Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans, when attending the World Economic Forum with the rest of the Davos elite, said that licking your plate clean will earn you 200 carbon credits in a new social compliance platform being tested in Chinese cities.

Davos Elites Wants You To Lick Your Plate Clean To Earn 200 Carbon Credits 1

What could be more enjoyable than eating bugs and owning nothing? Keeping track of your own carbon footprint!

That’s correct, according to Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans, a new social compliance platform being tested in Chinese cities could be the wave of the future.

Davos Elites Wants You To Lick Your Plate Clean To Earn 200 Carbon Credits 2

“We’re developing, through technology, an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? That’s, where are they traveling, how are they traveling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform?” he told the World Economic Forum this week, adding “stay tuned, we don’t have it operational yet – but this is something we’re working on.”

Are you interested in learning more about Alibaba’s carbon tracking technology? They described it as a platform to “encourage people to adopt low-carbon behaviors and be environmentally accountable” in a blog post from March.

Davos Elites Wants You To Lick Your Plate Clean To Earn 200 Carbon Credits 3

Expect to earn 200 carbon credits when you lick your plate clean, and 554 credits if you take the subway, according to the measurement system devised by Guangzhou-based certification body CEPREI, in partnership with Alibaba Cloud.

The trick is to develop a model that translates individual activities into carbon credits and builds up a community that promotes a low-carbon lifestyle based on the carbon credits system.

More than 1,492 companies and communities use the platform, which has helped them save roughly 394,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, according to Alibaba Cloud.

Residents of Xinqiao Shiju, in Shenzhen’s southern metropolis, were given the opportunity to test the system. The community’s 589 residents were given a “personal carbon account to monitor electricity use and carbon emissions” as part of a pilot initiative, which saved 37.77 tons of carbon emissions (no calculations provided).

Davos Elites Wants You To Lick Your Plate Clean To Earn 200 Carbon Credits 4

“We’ve been trying to combine behavioral science with technology to change people’s perceptions and make low-carbon fashionable.” says Xiao Lei of Alibaba Cloud.

Not everyone likes it.

9 Responses

  1. Termites emit ten times more CO2 than humans. Should we cap-and-tax them?
    “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key that will unlock the New World Order”Mikael Gorbachev 1996.
    “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true” Paul Watson, Co-Founder of Greenpeace.
    “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.”Sir John Houghton,First Chairman of IPCC.
    “No matter if the science of Global warming is all phony… Climate change provides the biggest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart ,former Canadian Minister for the Environment.
    1. FACT. There is no evidence for the CO2 climate driver proposition in the real world using real data over hundreds of thousands of years. World temperatures do not follow CO2.

  2. GLOBAL WARMING PETITION PROJECT. 31487 Scientists inc. 9029 PhDs signed this Petition.
    We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997, and ANY OTHER SIMILAR PROPOSALS. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology,and damage the health and welfare of mankind.
    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of Carbon Dioxide , Methane,or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future ,cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s Climate.Moreover ,there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
    Signed, Edward Teller . PHD Physics ⁣It is evident that 31,487 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,029 PhDs, are not “a few.” Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,487 American scientists are not “skeptics.”These scientists are instead convinced that the human-caused global warming hypothesis is without scientific validity and that government action on the basis of this hypothesis would unnecessarily and counterproductively damage both human prosperity and the natural environment of the Earth. ⁣
    The Great Global Warming Swindle

  3. I do not care what they want, they can all go to hell. these are the enemies of us all , time to realize that folks. and act accordingly.

  4. We should stop debating their insane narratives like climate change by co2 and how men are women and that stated policy goals aren’t real and are just conspiracy theories, et c., and recognise the gaslighting and just observe it as you would a window licker… “What a nut!”. And then we can put the energy we spend trying to prove to each other that yes, they are really doing this (which used to be necessary but in 2022 theyve gotten so obvious its undeniable to thinkers) and put that energy into opposing their stated plans.

  5. Somebody please drop a boom boom on them Davos boys and relieve us all of their carbon footprint.

  6. I pass my dinner plate to my dog to be licked after I have finished my meal. I say “Lick?”, and she gets excited. She is a good low carbon dog.

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