People and nations have long dreamt of changing Ukraine into a staging ground for a conflict with Russia. It would seem the objective has been accomplished as we are amidst an economic world war, says Russian envoy to the UN.

We Are Amidst An Economic World War Says Russian Envoy To UN 1

During a UN Security Council discussion on Ukraine, Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia stated that a world war is presently playing out on an economic level as a result of the sanctions imposed on Russia in reaction to its special military operation in Ukraine.

According to Nebenzia, the West has been planning for the economic warfare against Russia for quite a lengthy period, gauging by the rapidity with which it has been launched.

“This is not a war in Ukraine, contrary to what you say, this is a proxy war of the collective West against the Russian Federation. It is as if you were eagerly awaiting this moment to unleash repression against Russia. And if we were to talk about world war then, without a doubt, it is being waged at the economic level today,” Nebenzia said.

People and nations have long dreamt of changing Ukraine into a staging ground for a conflict with Russia, according to the Russian envoy, and they have executed everything necessary to accomplish this objective since Ukraine’s independence 30 years ago.

Nebenzia added that Russia has never had and will never have any delusions about the West’s aspirations to establish Ukraine a NATO member, as they ignore Russia’s proposals and suggestions for Europe’s security infrastructure.

After the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk sought assistance in defending themselves against intensifying attacks by Ukrainian troops, Russia initiated a special military operation in Ukraine on February 24.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the action is only aimed at Ukrainian military installations. Western governments retaliated by imposing broad sanctions on Russia.

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