all future RNA-based vaccines.

mRNA and modRNA Are Distinct

mRNA is naturally occurring, residing in our cells for a short period and being relatively delicate. It represents a specific RNA type responsible for conveying instructions or “messages” from our genes, aiding in the production of proteins—the fundamental components of our cells. It is continually generated as a part of normal cellular processes, completing its function once the messages are delivered and eventually broken down in the body.

When RNA from an external source enters our cells (such as viral RNA), these cells can synthesize viral proteins.

Although we were informed that COVID-19 injections contain mRNA, a vaccine relying on “natural” mRNA would not endure long enough to trigger an immune response before being eliminated by our immune system.

To make mRNA viable for regular medical use, scientists had to artificially modify it to enhance both its efficiency and lifespan, resulting in modRNA.

modRNA has been engineered for extended viability and maximum translation. While mRNA displays a cell-specific expression pattern, modRNA can infiltrate nearly all cell types.

What brought us here?

The announcement of the discovery of mRNA in 1961 was a moment of great scientific excitement. Prior to this landmark, there had been earlier observations of this short-lived yet vital RNA intermediary, all contributing to the comprehension of how genes create mRNA and its role in protein production.

In essence, mRNA conveys genetic instructions from the cell’s DNA to ribosomes, enabling the assembly of specific proteins based on these instructions.

Shortly after the discovery, scientists delved into experiments on how to utilize mRNA to facilitate the body’s healing process. In 1990, they injected natural (unmodified) mRNA into a mouse’s skeletal muscle, resulting in the production of a protein that the mouse would not naturally produce.

However, it soon became evident that transferring natural mRNA was inefficient. While it worked in principle, it degraded rapidly and proved ineffective for therapeutic purposes.

This realization prompted the exploration of synthetic or artificially modified mRNA. Originally, this research aimed to reprogram and eliminate cancer cells—the sole focus of modRNA before the COVID-19 pandemic.


How is RNA modified? To put it simply, one of the four compounds in RNA undergoes modification (e.g., natural nucleoside uridine is modified to create synthetic/artificial methyl-pseudouridine). The resulting modRNA possesses the following characteristics:

ModRNA is synthesized in a laboratory.

However, the therapeutic application of modRNA in humans brings forth challenges and risks.

Notably, modRNA contains a viral gene sequence. Once it enters a cell, modRNA commandeers the cell machinery and reprograms it to generate a viral protein, such as the spike protein.

Perhaps most astonishingly, during the development of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, scientists were already aware that targeted delivery of modRNA was unfeasible. ModRNA cannot be selectively delivered to specific cells. As a result, it attacks perfectly healthy cells, breaching natural barriers like the blood-brain barrier.

The continuous production of an artificial viral protein depletes the cell’s energy, disrupts its metabolism, and impairs the cell’s ability to fulfill its vital functions for the entire organism.

To exacerbate matters, the immune system subsequently destroys those cells producing virus proteins.

Despite these significant drawbacks, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna proceeded with large-scale production of COVID-19 “vaccines” utilizing modRNA.

Natural Infection vs. modRNA Injection: How Does the Body React?

The spike protein is widely recognized as harmful to our body.

In the case of a natural infection, our immune system shields our body cells from the virus by producing specific antibodies, which may also provide cross-immunity against virus variants.

However, with the modRNA injection, our immune system cannot prevent the lipid nanoparticles from delivering modRNA into all cells, not just those with the appropriate receptor for virus binding, as seen in natural infections.

Distinguishing the Virus from the Vaccine

Some have claimed that the body’s response to the modRNA vaccine mirrors its response to the actual virus, but this is incorrect.

Let us examine the natural virus and how our body responds to it:

Our immune system’s role is to eliminate virus-infected cells, preventing viral replication and the infection of new cells. After the battle is won (typically within a few days), our immune system ceases the process.

Now, let’s explore the body’s response to the modRNA injection (“the vaccine”):

Poor Safety Profile of modRNA

Early preclinical studies sparked optimism regarding the benefits of RNA-based injections. However, when tested on humans, the ability to induce an immune response proved less effective than expected based on animal experiments.

A Nature review from 2018 (read below) highlighted that “recent human trials have demonstrated moderate and, in rare cases, severe injection site or systemic reactions for different mRNA platforms.”

As a result, attention shifted to modRNA.

Injected modRNA can lead to thrombosis, potentially resulting in stroke, myocardial infarction, or pulmonary embolism, and can also contribute to the formation of blood clots within blood vessels.

Analyzing open-access databases from various countries, including the United States, Europe, and the UK, reveals that these risks have materialized as real-life side effects in individuals who received COVID-19 injections.

Confidential Report on COVID-19-Related Fatalities

In June 2023, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, previously confidential reports by BioNTech to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) were released, making some of these adverse effects public. The reports encompassed data collected over a six-month period from December 2021 to June 2022, as well as cumulative data since December 2020 (pdf).

The data disclosed 3,280 fatalities within a group of 508,351 individuals who received the vaccine during a combined period that included clinical trials and post-marketing. These deaths, along with tens of thousands of serious adverse events, occurred when vaccine manufacturers asserted that modRNA-based injections were safe.

COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never Made With mRNA

The notion of programming any cell in our body to continually produce a large quantity of a viral protein is illogical and goes against the principles of natural viral infections, leading to an excessive activation of the immune system.

Mandating gene-based modRNA injections, marketed as vaccines, for perfectly healthy individuals is both unethical and hazardous.

Read the document below:


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