First, if you have not yet seen Died Suddenly, the killer documentary that dropped two days ago, I urge you to watch it as soon as you can—it’s a little over an hour—and share it far and wide. Although it makes some trivial mistakes, it is a very solid piece of work—as sound as it is harrowing, and that’s really saying something; so all those who appreciate my weekly Substacks on the toll of the “vaccines” will also very much appreciate this film, and learn a lot from it (as I did):

BBC Is Trying To Kill The Blockbuster Film Died Suddenly About Vaccines Killing People

Watch the video below:

I’m certain that this film will open many people’s eyes, which is (of course) why I am recommending it. The BBC has joined me in that expectation—which has impelled them not to recommend the film, but, on the contrary, to try to kill it, with this attempted takedown by one Rachael Schraer, who works for BBC as an “disinformation reporter” (as indeed she is).

On the one hand, Schraer’s piece is a mighty effort at dissuasion, as she plays every trick she can to urge her readers not to watch the film themselves, so they might make up their own minds. That’s the last thing she and her employer want, since, by now, so many people have lost loved ones to the jab, and/or have been thereby severely harmed themselves, that they may be both staggered and enlightened by Died Suddenly, which, if they’re not activists already, might move them to speak out at last, and forge alliances with others who have also been severely hurt.

And so, to move people not to watch it, Schraer vigorously slimes it as a shoddy and deceptive piece of propaganda, based on weak research (if any), riddled with gross errors, and also an offensive exercise, since all those poor people that it claims have been bereaved or injured by their “vaccination” almost never were, such consequences being “rare” (as she says twice); and even hinting that they were thus injured is a cruel and callous act of “trolling,” typical of “anti-vaxxers.” (Check out the rather murky anecdote with which Schraer starts her piece.) Above all, Schraer casts Died Suddenly as an expression of delusion: “[T]he film tells a fictitious story of a dangerous vaccine killing off swathes of young people – all part of an imagined plot to depopulate the earth” [emphasis added].

And while she does all she can to make as many people as the BBC can reach not want to see the film, Schraer also ends by hinting that right-minded people (like herself) should lobby Twitter—that is, Elon Musk—not to let its users recommend the film, or, presumably, even talk about it in that forum.

Again, Died Suddenly does make some few mistakes; Schraer caught the film’s misuse of video showing the mid-game collapse of Kansas State basketball player Keyontae Johnson—presented as a sudden “vaccine” death, although the footage is from 2020, and Johnson is, in fact, alive and well. It’s too bad that the filmmakers slipped up like that, since it’s a gift to propagandists such as Schraer; but such things happen when you’re dealing with a heavy volume of material (I’ve made mistakes like that myself)—but such errors in Died Suddenly are few and far between, whereas Schraer’s piece is a tapestry of propaganda lies: I’ve annotated it to highlight some of them; so read it, and my annotations, here, and make up your own mind.

And if you should be so moved, feel free to email Rachel Schraer (whose address is below her piece), and/or BBC ombudsman Nick Bennett (whose address I can’t seem to find), and ask her, or him, or them—and as politely as you can!—if they think it’s appropriate for an august journalistic outlet like the BBC to function as a propaganda mouthpiece for Big Pharma—which is precisely what the Beeb became with its so-called “Trusted News Initiative,” whereby Big Media outlets have been simultaneously pumping out disinformation and blacking out all those who have dissented from the official COVID narrative, no matter how extensive their experience or impressive their credentials.

It is of course regrettable, and wholly understandable, that people who have been bereaved or harmed by “vaccination,” but haven’t yet faced up to it, should feel attacked by those who broach that possibility—especially by strangers coming at them out of nowhere. And yet such random tactlessness is nowhere near as grave a sin as pushing lethal “vaccination” on the global population for no scientific reason, and without informed consent—the mortal sin committed by the BBC and all its “journalistic” peers, and one for which there can be no forgiveness.

