A whistleblower expressed his concern about the reliability of the information that the leadership is using to make strategic judgments. The whistleblower claimed that the sudden increase in diseases in the military due to vaccines is being explained as data glitch.

Whistleblower Claims Sudden Increase In Diseases In Military Due To Vaccines Being Explained As Data Glitch

A medical Army officer who observed a rapid surge in sickness, corresponding with reports of adverse effects with COVID-19 vaccines—which the Army disregarded as a data glitch—said he risked involuntary separation after being convicted but not punished for violating COVID-19 policy.

First Lieutenant Mark Bashaw, an Army preventive medicine officer, began to detect certain “alarming signals” in the defense epidemiology database in January 2022.

According to Bashaw, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which monitors ailment and injuries of 1.3 million active component service personnel, there was a substantial uptick in reports of cancers, myocarditis, and pericarditis during the pandemic, in addition to other illnesses like male infertility, tumors, a lung disease caused by blood clots, and HIV.

In an interview with EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program on August 1, Bashaw stated that all of these ailments are listed in FDA documents as potential adverse responses linked to COVID-19 vaccinations.

Bashaw came forward as a whistleblower to voice his concerns after observing rises in incidence of these ailments that in certain cases reached 50% or 100%.

According to Bashaw’s whistleblower disclosure (read below), which he submitted to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who is supporting the disclosure of data from preliminary COVID-19 product investigations with Congress, the growing prevalence of these diseases identified in DMED is “very troubling.”

In particular, the proportion of cancer cases amongst active duty members in 2021 roughly tripled compared to the average number of cancer cases each year from 2016 to 2020, according to Bashaw’s report.

As a preventive medicine officer specializing in entomology, Bashaw’s responsibilities include “participating in fact-finding inquiries and investigations to determine potential public health risk to DoD [Department of Defense] personnel from diseases caused by insects and other non-battle related injuries.”

Glitch in DMED

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) speaks during a hearing in Washington on Jan. 24, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

The data in DMED shifted a week after this data was released in January in a “COVID-19: Second Opinion” roundtable arranged by Johnson, according to Bashaw, and all of these worrying rises in diseases and injuries “seemed to have disappeared and been realigned with previous years.”

Surprisingly, the malfunction had no effect on the data from 2021, which stayed unchanged. Instead, the updated data raised the data for previous years, making the 2021 data look regular and in accordance with the running average, according to Bashaw.

In response to the allegations made by the whistleblower, Peter Graves, spokesman for the Department of Defense’s health agency, told PolitiFact that the data in DMED “was incorrect for the years 2016-2020,” so the system was shut down to fix the underlying reason of the data corruption, which did not affect data from 2021.

Following the roundtable, Johnson wrote the Department of Defense (DoD) three letters asking for an explanation of the abrupt rise in medical diagnoses and the modifications to the DMED data.

“The concern is that these increases may be related to the COVID-19 vaccines that our servicemen and women have been mandated to take,” Johnson said in one of his letters.

Additionally, the senator wrote to the tech firm in charge of DMED to request clear explanation on all data integrity issues discovered in the database.

Johnson did receive some comments from the computer firm, but there is still no “solid, rational explanation” for why and what the database error was, according to Bashaw.

Following the error, Bashaw obtained information on injuries associated with viral vaccines from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to contrast to his findings on DMED. He discovered an eleven-fold rise in the number of suspected unfavorable incidents recorded in 2021 when he compared the statistics for that year to the average of the previous 24 years.

“I compared it to the average of the last 24 years, it’s a 1,100 percent increase in 2021. And the only difference we had in 2021 was the rollout of these experimental emergency use authorized COVID-19 vaccines,” Bashaw said.

According to the HHS website, VAERS is run by departments under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and functions as “a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines.”

Regardless of the fact that people can choose not to submit to VAERS, the website states that “healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events, and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.” Non-professionals can, however, also submit entries.

