An elderly patient was given Remedesivir to treat Covid-19 in an Illinois hospital, but it could not treat the patient. This hospital was insisting on administering this drug. But, the patient was recovered with Ivermectin when court allowed him to use it despite the hospital’s objections.

Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

The Ivermectin tablet was suggested by an outside doctor. This tablet is used to treat conditions created by parasitic worms. These conditions include intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis.

This drug is approved by FDA and it’s some forms have also been approved to treat rosacea and head lice. It can be used for treating animals as well.

Remdesivir is for emergency use to treat Covid-19. It has become controversial to use Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 as it is not approved by FDA to treat health issues caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Critics accused the FDA for being indifferent and over-cautious to human health issues in its approach to control and regulate pharmaceuticals.

The law, according to the FDA, “is another way for patients who have been diagnosed with life-threatening diseases or conditions who have tried all approved treatment options and who are unable to participate in a clinical trial to access certain unapproved treatments.”

The FDA claims that off-label use of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 can be dangerous in many scenarios but still doctors can prescribe it to treat this issue. As per the agency, clinical human trials of drug use against Covid-19 are in progress.

How Ivermectin saved Sun Ng’s life

An elderly, Sun Ng, 71, from Hong Kong was visiting the US. He came to celebrate the first birthday of his daughter, but got infected with Covid-19. He was hospitalized, but his condition worsened. He was placed on a ventilator.

Ng’s daughter, Man Kwan Ng, researched a lot and decided to try Ivermectin to treat his father. Many doctors think that this tablet can be effective against Covid-19. She asked doctors to use Ivermectin to treat her father but the hospital refused to administer it and also denied access to a doctor willing to administer it. 

On Nov. 1, the daughter went to court on behalf of her father and Judge Paul M. Fullerton granted a temporary restraining order requiring the hospital to permit Ivermectin to be given to the patient, but the hospital denied to comply with court order.

On Nov. 5, at a subsequent court hearing , Fullerton said one physician who testified described the patient as  “basically on his deathbed,” with only a 10 to 15 percent chance of survival.

This drug can have minimal side effects like diarrhea, itchy skin and dizziness at the dosage suggested for Ng, but the “risks of these side effects are so minimal that Mr. Ng’s current situation outweighs that risk by one-hundredfold,” Fullerton said.

The judge issued a preliminary injunction that day directing the hospital to “immediately allow … temporary emergency privileges” to Ng’s physician, Dr. Alan Bain, “solely to administer Ivermectin to this patient.”

On Nov, 6 and 7, the hospital resisted the court order and denied Bain access to his patient. The hospital claimed that it could not let Bain in as he was not vaccinated against Covid-19 and chief medical officer of hospital was not present to “proctor” Bain administering Ivermectin.

On Nov. 8, an emergency report with court was filed by the daughter’s attorney and both sides were heard by Fullerton. The judge admonished the hospital and restated that the hospital must allow Bain inside over a 15 days period and let him do his job.

Fullerton denied when the hospital filed a motion to stay the order. On Nov. 27, Sun Ng was discharged as Ivermectin worked.

“My father’s recovery is amazing,” his daughter, Man Kwan Ng, said in a statement.

“My father is a tough man. He was working so hard to survive, and of course, with God’s holding hands. He weaned off oxygen about three days after moving out of the ICU. He started oral feeding before hospital discharge.

He returned home without carrying a bottle of oxygen and a feeding tube installed to his stomach. He can now stand with a walker at the bedside and practice stepping. After being sedated for a month on a ventilator in ICU, his performance is beyond our expectations. Praise the Lord.”

Attorney Erickson said the “happy” end result here provides “hope for the nation.”

“We get calls from all over the place,” she told The Epoch Times. “People that want to sue hospitals after someone’s passed, they wanted to get the medicine and couldn’t. Obviously, that’s a different, difficult case because a medical malpractice case is very difficult.”

People just want to do what’s best for their family members and “find Ivermectin themselves” and have it on hand “and use it when someone starts to develop symptoms,” Erickson said.

She said her legal team and client were “really thankful” that Ng recovered and “we salute” Judge Fullerton, Dr. Bain, and others, as well as the hospital for abiding by the court order in the end.

4 Responses

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  2. They need to make Ivermectin in a nice chewable mint so that the family of the poor patient can say they are just bringing the patient a nice treat. A treat that can do the job that the ghouls in the disease industry refuse to do: Save the life of their loved one.

  3. When patients have a right to seek second opinion regarding their diagnosis and further treatment, denying it amounts to violation of human rights. This case also demonstrates the importance of legal system in protecting the lives of people.

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