According to MarketWatch, a vaccine researcher and editor-in-chief of the Vaccine academic journal believes COVID vaccines will be required for about 100 years.

COVID Vaccines Will Be Necessary For Over 100 Years Says Mayo Clinic Doctor

“So let me make a prediction, which will be hard for any of you to hold me to because we will all be dead by then, but your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be getting immunized against coronavirus,” As per a Daily Mail transcript, Dr. Gregory Poland said in a January 19 webinar regarding the fate of COVID.

“How can I even say such a thing? If you got your flu vaccine this fall, you were immunized against a strain of influenza that showed up in 1918 and caused a pandemic,” he added. 

“We are not yet at any stage where we could predict endemicity. We’re not going to eradicate it.”  

Poland is a Mayo Clinic doctor who has received funding from the National Institutes of Health on several occasions, as per his “clinical profile,” which states: “Dr. Poland’s research has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health since 1991.” Over the last three years, he reportedly received roughly $2 million to research non-COVID immunizations.

According to the Daily Mail, Poland’s gloomy forecasts are comparable to those of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“I would hope that [Covid becoming endemic is] the case. But that would only be the case if we don’t get another variant that eludes the immune response of the prior variant,” Fauci said this January 17

The persistent drive to prolong jabbing people, which includes a forecast that the injections will be necessary for far more than a century, may heighten suspicion of the shots.

The FDA’s list of side effects now includes fatal thrombotic events, heart inflammation (myocarditis), and paralysing disorders including Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

7 Responses

  1. Great-great-great-grandchildren will not exist. White civilization does not have the opportunity to exist for next 50 yeears.

  2. How right you are Triple X ! gonna need a whole lotta Heavenly help mixed w our efforts to get through this one. …… …. shalom, al jenkins

  3. You sure? I bet you’re still repeating official history about the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte.

  4. white civilization!! lol… do some deep research! civilization is not a human endeavour!! the proud united white race? not. the proud united black race? not… we could do the same for all the rest… it’s an illusion. humanity is a farmed species… the civilizers are nothing but tyrant farmers. cheers!

  5. Poland is an embalmed transhuman formation. Of course an android human GMO would declare perpetuation of graphene-glycol nano neuro netitis.

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