Global leaders are presently manufacturing an economic crisis just to pursue their ‘climate change’ goals. The result is a deliberate economic contraction and a global recession, which we are currently experiencing.

Global Leaders Are Manufacturing An Economic Crisis To Pursue Their Climate Change Goals

We are about to witness something occur that will have consequences no one has ever seen because Western governments are pursuing dramatic joint action under the guise of a “climate change” agenda.

Western governments, in particular those of western Europe, North America (the United States and Canada), and Australia/New Zealand, are seeking to actively slow down economic growth in order to make up for the deliberate decline in energy production. This is the fundamental consequence of the World Economic Forum’s Build Back Better (BBB) agenda.

There is no precedent for countries attempting to collectively and consciously lower their economic activity in this manner.

The Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank, and the U.S. Federal Reserve are all hiking interest rates while concealing their actions under the fallacious argument that the current inflation is being caused by excessive demand. The result is a deliberate economic contraction and a global recession, which we are currently experiencing.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is actively lowering western economic activity; but, the impacted countries that make products for markets in North America and Europe, notably Southeast Asia, Japan, and China, are not hiking interest rates to counterbalance the decline in demand.

In a last-ditch attempt to reduce costs and maintain the viability of its export-dependent economy, China has announced that its central bank will be lowering its rates.

Underneath it all, the same countries attempting to slow down economic activity are also seeing a decline in energy production. Political decision-makers are striving to control this process without disclosing the unstated objective to the populace. Natural gas, coal, and oil shortages are all self-inflicted issues that are all part of the BBB agenda.

When it comes down to it, think tanks and lofty climate change idealists are unable to oversee a transition while still providing for people’s necessities. These behaviors have genuine repercussions that go beyond esoteric thinking.

Many people have talked about the possibility of long-term food shortages and, more recently, short-term winter heating. However, the downstream geopolitical ramifications appear to be overlooked. Instead, we witness an effort to keep claiming that the ends of climate change will justify the means (disruption of energy production).

In this interconnected globe, when Western nations cease purchasing goods, we find ourselves in domestic economic crisis. Businesses collapse, unemployment rises, financial stress spreads throughout the economy, reliance on government subsidies grows, and real suffering is experienced. However, beyond internal challenges, the supplier countries face even greater difficulties.

On a geopolitical scale, unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and even China creates a completely different set of problems for regional stability.

This has never happened before. In the history of developed nations, no government has ever tried to deliberately slow down economic activity. Given the fact that during a contraction, countries get poorer and people suffer, it has never been done on purpose before.

Not only has no nation ever attempted to deliberately reduce its riches, but there is also no historical precedence for a group of nations to band together with the same goal. Despite the fact that this could appear to be an intellectual economic modeling exercise, it is regrettably very real. The situation we are describing is currently under progress, therefore we should start talking about it before the unforeseeable repercussions spiral out of control and into a crisis.

As a consequence of the decline in energy output, food costs will continue to rise dramatically in North America (U.S.-Canada), Europe, and Australia. Food shortages will occur outside of the western countries as a result of decreased harvest yields and reduced industrial food production.

It is also an undisputed fact that areas with severe winters will have to pay substantially more for limited heating resources.

Accepting this, what happens geopolitically—and even militarily—when the entire world economy begins to experience the effects of the economic contraction of western nations on a magnitude that has never been observed previously?

We have no idea how that overall effect will pan out, but whatever “that” is, it will occur at a time when everyone will be more desperate due to their economic situation.

Political leadership in the aforementioned western countries appears to be purposefully keeping people occupied with domestically appealing activities. Before it is too late, someone needs to start really confronting and discussing the long-term effects of this Build Back Better future.

3 Responses

  1. to pursue a fully parasitic and satanic new world order, where sovereginity of nations and religions will dissapear, centralized CBDC’s will enslave Humanity, and where you will no longer be allowed to think different from what the new world orders deems as “the truth”

  2. Worst thing is they know it’s a ruse but your not supposed to be smart enough to figure out what comes next. Psychopaths tend to have God complex thinking they are superior to those around them giving their actions validity.

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