According to Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientific officer for allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, lockdowns, mask requirements, and vaccination requirements are all steps taken to keep individuals under control and advance toward the ultimate goal of digital ID and digital currency. The global-scale COVID-19 fraud is designed to control people, says the former Pfizer VP.

Global-Scale COVID-19 Fraud Is Designed To Control People Former Pfizer VP

In a recent interview, Yeadon stated, “in brief, I’m seeing fraud on a global scale, of which the drug companies are just part.”

“There is a huge push globally to persuade people that there is a health threat in order to get them to comply with various economy-destroying measures, and then follow them up with these injections. And I believe this is all ultimately to do with control.”

Yeadon wrote a piece titled “The Covid Lies” (read below) and it was published in April. The research debunked a dozen widely held beliefs about COVID-19, including the claims that lockdowns would slow the transmission and lower the number of cases and fatalities, that universal vaccination would put an end to the pandemic, and that the new vaccinations would be both safe and effective.

“I knew it was wrong the moment I heard that they were developing a vaccine. We have never even sought to suppress or end a pandemic through running alongside creating a novel vaccine and then intervening with it,” said Yeadon. “Why? Because—this is really important—the elapsed time taken to get an adequate amount of safety data is always longer than the feasible length of any pandemic in history.”

“And if you take less time, it means you do not have an appropriate amount of safety data.”

Vaccines undergo three stages of clinical trials, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Intervention (CDC), to ensure their efficacy and safety. “During the development of COVID-19 vaccines, these phases overlapped to speed up the process so the vaccines could be used as quickly as possible to control the pandemic. No trial phases have been skipped,” said CDC.

“The clinical trials showed no serious safety concerns within eight weeks following vaccination. This is an important milestone, as it is unusual for adverse effects caused by vaccines to appear after this amount of time,” added CDC.

Yeadon argued that only two months’ worth of institutional safety data should not be used by the government to force people to undergo vaccinations. “What’s the safety profile six months after you’ve taken it? No one can tell you.”

“I’ve been in drug discovery, drug development for 34 years now. Safety is the most important thing, even more important than effectiveness. Why? Because you’re going to give it to lots of people. So if you’re not really, really sure about the safety, you can easily hurt more people than you could possibly save. That would be doubly so when using a new type of technology,” said Yeadon.

Yeadon had spent 17 years working for Pfizer. In 2011, he left Pfizer to co-found the biotech business Ziarco, which Novartis later bought.

“They said, ‘No. We didn’t cut any corners. We did things in parallel,’” said Yeadon. “No, they didn’t do lots of studies, and they’re missing from the regulatory submission. What that means, I’m afraid, is that the regulators are guilty of fraud.”

“[That] they were not required by the regulator to measure the appearance and disappearance in the blood of these gene-based materials is stunning. Why does that matter so much? It means I’ve no idea whether the amounts going around your body or my body after injection is a tiny amount, medium amount, or a lot. No idea. And they did not measure how long the gene-based material worked to produce the spike protein. Did it last an hour? A week? Forever? They didn’t study it. So we don’t know.”

Federal health agencies have come under heavy fire for their backtracking on a number of COVID-19 provisions and their refusal to make full vaccine information public. The COVID-19 vaccine data from Pfizer were requested by the FDA 55 years ago. The CDC withheld crucial COVID-19 data on boosters, hospitalizations, and other analysis, according to a February New York Times investigation.

“None of the vaccines have had clinical trials done versus placebo with that composite endpoint,” McCullough recently said. “What’s happened over time is a false narrative that’s developed from observational data.”

Encoding Spike Protein Violates Vaccine Design Principle

The revelation that the four top COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca—all picked spike proteins to induce the immune response alarmed Yeadon. He highlighted why this is contrary to vaccine design standards.

To begin, vaccine manufacturers should select a non-harmful portion of an organism.

“We knew before they chose it that the sticking out spike bit on the outside of these viruses is of a family of superficial proteins that are known to be biologically active, to have neurological effects, to have thromboembolic or blood clot effects, and more,” said Yeadon. “So I knew that as soon as I did a little bit of basic research … there was going to be significant safety problems.”

Second, vaccine designers should select “a part of the organism that is genetically most stable.”

“Well, they pick the bit that apparently mutates most quickly. So I knew that meant that as soon as the standard genetic drift occurred, the vaccines will stop working.”

He suggested that vaccine researchers choose a section of an organism that is the most dissimilar to humans, “so that when you elicit an immune response to that, it won’t overlap and hit you.

