An NHS worker has been bold enough to openly state that he does not want vaccine. He clearly expressed his dissatisfaction by the policy of mandatory vaccination for healthcare professionals while he most likely possesses natural antibodies at this point.

I Do Not Want To Have A Vaccination NHS Doctor Tells UK Health Secretary

On Friday, an NHS doctor notified UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid that he is dissatisfied with the administration’s coronavirus immunization mandate for health personnel, which is set to go into operation in April.

The immunization requirement went into effect on November 11 for care home personnel, volunteers, and visitors. On December 14, Parliament authorized the mandate for frontline NHS staff.

According to Steve James, a consultant anesthetist at King’s College Hospital, the science for mandating the vaccines is not “strong enough,” and the government should have at least taken into account the finer details that certain doctors may have antibodies from prior exposure to the coronavirus, which leads to COVID-19.

After asking an intensive care unit (ICU) regarding their perspectives on the latest regulation requiring virus vaccination for NHS employees, James informed the health secretary, “I’m not happy about that.”

The unvaccinated physician claimed he had COVID-19 and had worked in the COVID-19 ICU since the outbreak began.

“I’ve not had a vaccination. I do not want to have a vaccination,” James explained, noting that one of his coworkers was in the same boat.

“The vaccines are reducing transmission only for eight weeks for [the] Delta [variant of the coronavirus]. With Omicron, it’s probably less. For that, I will be dismissed if I don’t have a vaccine? The science isn’t strong enough,” he told Javid.

“But there’re also many different views,” the health secretary remarked, emphasizing that he acknowledges James’ viewpoint.

“Obviously, we have to weigh all that up—for both health and social care—and there will always be a debate about it,” Javid said.

James tried to suggest that Javid reevaluate the mandate, taking into account “Omicron and the changing picture,” or at the very minimum the “nuance” that doctors who have previously been infected can really be exempt because “protection I’ve got from transmission is probably equivalent to someone who’s vaccinated.”

When Javid claimed his antibodies “at some point … will wane as well,” James recommended that each and every member of staff should receive a booster shot “every single month” to preserve a high degree of resistance against spread.

Javid said the ministers “take the very best advice that we can from people that are vaccine experts.”

King’s College Hospital said in a statement to Sky News, “While currently it is not a mandatory requirement for staff to get their COVID-19 vaccination or disclose vaccination status to patients, we strongly support and encourage all our staff to get their jab, in line with national guidance—and nearly 90% of our staff have already done so.”

Later, James told the PA News Agency that he did not truly think COVID-19 was generating “very significant problems” in young adults, noting that his ICU patients were “extremely overweight” and had several co-morbidities.

He further stated that while the health secretary did not appear to concur with him, but he had decided to listen to his viewpoint.

“I wouldn’t say he agreed with me,” he said. “I had the feeling he was listening.”

According to a recent research released in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday, coronavirus vaccine reduced propagation of the Delta variation less than that of the Alpha strain, and the advantages of immunization faded with time.

The government-funded study looked at real-world data across England between Jan. 2 and Aug. 2, 2021, and found that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination lowered Delta infection by 50% two weeks after the second dosage, but only inhibited 24% ten weeks later. Following two weeks, the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine only reduced transmissions by 2 percent, and by 24 percent by 12 weeks.

The government initially argued that the objective of making coronavirus vaccination a requirement for operation inside the health and social care sectors is to “protect them and to reduce transmission within health and social care premises, contribute to the protection of individuals who may have a suboptimal response to their own immunizations, [and to] avoid disruption to services that provide their care.”

Despite the UK’s excellent immunization record, Omicron’s enhanced capacity to resist immunity has resulted in a record-high amount of infections, with troops being dispatched to support hospitals due to staff constraints.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization stated on Friday that now the primary objective of the UK’s vaccination program continues to remain disease prevention, and also that “protection against mild or asymptomatic infection with existing vaccine products would require regular (perhaps as frequent as 3 monthly) booster vaccinations which is not considered a sustainable long-term strategy.”

On the other hand, one of the most vaccinated nation Israel may switch to the policy of herd immunity to be achieved through mass infection as the vaccines have failed to curb the rising cases of COVID-19 Omicron variant.

In a recent appearance with Joe Rogan, Dr. Peter McCullough revealed that from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a concerted effort to instill fear and conceal a protocol for early treatment of the disease in order to justify lockdowns and vaccines. He warned that there is an intentional worldwide plot to suppress early COVID treatments.

In an exclusive interview with the media, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) has claimed that the White House wants to create class warfare amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans in order to generate turmoil and maintain power.

Meanwhile, a healthy lifestyle including exercise and vitamins is recommended by the President of El Salvador to prevent the serious illness associated with COVID. 

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