Vaccine mandates supported by Joe Biden’s administration and imposed by employers, hospitals, and other institutions are linked to an increase in deaths. Additionally, data shows that most COVID deaths occurred after the rollout of vaccines.

Data Shows Most COVID Deaths Occurred After The Rollout Of Vaccines 1

After the Covid vaccinations, heralded as miracles, were rolled out in 2021, more than 61,000 Millennials and record numbers of Gen-Xers died, creating a historic trail of mortality in the fourth quarter of the year.

Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd informed Breitbart’s Steve Bannon in an edition of his War Room in March that the Millennial generation, aged 25 to 40, suffered a shocking 84 percent spike in excess mortality in the fall of 2021. It was the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” according to Dowd.

Data Shows Most COVID Deaths Occurred After The Rollout Of Vaccines 2

Such deaths, that were more than the total number of deaths during the Vietnam War in a single year, coincided with increases in vaccine and booster doses that were imposed in August 2021.


Dowd said the figures, which he gathered from CDC data for analysis, also demonstrated that Gen-Xers (those between the ages of 40 and 55) performed no better, resulting to what he dubbed a “democide,” or the government-sanctioned slaughter of large segments of the population.

Most ‘pandemic’ deaths in 2021 

According to a newly released working paper from a Johns Hopkins University professor of Applied Economics, the apex of lives lost during the past two years of urgent pandemic health policies transpired in January 2021, nearly doubling the magnitude of the supposedly serious “first wave” peak of deaths in April 2020. Professor Genevieve Briand’s research examines monthly death statistics from the United States from 1999 through 2021.

In September 2021, a second unanticipated wave of deaths occurred, this time predominantly among younger adults, coinciding with the introduction of mandatory vaccination by employers and institutions all across United States.

Data Shows Most COVID Deaths Occurred After The Rollout Of Vaccines 3

“The fact that the April 2020 peak is lower than the January 2021 one, by a larger magnitude than the January 2018 peak is compared to it, and the fact that the September 2021 peak is nearly as high as the April 2020 peak, give further ground that the so feared April 2020 peak was not as alarming as led to believe,” states Briand.

Her research cites a drop in fatalities from respiratory disorders, excluding COVID-19, for people aged 85 and up during the pandemic, to a level not seen since 2009. In fact, during the top of the April 2020 “first wave,” respiratory mortality from influenza and pneumonia in the most vulnerable elderly groups were thousands lower than at the peak of influenza deaths in previous years, including 2018, 2015, and 2013.

Data Shows Most COVID Deaths Occurred After The Rollout Of Vaccines 4

Respiratory illnesses, which have accounted for 8.8 percent to 9.3 percent of all deaths since 1999, declined to 7.4 percent in 2020 and 6.6 percent in 2021.

“COVID-19 deaths numbers were overstated,” Briand said, adding that “all of these deaths would have found a home in other cause of death categories” if a new diagnostic COVID-19 group had not been formed. The disappearance of respiratory disease death figures is the most visible example of “re-categorization” of mortality.

Deaths from other causes fell 

Deaths from three other top causes of mortality – heart disease, cancer, and cerebrovascular disorders – also disappeared during the pandemic, with each group reaching new lows, implying that it was the labeling of cause of death that changed, rather than the fact that thousands of people died from circulatory disease and cancer.

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The statistical image for heart disease in the fragile old seemed as if the regular peaks of death had been snipped off in 2020 and 2021; it was “as if the mountains’ tips were cut off,” writes Briand. Again, this statistical anomaly shows that people did not cease dying of heart disease in record amounts, but rather that their deaths were classified as COVID-19 fatalities.

Data Shows Most COVID Deaths Occurred After The Rollout Of Vaccines 6

While adults died in record numbers in January 2021, the elderly accounted for the majority of deaths, which began in December 2020, concurrently with or shortly after the deployment of vaccinations, mainly to the elderly and healthcare personnel.

Meanwhile, younger individuals perished in historic numbers, with the 45-54, 35-44, and 25-34 age groups peaking in September 2021. Deaths among those aged 65-74 and 55-64 in September 2021 also were higher than in April 2020, when September surges in deaths among the young were “unheard of” before COVID, according to Briand.

Excess deaths from vaccines 

Vaccine mandates supported by Joe Biden’s administration and imposed by employers, hospitals, and other institutions are linked to an increase in deaths. In September, the CDC reported that individuals aged 65 to 74 perished in larger numbers than those aged 75 and older, and that those aged 45 to 54 died at rates comparable to those aged 85 and older from COVID-19.

“This has never happened before for deaths due to respiratory diseases, from 1999 to 2019,” Briand said and is “consistent with the vaccine deaths hypothesis.”

More data, particularly from groups like members of the Armed Forces who were compelled to vaccinate, would corroborate the evidence. Briand feels that hospital statistics would also reveal a significant portion of the story. “If these vaccines can lead to death, then they can certainly lead to conditions requiring hospitalization,” she said.

“This hypothesis could thus also be further tested by looking at hospitalization data related to such documented conditions.”

2 Responses

  1. This medication should have been recalled as soon as there were 50 deaths from it. Curse all of those who continued push it.

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