On the “Trusted News Initiative”:

They died suddenly – then the anti-vax trolling started

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Maddy (L) and Victoria (R). Image Source, Victoria Brownworth

“Seven days, 18 hours, 39 minutes ago my beloved… died suddenly of cardiac arrest”. When Victoria Brownworth logged onto Twitter to post these words about her partner of 23 years, she didn’t know that two of them in particular would provoke a storm of online harassment.

Because, as Victoria waited at her home in Philadelphia on Sunday night for her wife’s ashes to be delivered, a video titled Died Suddenly was about to drop.

In an hour and eight minutes of dramatic music and out-of-context news reports, the film tells a fictitious story of a dangerous vaccine killing off swathes of young people – all part of an imagined plot to depopulate the earth.

It landed on niche video-sharing platform Rumble on Monday and began to spread [like COVID—MCM. By Wednesday morning it had been viewed more than 4 million times on Rumble and at least 1.5 million times on Twitter.

The claims made in the video quickly fall apart under scrutiny. Vast amounts of evidence from different independent scientists all over the world, as well as the experiences of billions of people, have shown that serious Covid vaccine side effects are rare.

But its call for people to look at any reported deaths through a lens of suspicion had made Victoria fair game – and as the phrase “died suddenly” started to trend, people flocked to her memorial thread.

“How long’s it been since she got the jab?”, hundreds of people began to reply.

Victoria’s wife, Madelaine Gold – a painter and design professor – had an advanced stage of cancer, though she had been doing better just before she died. There is no suggestion the vaccine had anything to do with her death.

When she began to hit back, Victoria was told she was lying.

“She did die suddenly… We didn’t have time to say goodbye, I didn’t have time to give her a last kiss. I will never get to talk to her again.”

“They were trolling her obituary, literally.”

So what was it about this film that led people online to deny Victoria’s reality?

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Image Source, Twitter

The film flashes through dozens of upsetting news reports and images of people collapsing.

One headline reads: “My kind, compassionate son died unexpectedly.” Another clip shows a young athlete dramatically keeling over.

Together, this can easily be used to paint an alarming picture of something suspicious going on.

Yet just a couple more clicks would reveal the son in question died in a car crash. And the athlete, college basketball player Keyontae Johnson, collapsed in December 2020 before he could even have had a Covid vaccine. He didn’t die suddenly as the title suggests – he returned to the court last week.

Other people featured are also still alive. [Well, that’s a relief! Who are they?—MCM] And several of the genuine deaths are explained by an alternative cause within the very news reports used as evidence by the film makers.

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Image Source, Rumble

Image caption, Keyontae Johnson collapsed during a game on 12 December 2020

Part of the film’s power is that it takes scraps of truth but distorts them to tell a misleading story.

There have been a small number of deaths from the vaccines – I’ve spoken to people affected – but these cases are rare and their causes are established through extensive monitoring, complex medical testing and statistical analysis.

It’s not possible to measure vaccine side effects by simply Googling news reports. As Dr Frank Han, a US cardiologist says, it can “give you pieces of the puzzle, but actual medical training is necessary to link all the pieces of how the body works together”.

Long stretches of the film involve gruesome images of clots being pulled out of bodies, designed to suggest Covid vaccines are having alarming effects.

When people feel afraid or disgusted they might be more likely to leap to conclusions. But these images can’t tell us anything on their own.

Firstly, they are mostly based on the testimony of one embalmer with no indication this is a wider concern.

And, Dr Han explains, it’s “insufficient to establish why the clots are there”.

Blood clots are commonly found in dead bodies and are caused by a range of things from smoking to being bed-bound to Covid-19.

When unusual clotting was identified in rare cases after the AstraZeneca vaccine – not used in the US – it was quickly investigated and vaccine recommendations changed, after which the cases pretty much disappeared.

Emotional stories, backed up by official numbers make a powerful persuasive tool.

But it’s important to understand where the numbers actually come from and whether they are being fairly represented – something many people won’t have the time or resources to investigate.

A graph in the film shows stillbirths shooting up around 2021, making the unsupported suggestion Covid vaccines are causing miscarriages, looks shocking.

The film-makers don’t provide a source, though.

