A Polish doctor recently recorded a video of himself getting the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. He mocked the critics who questioned the efficacy of the vaccine while getting jabbed. Ironically, the doctor died just days later, although the cause of his death was reported to be heart failure.

Doctor Mocks Critics Of COVID-19 Vaccine While Taking Jab. Dies Just Days Later

Dr. Witold Rogiewicz passed away just days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Here is what he said while recording himself getting jabbed.

“Vaccinate yourself to protect yourself, your loved ones, friends and also patients. And to mention quickly I have info for anti-vaxxers and anti-coviders if you want to contact Bill Gates you can do this through me. I can also provide for you from my organism the 5G network. I am sorry I hadn’t spoke for a bit but I was just getting autism.”

Dr. Rogiewicz’s death certificate says he died of heart attack.

After his death, the doctor’s friends and colleagues wrote at VIP-Clinic:

At night, our Friend and Collaborator, Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, suddenly passed away. We are devastated by this news. We send our deepest sympathy to the family he loved very much. We cannot believe … ☹ Witek, we will miss you very much.

PS OViKlinic will contact all patients of Dr. Rogiewicz and will not leave them without help. Please understand the situation.

Recently, a Swedish epidemiology professor was forced to quit his research on coronavirus after he faced radical backlash on his findings that the coronavirus doesn’t possess a huge threat to children.

According to Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there were 34 cases reported where pregnant women suffered from spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths post COVID-19 vaccination.

According to Intermountain Healthcare doctors women who were recently vaccinated for COVID-19 may show symptoms of Breast Cancer as a side-effect of the vaccine.

An American doctor from Wisconsin, Dr Sara Beltrán Ponce had a miscarriage just days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

In yet another case, a woman from Rajasthan tested COVID-19 positive 31 times in 5 months baffling doctors. Her results have been contradicting the novel Coronavirus’ incubation cycle that is believed to end in 14 days.

Recently, the deaths of elderly who recovered from COVID-19, but died after the vaccine was administered, have raised questions.

Moreover, a group of researchers in the The Lancet medical journal have warned that  Covid-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, potentially leading to an increase in infections.

Australia had to scrap its billion dollars coronavirus vaccine agreement after participants tested positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, American federal officials are investigating COVID-19 vaccine recipients who developed the rare blood disorder thrombocytopenia, with at least several cases resulting in death.

For latest updates on the outbreak check out our Coronavirus Coverage.

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13 Responses

  1. For someone supposedly so educated, he sure made a stupid decision taking that vaccine! Id likely feel more compassion for him if he had shown compassion toward others prior to his death. Still i never wish death on another. Its so sad his PRIDE kept him so rigid in his thinking and may have kept him from seeing other positive options around “the virus”.

  2. It’s been my general experience through this whole charade that the smarter the person, the less they question ‘those above’

  3. In the meantime if he had died of a heart attack within 28 days of contracting covid he would partake in the statistics for Covid deaths.

  4. I wonder if I could get this doctor on my podcast to talk about the safety and efficacy of this covid19 vaccine? No? What….oh, the vaccine killed him??? ooops!

  5. Medically speaking it is most likely that he simply died of an unfortunate but idiopathic heart attack which is not unheard of. Temporal correlation does not confer causation.

  6. You know what? I bet he would’ve had a heart attack regardless of taking the shot… sure are a lot of people who love to eat up internet conspiracies these days…

  7. I never agreed with the vaccine never got it what happened to the flu this year nobody mentioned the flu how many people die from the flu? Elderly people having heart attacks or etc. Or how about drug interaction with the vaccine no one ever talks about that do they people have died taking the vaccine with a drug interaction this is my opinion

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