Emergency Use Authorized Products

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A soldier watches another soldier receive his COVID-19 vaccination from Army Preventive Medical Services in Fort Knox, Ky., on Sept. 9, 2021. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

Through the correct channels, Bashaw attempted to voice his concerns to his army superiors about the COVID-19 vaccines. He suggested that they adjust the vaccine’s risk communication approach from “safe and effective” to “there might be some problems.”

Bashaw claimed that his worries were not addressed. “And then, later, I was targeted due to my own [COVID-19] vaccination status.”

Bashaw said he was “forced into an experimental emergency use authorized testing protocol, which was only for the unvaccinated.”

He expressed doubt about the practice, claiming that requiring unvaccinated people to submit to such a testing regimen seemed “coercive” and “kind of punitive.”

Bashaw referred to the provisions of the United States Code that provide manufacturers, distributors, the government, and medical professionals that administer epidemic products with a license for emergency usage with liability protection.

However, despite the fact that they bear the entirety of the risk, the viewpoint of the person choosing to use these items or to whom the product is administered is not taken into account by this law. “For this reason, [they should have] the ability to accept or refuse these products,” Bashaw said.

“It’s my job as a medical officer in general, to warn individuals, or at least try to communicate [to them] what they might be getting themselves into with these products.”

Bashaw emphasized that the United States Code, notably 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3, also outlines the individual’s rights to informed consent and to accept or reject administration of these items.

The law states that anyone who are allowed to take the substance in an emergency should be made aware of “the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown.”

This applies not just to the experimental vaccinations, but also to the COVID-19 testing processes and the use of masks, according to Bashaw.

Targeted for Disobeying COVID-19 Rules

Bashaw was court-martialed for violating the COVID-19 protocol. He denied the charge, claiming that the requirement to follow the protocol violated the individual’s right to informed consent under US law.

The court convicted Bashaw, but the judge did not impose any punishment and instead recommended to the commanding general that the conviction be dropped, according to Bashaw, but the general sustained the conviction.

Following his conviction, the Army ordered Bashaw’s involuntary discharge after 17 years of honorable service. His anticipated promotion to captain has also been halted, according to the officer.

The reasoning for his dismissal was that the army had lost faith in his “capabilities as an officer over the past seven months,” according to Bashaw.

Bashaw filed a rebuttal in the hopes of changing the outcome.

Furthermore, Bashaw submitted a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Defense, but the conclusion was reached that there was no retribution against him, and the issue was closed. He stated that he subsequently filed another complaint in order to exercise his right under the military justice law to challenge such rulings.

Bashaw has submitted a petition to the Army’s Judge Advocate General, requesting that the general analyze the evidence he has presented in official documents.

According to Bashaw, this is solid legal proof that serves to safeguard both military members and people in general. “I wouldn’t be risking 17 years of my service [and] the health and welfare of my family on some flimsy argument.”

Bashaw expressed his concern about the reliability of the information that the leadership is using to make strategic judgments. These senior-level leaders make judgments “based on something that might not be the case” if data is being altered in some way or if there is a data malfunction, he said. If a commercial contractor is in charge of managing service members’ medical information and there are issues with it, that is especially “a serious sign of concern.”

“And so it’s super important to have solid data and trustworthy sources.”

According to Bashaw, he made the decision to inform his leaders of his worries in order to follow the pledge he made to preserve the United States Constitution and to honor God.

“I will absolutely do everything in my power to warn my brothers and sisters in uniform. And that’s my job as a medical officer, to communicate risks and potential harms,” Bashaw said. “That’s my duty.”

Read the document below:


2 Responses

  1. Around this time 2020.

    About 1000 army soldiers and handful of officers were recruited for getting injected with the corona vaccine.

    I can’t find that study now. Most of the details are below.

    Age 25-45 I think.

    Given one doze. Nothing bad happened. No info on what was given. They said corona vax. But who knows. Right?

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