A new article in the Guardian by AI expert Catriona Campbell says that within 50 years, parents will choose to have digital babies in the Metaverse over real ones.

AI Expert Says Parents Will Choose ‘Digital Babies’ In The Metaverse Over Real Ones Within 50 Years 1

Catriona Campbell, who is described as “one of the UK’s leading authorities in artificial intelligence,” made the prediction.

Parents will choose to have digital kids, an updated version of the Japanese Tamagotchi digital pet toys, for the same reasons they are choosing not to have actual babies, according to Campbell, including “concerns about the environment, overpopulation, the rising cost of bringing up a child.”

According to the left-wing newspaper the Guardian, “Campbell predicts they will be commonplace and embraced by society within half a century.”

According to the AI specialist, cyberspace babies will someday be indistinguishable from actual newborns, and parents will be able to cancel them simply like a monthly Netflix subscription.

“Campbell says virtual children will look like you, and you will be able to play with and cuddle them. They will be capable of simulated emotional responses as well as speech, which will range from “googoo gaga” to backchat, as they grow older,” reports the newspaper.

Concerns that the digital babies will just be “creepy dystopian dolls” that can be turned on and off, according to the paper, are “old fashioned.”

“Think of the advantages: minimal cost and environmental impact. And less worry,” it adds.

As usual, this is merely more anti-natal propaganda, aimed primarily at white Western countries, where birth rates are already quickly declining.

It’s become a cottage business of social engineering to persuade westerners not to have children.

CNN celebrated Valentine’s Day weekend in 2020 by advertising “the benefits of being single,” despite the fact that birth rates in the United States and Europe continue to decline.

The fertility rate in the United States is currently 1.8 births per woman.

The fertility rate in the United States fell by 9% in just four years, from 2007 to 2011.

The fertility rate in the United States plummeted to 59.8 births per 1,000 women in 2016, the lowest since records began.

Fears of “overpopulation” are also a fabrication, considering that population decline is considerably more likely to be a major issue in 50 years.

One Response

  1. This article has been written by persons that have never held a real baby. To add to that, having a baby that you conceived and birthed with the love and joy and pain that goes along with that, it is quite obvious that a real baby is preferable. Please stop trying to make us less than what we are. We humans are made of love.

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