Allow me (MCM):

A memo leaked, late last month, from a hospital system in Fresno, CA has revealed a sharp uptick in stillbirths among pregnant women. The memo was reported by Epoch Times on Oct. 24. The lede:

An email recently shared with The Epoch Times that was sent out to the healthcare staff of a hospital system in Fresno, California, reported an increase in “demise patients,” or stillbirths, that is expected to continue, according to the email.

“There were 22 demise patients in August [2022], which ties the record number of demises in July 2021, and so far in September there have been 7 and it’s only the 8th day of the month,” a managing nurse wrote.

The managing nurse went on to write that she hopes the “trend doesn’t continue indefinitely.”

“I know of a few more that are scheduled to deliver in the week ahead, so unfortunately the process is going to be very familiar with all of you,” the managing nurse said.

The staff member who leaked the email told The Epoch Times that since the rollout of the vaccines, the fetal death (stillbirth rate) has skyrocketed from its pre-COVID-19 vaccine average of one to two every three months in her hospital alone.

The staff member spoke to The Epoch Times on condition of anonymity due to fear of losing their job.

The Epoch Times.

On the “substantial surge” of stillbirths in three different locations in Canada, as noted by Canadian whistleblowers, and reported by Dr. James Thorp, whose essay was posted on Substack by Dr. Robert Malone on Nov. 10:

Three other Canadian whistleblowers document a substantial surge in the stillbirth rates in three separate geographic locations in 2021 as documented in the three graphs below. The data was compiled from multiple whistleblowers in Canada. The hospitals and Canadian Government have not been forthcoming in providing clarity with their vital statistics.

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As to the uptick of stillbirths in British Columbia, last year Dr. Melvin Bruchet sought to call attention to the spike in Vancouver—for which he was attacked by the Canadian “free press” (just as the BBC is attacking Died Suddenly), and then forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward, as in the Soviet Union, or Trudeau’s father’s Cuba:

On stillbirths in Iceland:

On the deliberate obfuscation, by the New England Journal of Medicine, of the stillbirth rate among pregnant women injected with either the Pfizer or Moderna “vaccine” in the early months of 2021:

Although the voiceover claims the data is from Waterloo, Canada, genuine data from Ontario, the province Waterloo is part of, has not seen any increase in stillbirths, according to Dr Victoria Male, a reproductive immunologist [at Imperial College London, well-known as a recipient of Bill Gates’ largesse—MCM].

In fact, a large study found a “lower (not higher) rate of stillbirth among those vaccinated in pregnancy, compared to those who were not,” she said.

This is supported by dozens of studies involving tens of thousands of people produced by different independent teams around the world.

That link to “dozens of studies” takes us to a summary article by none other than Dr. Victoria Male!

The tactics used in this video have been seen before and this isn’t the first time misleading health information has been spread by verified accounts.

What’s new this time is the main account spreading the film on Twitter has bought verification – the blue tick which is supposed to be a mark of credibility, something experts have warned could help misinformation spread.

“Since Elon Musk took over he’s just, you know, let it be the Wild West again,” Victoria believes.

A like hit-piece from Forbes:

New ‘Died Suddenly’ Film Pushes Unfounded Depopulation Claims About Covid-19 Vaccine

A representative passage:

While the film shows headlines and stories of people dying suddenly, it never really provides much concrete scientific evidence linking Covid-19 vaccines to all these sudden deaths. It essentially just says oh look at all these sudden deaths over the past couple years and, oh. people, in general, have been getting Covid-19 vaccines. Never mind the fact that people have been dying suddenly ever since, oh, the beginning of human existence. Never mind the fact that over a million people in the U.S. and over 6.6 million around the world have died from, you know, Covid-19, since early 2020. Never mind the fact that these deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in excess mortality. Never mind the fact that people have been dying suddenly since Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Georgia) was elected to Congress when the film doesn’t try to link these two sets of events in same way as it is trying to link vaccines with excess mortality.

Mark Crispin Miller is the Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU. He is also the founder of News from Underground and author of numerous books, including Boxed In, The Bush Dyslexicon, and Fooled Again. This article was originally published on News from Underground.

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