The Los Angeles Mayor nominated as the US ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti has been embroiled in a pay-to-play scandal with Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden.

Nominated US Ambassador To India Eric Garcetti Embroiled In Pay To Play Scandal With Hunter Biden

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who has been nominated as the US Ambassador to India, attended an art show hosted by Hunter Biden, son of the US President Joe Biden, in Hollywood last week.

Biden’s opponents and several lawmakers have slammed Garcetti, who is now awaiting confirmation hearing, for this.

“Disgraced LA mayor Eric Garcetti, who Joe Biden nominated for Ambassador to India, was one of the many ambitious potential buyers at Hunter Biden’s art show where pieces are selling for USD 500k,” Congressman Jim Banks said in a tweet. “I’m sure it is just a coincidence…,” he said.

According to Mother Jones, about 200 people attended this event.

“Hunter’s gallerist, Georges Bergès, has said he’s expecting as much as USD 500,000 for some of the paintings,” The Atlantic reported.

“Unfortunately for the White House, the people about to profit from Hunter’s foray into the art world are anticipating far higher returns—and suddenly presenting the Biden administration with a new Hunter-related headache,” the news outlet said.

“We’ve spoken to the arrangement that is run by the gallerist and Hunter Biden’s representatives that the White House provided suggestions for.

I’d refer you to the gallerists for questions about the event and as well as the representatives of Mr. Garcetti in terms of his attendance,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at her daily news conference when asked about it.

“The ambassador-designate to India was seen reportedly at an event in Los Angeles last week, an art gallery event that featured the artwork of the president’s son, Hunter.

The ethicists who have pointed to this arrangement have expressed concern that the president’s son selling art could potentially put the president in a situation where those who seek jobs, either in this administration or favors from this administration, could put this White House in an awkward position,” a reporter asked.

“What is the White House’s response to the fact that an ambassador nominee was at this event? And secondly, should we expect to see more people who seek jobs in this administration attending events like this,” the reporters asked during the news conference.

Another major scandal erupted earlier this year in Sweden where the son of the American President Joe Biden was caught smuggling strippers into the Swedish Embassy.

Swedish authorities threatened to evict Hunter Biden after catching him smuggling strippers in the House of Sweden with whom Biden had a child one year later. The stripper forced him to acknowledge this child as his own. 

Earlier GreatGameIndia reported an investigation report by an intelligence firm on how the Chinese intelligence cultivated the Biden family.

The intel report disclosed a detailed narration of important events and interactions which took place during meetings between the Biden family and Chinese tycoons.

As a direct result of the elaborate influence operation China managed to steal America’s nuclear secrets.

As part of the operation, Joe Biden also blocked the sale of Russian Cryogenic rocket engine technology to India describing it as being “dangerous”.

2 Responses

  1. Mayor Garcetti’s attendance at Hunter’s art show–is an understandable thank-you for the ambassadorial appointment. I want to see Hunter’s art career succeed; but I don’t understand the rocket-engine veto, if India is to be part of the Quad.

  2. Couldn’t attend the Gala last Friday – – had to cut the lawn w my 21 inch Craftsman Push Mower. But i managed a selfie in the nude cutting up a storm. Although at 77 i’m not really handsome , am thinking of submitting to Hunter’s next show , calling it ” Au BUFF Sur La TURF ” – – w such a catchy title it may fetch a 100k ! ……. …..shalom,a.j.

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