In a recent interview, a nurse working with North Carolina Physicians for Freedom named Staci Kay described the brutal COVID-19 treatment protocols that are being practiced.

Nurses Describe Brutal COVID-19 Treatment Protocols 1

Nurses who saw patients die as a result of “brutal” COVID-19 hospital treatment regimens present a bleak picture of what goes on in state- and federally financed healthcare facilities.

Staci Kay, a nurse practitioner with North Carolina Physicians for Freedom who left the hospital system to launch her own early care private practice, described them as “horrific” and “all in lockstep.” “They will not consider protocols outside of what’s given to them by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the NIH (National Institute of Health). And nobody is asking why.”

Kay claimed that hospital staff were ignoring plainly problematic treatments, such as remdesivir, and protocols, like keeping the patient isolated, only to follow the federal canon. This is fueled by cognitive dissonance among a variety of red signs, Kay claimed.

“I’ve seen people die with their family watching via iPad on Facetime,” Kay said. “It was brutal.”

Despite having witnessed tragedy as a former intensive care nurse, Kay claimed that the way COVID patients were treated “had me waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat with chest pains.”

Kay admitted, “I hated my job.” I hated going to work. I was stressed in a way I’ve never been before in my entire life.”

She claimed that keeping families apart was particularly challenging because family members couldn’t come to say goodbye.

‘We Can Do Better’

When Kay was looking for other possibilities, she came across an inpatient protocol created by Dr. Paul Marik, a founding member of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, that claimed to have a 94 percent success rate and was meant for inpatient usage.

Although the doctor stated that the hospital had a 66 percent survival rate at the time, Kay was fired after pitching the idea to the chief of the pulmonary critical care unit.

“I told him, ‘I feel like we can do better,’ but I was very quickly shut down,” Kay said. “I became very angry because I’m watching people die and I knew we could have been doing better.”

It was as if formerly smart folks had undergone brainwashing and become “just dumb,” according to Kay, without the mental capacity to distinguish between truth and false.

In order to prevent patients from being sent into the hospital system, Kay started treating them in an outpatient setting. She now works full-time in this capacity after being fired for refusing to comply to what she deemed to be absurd testing requirements for those who weren’t vaccinated.

Kay reported seeing numerous instances of COVID-19 vaccination injuries at her telemedicine practice.

“I saw things on the inpatient side, too, that I suspected were vaccine injuries that went unacknowledged by our physicians,” Kay said. “I saw brain bleeds, seizures out of nowhere, cancer that just spread like wildfire, ischemic strokes, and I saw one person die horrifically from myocarditis.”

She said that on the outpatient side, she has witnessed COVID-19-related disorders such brain fog, cognitive decline, joint pain, gastrointestinal problems, and neuropathy, which causes numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, and other extremities.

Boycotting the System

A nurse in Washington state who preferred to remain anonymous has accepted salmon, eggs, and honey as payment and agrees with Kay’s more conventional outlook on the future of healthcare.

People “need to boycott their health insurance,” she said.

“I think people who don’t need surgery to save their life should not go to the hospital,” the nurse said. “I think people need to find doctors who are private pay and pay for only what they need to be done.”

She emphasized that the federal government must be taken out of the discussion surrounding health care.

“I especially don’t think any children should be going to these practitioners who are accepting state funding or Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements,” the nurse said

The nurse asked for anonymity because, in addition to not being vaccinated, she claimed that in Oregon and Washington, it is now possible for the general public to file anonymous complaints, “devoid of evidence,” against medical professionals who advocate treatments that differ from accepted protocols.

The nurse formed her own private care company and provides monoclonal antibodies, L-lysine and vitamin C infusions, infrared red light therapy, and nebulizer machines as treatments as necessary and when suggested after she was fired for failing to follow the vaccine mandate.

‘Widespread Data Suppression’

She carried out the early interventions through her recently established firm that she claimed hospitals ought to carry out “but refuse to do because they say there’s no evidence for it.”

The nurse collaborates with a growing group of doctors and service providers who, according to the nurse, operate as a “total parallel society” that coexists in secret with the “crooked” healthcare system.

The nurse claimed that following the widespread vaccination campaign in her neighborhood, she observed an increase in strokes and embolization procedures as a consequence of doctors’ “widespread data suppression,” such as failing to report to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System what she perceived to be vaccine-related injuries and deaths and misreporting non-COVID deaths as COVID-related.

The hospital system was redesignating individuals who had only had one vaccination as unvaccinated even before the CDC changed its definition of the term, she claimed.

“The worst part of it was when the pulmonologists decided that unvaccinated patients would get seven days on the ventilator, then they would tell the families that nothing more could be done,” she said. “They would then terminally extubate these patients even when more could have been done.”

The nurse claimed to have seen this firsthand with a 33-year-old mother of 2 children.

The nurse stated, “She had been on ivermectin at home and was viewed as an anti-vax conspiracy theorist.”

The nurse claimed that she had a 12-hour argument with hospital administrators before the woman was terminally extubated and her status was moved to “comfort care.”

She stated she had urged the pulmonologist to take additional tests into consideration.

“It had been over a week since the last D-dimer, and this would have indicated whether fibrin in the bloodstream was increasing or decreasing,” the nurse explained. “The usual process with a known pulmonary embolism was to check every three days. There were more anticoagulant drugs and routes of administration that could have been utilized. Intravenous heparin is reversible. If they were willing to withdraw life support, why were they not willing to try something that could clear a circulatory impairment?”

In the end, she claimed, the hospital won.

“The mother died gasping for air while my hand was on her back,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it. I went to my manager and asked for an audit to be done on our coagulation times and pulmonary embolism treatment protocols. That got me booted from the ICU until I was fired.”

The nurse claimed that she saw officials continually promoting the vaccine’s safety, even though the rising number of vaccine injuries didn’t support these claims.

Though some employees saw the truth but chose to remain in their positions despite it, she found that many of them displayed “mind-blowing cognitive dissonance,” exactly as Kay had stated.

“They received the vaccines themselves, and if they were to ever confront the possibility that they willingly became the hands of a truly evil agenda, I don’t think they could live with themselves,” the nurse said. “I used to consider my co-workers as people with whom I’d trust my life, but after they got that second dose of the vaccine, it was like they had a hive mind bent on hatred. It’s very eerie to say that out loud.”

One Response

  1. Oxygen deprivation torture also known as code O2T torture was perfected by the Swiss during the Middle Ages.

    By depriving one of oxygen with a cloth mask, until almost passing out, and then allowing a little bit to enter lungs via a straw through that mask, the subject is kept at that special place between life and death.

    Every drop of his soul is then eaten by the devils spawn that is the Swiss beast.

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