“But unfortunately, the spike protein, although not very similar, is least dissimilar from human proteins. There are dozens of human proteins that are slightly similar. And I think that makes autoimmune responses very likely.”

Autoimmune illness occurs when the body’s natural defense mechanism is unable to distinguish between its own and foreign cells, prompting the body to attack healthy cells. It has been reported that the COVID-19 vaccination causes autoimmunity.

According to the CDC, messenger RNA (mRNA) and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines generate spike proteins in the body to stimulate the immune response. The CDC, on the other hand, contends that COVID-19 vaccinations are both safe and efficacious.

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations employ mRNA technology. In comparison, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca utilize a human or chimp adenovirus as the viral vector and encode for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

Knowing his previous broad colleagues were not dumb, Yeadon was perplexed as to why they chose “the worst thing you could.”

“I can’t make that benign. I have tried the hardest I try. I can’t make this a well-intentioned mistake.”

According to Yeadon, the four top vaccine makers selected to encode the same spike protein in their gene-based vaccinations, indicating “collusion and malfeasance.” Many of his contemporaries and retired colleagues in his profession informed Yeadon that they would not choose this substandard option, and that the designers might “loop together.”

Yeadon spoke up early, but his life was turned upside down within a week.

Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg co-signed a petition to the European Medicine Agency on December 1, 2020, requesting that all COVID-19 vaccination research be halted due to safety concerns. This was before the European Commission gave its first emergency use permission for a COVID vaccine. Wodarg served as the previous chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s health committee.

“Within a week, mild-mannered Mike Yeadon who’s never said a thing in public about anything in my whole life apart from in my professional sphere, was suddenly tarred and feathered as an anti-vaxxer,” said Yeadon.

“Why am I doing this? It’s not for money. It’s not for fame. It’s because what I’m telling you is true. That’s the only reason. And I’m doing it for my children and grandchildren,” said Yeadon. He continued, noting that in addition to losing a “fat six-figure sum,” he had also suffered harassment, slander, censorship, and exclusion from his former social group.

‘This is All Ultimately to Do With Control’

According to Yeadon, advocating for mandatory vaccination as well as many other counterpandemic tactics are “not to do with public health, but control.”

“The only people you might want to protect would be the very elderly people and those who are already chronically unwell,” said Yeadon. “Why would you want to vaccinate the other 90 percent? You’re wasting money. You’re exposing the population to unnecessary risk. And we’ve never done it before.”

Yeadon referred to three categories of individuals who should not be pressured to get immunized as “three bits of evidence that I don’t think anyone can rebut,” including people who have recovered from the virus, pregnant women, and healthy young kids.

Yeadon noted that COVID-19 survivors have stronger immunity because their bodies were able to deal with the entire virus, not just the spike protein. Because the growing baby is extremely fragile and no long-term reproductive toxicity testing has been done, pregnant women should not receive the immunizations. Additionally, the virus poses a very minimal threat to young children.

All eligible individuals, including those who have already contracted the disease, pregnant women, and children aged five and older, are advised by the CDC to get vaccinated and receive booster injections when the time comes.

The Biden administration published an operational plan for COVID-19 immunizations for children under the age of five on June 9, stating that the FDA and CDC would review whether to allow and prescribe the first COVID-19 vaccines for this age category the next week.

If the FDA and CDC approve and recommend COVID-19 vaccines for this age range, the first immunizations might begin as early as June 20.

On June 15, an FDA advisory panel voted to recommend that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines be given emergency permission for children as young as 6 months old.

“I think the end game is mandatory digital ID—actual reward for being vaccinated, you get a vaccination pass,” said Yeadon. “And then the other half would be mandatory cashless, digital money, central bank digital currencies. And lo and behold, those two things seem to be happening everywhere, and they’re coalescing.”

The European Commission suggested in June 2021 that every citizen receive a set of digital identity credentials. By September 2023, every member state must provide individuals with a digital ID wallet that may be used within the EU.

Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner for Digitisation, Dorothee Baer, shows an ID wallet on the screen of a mobile phone at the reception of the Steigenberger Hotel in Berlin, Germany, on May 17, 2021. (Filip Singer-Pool/Getty Images)

Asserting that “we must support technological advances that promote responsible development and use of digital assets,” President Joe Biden issued an executive order on March 9 to advance the development of digital assets.

Yeadon warned that since you can not erase it, whoever controls the database will have total power over your life forever.

“I plead to people, even if you buy what the government’s been telling you, please be aware and resist, object to the digital control grid,” said Yeadon. “Because I don’t see any way of undoing it. Once it’s done … it will not be possible to remove it.”

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