The High Court of Kerala has ruled that deaths due to the COVID vaccine should be compensated during the petition of a woman who lost her husband as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine administration in August 2021.

Deaths Due To COVID Vaccine Should Be Compensated Says Kerala High Court 1

The Kerala High Court has taken note of any deaths or adverse reactions associated with the Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday. The case of Sayeeda KA v. Union of India was being heard in court. The court urged the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the Central Government to act quickly. They ought to create rules for giving out compensation to the families of those who passed away as a result of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine.

This Is What The Court Said

“This is a national calamity which we faced. Of course, I do understand the case is very genuine and it has to be dealt with. As far as the central government is concerned, similar issues are cropping up in other states also. There has to be an effort to formulate a proper guideline, a proper scheme for compensating these persons and that is being done. Let them bring on record what steps have been taken so that I can pass a reasoned and considered order, rather than an order in vacuum. It is not a laughing matter, I consider it to be very serious”, he orally observed.

Court Acknowledged The Seriousness Of The Petition

The petition’s seriousness was acknowledged by the court. The petitioner sought the timing of the compensation redeeming process in his submission. As a result of the death of the family’s earning member, the people are facing severe consequences.

“I find the apprehension expressed by the learned counsel to be well founded. The situation requires urgent action on the part of the national disaster management authority”, the court said in its order.

Who Was The Petitioner?

The petition of a woman who lost her husband as a result of the Covid-19 vaccine administration in August 2021 was being heard in court.

What Did The Petition Sought? 

The petitioner requested that the court provide the NDMA directions for issuing guidelines in a specific amount of time. The reason for this is that many other people are caught in the same predicament as the petitioner.

MoHFW Formulating Comprehensive Guidelines

The Central Government Counsel was informed of similar issues in many states. In India, there have been numerous reports of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Counsel further stated that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is in the process of being constituted. He stated that the court would be presented with the guidelines in two weeks.

Counsel Of The Petitioner

The petitioner is being represented in court by advocates Manumon A and Prabhu KN on August 30.

4 Responses

  1. No, people that took the jab despite the mountains of evidence supplied on a daily basis by “conspiracy theorists” deserve exactly what they got. Big Pharma should get jail and enormous fines.

  2. YES ! – – homicide, and we’re talking negligent and pre-meditated here, needs to be addressed. …….. for too long society has given a pass to authority figures and organizations bc the justice would require too much effort. That’s so OVER now, we’re all gonna take a year or two or more out of our lives and concentrate w TRUMP and White Hats (worldwide) and end this mess for a thousand years …….Heaven says so ! shalom to all

  3. The British run the world through secret societies. There is no democracy (may be a demoncracy). They target any clever independent person over the age of 40, which is when most people really wake up to the masonic democracy/ law scam. They are destroying the future. When you put a taxi driver or pizza shop owner above say a Tesla, you are the worst person alive. The British/ Europeans started it and they rely on nonsensical religion (binding) to gain an unfair dominion over the more intelligent amongst them. It has become a global monolith, a mafia. But as long as it benefits the ‘whites’ they go along with the worst of their phenotypes ideas. Stop it now or be damned I say. You are destroying your very future.

  4. Good decision by the Court. There should also be an investigation regarding those who promoted the vaccines without warning about the adverse effects, especially the media and the celebrities.

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