In Western Australia, a mother of five with a terminal illness has been told her children can’t visit her in hospital in her final days due to upgraded COVID restrictions.

Dying Mother Of 5 Told Her Children Can't Visit Her In Hospital Due To Upgraded COVID Restrictions

Despite her entire family being vaccinated against COVID, Jo Gittos was told that due to the state of Western Australia’s “red alert” restrictions for hospitals, her children and her mother will not be allowed to visit during what are likely her final weeks to live.

4 Responses

  1. LISTEN-UP, ‘authorities’ – – due to updated ‘mandates’ from the BIG GUY, you no longer have visitation rights to Heavenly Places, PERIOD ! ……. …. shalom, al jenkins

  2. It is, trust me. As a state, they are morally bankrupt. I do not know how people in WA can look at themselves in the mirror very day. I have had an ex-friend, tell me they had a “food lockdown” – is that not an oxymoron?

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