Over 17,000 doctors and researchers have signed a declaration stating categorically that genetic vaccinations must be discontinued. According to one amongst them, Dr. Robert Malone, COVID-19 vaccines hinder the immune system and leads to more severe illness.

COVID-19 Vaccines Hinder The Immune System Lead To More Severe Illness Dr. Robert Malone

Healthcare professionals who had multiple COVID-19 vaccination boosters after originally contracting the original virus strain from Wuhan are more vulnerable to chronic reinfection from the Omicron variety, according to a study from the United Kingdom.

According to researcher and physician Dr. Robert Malone, this may aid in understanding why individuals who have had several COVID-19 vaccination boosters are frequently the ones who end up in hospitals with severe COVID-19 symptoms, sometimes leading to death.

This phenomenon is the result of a mechanism called “immune imprinting,” through which initial exposure to a virus strain may inhibit the body from generating sufficient neutralizing antibodies against a newer strain, according to Malone, an inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, in an interview.

He continued by saying that multiple vaccinations serve to enhance this process.

“All over the world, we are seeing these datasets that show that, unfortunately, the people that are dying and being hospitalized are overwhelmingly the highly vaccinated,” he said. “It is not those that have natural immunity.”

Vaccines Based on Old Strains

The SARS-CoV-2 strain of the virus causes the illness now known as COVID-19, is the basis for the COVID-19 vaccinations that are currently available.

Several strains have evolved and taken dominance since the Wuhan strain’s prevalence, which includes the present variant know as Omicron.

The issue, according to Malone, is that COVID-19 vaccines only use the spike protein, one of the virus’s components, and as a result, the immune system of an individual who has gotten an mRNA vaccination is conditioned to only recognize that component.

“If that antigen has changed slightly, if that virus has changed slightly, [the immune system] still reacts as if it’s the old one,” he said.

The spike protein of the original virus discovered in Wuhan served as the basis for the COVID-19 vaccines. According to Malone, that particular strain of the virus no longer exists and is not spreading amongst people.

Malone called this effect immune imprinting and said that if a vaccine based on a now-extinct virus strain is regularly given, it trains the immune system to concentrate more and more on the antigen delivered by the vaccine and to ignore anything else that is marginally different.

“The literature on immune imprinting is bombproof,” Malone said. “Paper after paper after paper now, in the top peer-reviewed journals from the top laboratories all across the world, are documenting it.”

According to Malone, the phenomena has long been recognized in the field of vaccination, but discussion of it is forbidden and avoided by those who work therein.

Vaccine Immunity Versus Natural Immunity

COVID-19 Vaccines Hinder The Immune System Lead To More Severe Illness Dr. Robert Malone 2
A registered nurse cares for COVID-19 patients in an intensive care unit at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., on Jan. 21, 2021. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Malone cited a study from the academic journal Science (read below) that found that health care workers in the UK, many of whom had the Wuhan variant of the virus and had also had three or four doses of the COVID-19 vaccination, have been suffering chronic recurrent infections from the Omicron variant.

Malone added that a different study that was published in Nature demonstrates that the immunocompromised individuals who have had several vaccination doses are where the virus is evolving, and roughly 30% of the highly vaccinated population are experiencing recurrent infections.

Malone pointed out that this runs contrary to the premise that the unvaccinated are endangering the larger community.

According to Malone, who cited a scientific report (pdf) from Qatar that has not yet undergone peer review, natural immunity from a COVID-19 infection lasts for at least 14 months and includes immunity against the Omicron strains.

However, he continued, vaccine-induced immunity only persists for a few months.

If an individual has not undergone too much immune imprinting, he or she will produce an immune response that includes “all kinds of proteins from the virus” when exposed to the original virus, according to Malone.

“The problem with these monovalent vaccines, or the single-antigen vaccines, is they’re driving all your immune response against one thing as opposed to the whole virus. So all the virus has to do is genetically, through evolution, tweak a few knobs to escape that,” he said. “And that is exactly what’s happened with Omicron.”

The conundrum, according to Malone, is that the majority of the developing nations with poor immunization rates also have the lowest global COVID-19 death rates.

“It’s likely that we’re going to continue to see this trend,” he said.

Only 1.4% of Haiti’s population has received the vaccination, and there have been 838 COVID-19 deaths there, translating to a rate of 73 deaths per 1 million people, according to Our World in Data.

There have been over 102,000 fatalities in South Africa, where vaccination rates are 32%, or 1,717 fatalities per million people.

More than 184,000 individuals have died in the UK, where 75% of people have had vaccinations, translating to a mortality rate of 2,736 per million.

In addition, 1.03 million individuals have died from the virus in the United States, where 67 percent of the population has received vaccinations, resulting in a death rate of 3,058 per million people.

Other Problems with Vaccines

Malone drew attention to an issue with the available mRNA vaccines.

The modified RNA from the vaccine, which is administered into the patient’s arm, is only meant to remain there for a few hours, but a Stanford University study reveals that “the RNA sticks around for at least 60 days,” according to Malone.

Despite the fact that the drug is still in the body two months after immunization, the government only takes into consideration vaccine responses and illnesses that are reported on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) within the first few weeks.

“The RNA from the vaccine produces more spike protein than the natural infection does,” he said. “Now that makes sense about why we see more adverse events with the vaccines than we see with the infection itself, because spike is a toxin.”

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention formed VAERS to gather and examine information regarding the negative effects of immunization.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, the system depends on users to submit reports and is not designed to ascertain whether a reported health issue was brought on by a vaccine. However, it is “especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.”

Over 17,000 doctors and researchers have signed a declaration stating categorically that genetic vaccinations must be discontinued, according to Malone, president and co-founder of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists.

“These genetic vaccines are not working,” he said.

Read the document below:


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