Experts have harshly attacked all the so-called public health interventions, not only vaccines, as more data becomes available. Among these is a criticism by a Canadian doctor who condemns COVID vaccines as murder shots.

Canadian Doctor Condemns COVID Vaccines As Murder Shots

In British Columbia, an outspoken doctor released a video in favor of the Freedom Convoy while highlighting the risks of the experimental COVID-19 injections.

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, a 43-year-old Canadian physician, published a video in endorsement of the Freedom Convoy demonstrations presently taking place in Ottawa, while also expressing serious worries regarding the safety of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, particularly in the sense of mass vaccination of children.

Watch the video below:

“I want to reach a hand across the country, to say thank you to the truckers, the truckers’ families, and all the people who have joined hands in Ottawa to stand up for what is right, and to protect and speak for the rest of us Canadians,” from his residence in British Columbia, on Canada’s west coast, Malthouse said.

“[Truckers] in my experience, have a lot of backbone, and I think what you’re showing to the world today is that ‘spinal integrity’ which is a reflection in some ways in a lot of Canadians, but it seems you guys have it spades,” Malthouse went on to say that doctors like himself who’ve already voiced concern about COVID policy as medical professionals have faced blowback from their peers, the media, and public health officials.

Malthouse recalled writing a letter to B.C. health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry in October 2020, informing her that her guidelines of lockdowns, isolation of the old aged, mandatory face masking, prohibition of recreation, and mass testing of asymptomatic folks were “tearing apart the fabric” of the province whilst also offering no discernible medical advantage.

“[All these policies did] was create loneliness … suicides, overdoses, all the tragedies that we have seen in the last two years, and this has been the result of public health policies and our governments,” Malthouse stated.

“Many doctors have gone along with this because they have been deeply programmed to see what was coming as a ‘vaccine,’ that was ‘safe and effective,’… but also to follow public health experts and not examine what they had to say,” the doctor explained.

“We now know that everything public health has told us across Canada has been a lie, and now they are coming after our children, with a mandatory shot, an experimental inoculation, which cannot be described with anything but a murder weapon.”

Vaccination campaigns for young children are beginning throughout every jurisdiction in Canada, regardless of the information that COVID-19 poses a very minimal danger to youngsters. Many professionals have criticized the rush to inject children with the experimental doses, citing thousands of instances of serious adverse effects and deaths as justification.

Last summer, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine researchers discovered a “mortality rate of zero among children without a preexisting medical condition such as leukemia” when they “analyze[d] approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.”

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, who worked in the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services during the COVID-19 pandemic, termed the campaign to vaccinate young infants “dangerous” and “absolutely reckless” in an October post for the Brownstone Institute.

“The risk-benefit discussion for children with these Covid-19 injections is a very different one than that for adults,” Dr. Alexander said. “The fact is that this is a completely novel and experimental injection therapy with no medium or long-term safety data (or even definitive effectiveness data). If we move forward with the vaccination of our children without the proper safety testing, then we will present them with potentially catastrophic risk, including deaths in some.”

Experts have harshly attacked all so-called public health interventions, not only vaccines, as more data becomes available.

Academics from Harvard, Duke, and Johns Hopkins universities published a paper (read below) in January claiming that COVID lockdowns could result in a “staggering” one million extra deaths within the next decade and a half, resulting in a death toll that might “far exceed” those “immediately related to the acute COVID-19 critical illness.”

“I think the freedom convoy has shown us the way,” Malthouse said in his closing remarks.

“This is really a huge integrity test … we needed to have brave people step up, and fortunately step up with big trucks … I know it’s very cold there [in Ottawa], and I want to thank everyone who has come out in the cold … My hat is off to the truckers … Thank you and God Bless you.”

Read the full document here:


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