For those of you who just woke up to the news of global chaos due to variant B.1.1.529, which has now been assigned the name Omicron today skipping the letter Nu, here’s a condensed form of what has been revealed so far:

Here's What We Know About The COVID Omicron Variant


Is it more deadly?

Testing and Detectability

How widespread is it



New Vaccine Would be Available in 100 days

Impact of efficacy of existing drugs antibodies is unknown

What’s next?

10 Responses

  1. Obviously it is just another deployment of a new Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon to kill us faster, since the existing “vaccines” are not accomplishing depopulation quick enough. I venture to say that whatever death shot they come up with in short order to “protect us against the [manufactured] Omicron Variant” will kill everyone much faster. The solution to the problem is to rise up and bring some good old fashioned street justice to the global genocidal maniacs who are working 24/7 to come up with more effective ways to murder us more quickly. Perhaps when they get to the Zyklon-B Variant people will wake up and say “enough is enough.”

  2. A way to scare people into a booster shot. Pure lies… How do they really know they have a variant? The PCR test is simply “Positive or Negative.”

  3. Bob — ANd the PCR test doesn’t even do THAT accurately either, has been deemed defective and is to be discontinued as of Dec 31 2021. I wonder, if they figured out the PCR test was bogus in June/July, … why the hell would they continue to rely on it another 6 months, ??? Hmmmm Oh, … gotta keep the case numbers up somehow and if they just stopped using PCR then no more uninfected could test positive and covid goes away ?? Can’t have THAT !!

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  5. OMICRON is nothing more than an anagram for MORONIC. Rearrange the letters. I am sure Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are having a good laugh at our expense over this.

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