Three fearsome Tyrannosaurus rexes died about 65 million years ago somewhere near the border of what is now Wyoming and Montana.

The remains of those three “kings of the tyrant lizards” unearthed between 2008 and 2013 from the Hell Creek and Lance Creek formations, have been combined to create a complete T-rex fossil named “Trinity.”

And perhaps for less than $10 million, Trinity could be yours as the T-rex is set to be sold by Koller auction house in Zurich, Switzerland, on April 18.

The fossil, which towers 12.8 feet high, is reportedly “one of the most spectacular T-rex skeletons in existence, a well-preserved and brilliantly restored fossil,” according to the auction house, which values the specimen at $6.5 million to $8.7 million.

Close-ups of Trinity, a complete T-rex built from the discovery of three dinosaur fossils in Wyoming and Montana. (Photos Courtesy of Koller)


Dr. Scott Persond is a research paleontologist at the Paleon Museum in Glenrock who told Cowboy State Daily that it’s hard to place a monetary value on a specimen such as Trinity.

“It’s no secret that Tyrannosaur fossils have historically carried a particularly high price because they’ve just got the ability to capture the imagination,” Persons said.

The three fossils that make up the complete skeleton up for auction come from an area that has produced other significant T-rex skeletons that have fetched millions of dollars at other sales. “Sue” sold for $8.4 million in 1997 and “Stan” was sold for a record price of $31.8 million at Christie’s in 2020.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into the topic, read more about it here.

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