Mislav Kolakusic followed his colleague Roos’ lead and pushed for stronger resistance to the imposition of COVID vaccines. ‘They have sold us fake vaccines,’ says the EU politician who called on the governments to cancel vaccine contracts.

They Have Sold Us Fake Vaccines EU Politician Calls On Governments To Cancel Vaccine Contracts

Mislav Kolakusic, a MEP to the European Parliament from Croatia, has urged the European Union to sever all ties with COVID vaccine producers who he claims have sold countries “fake vaccines.”

Kolakusic’s October 13 assertions, that have subsequently gone “viral” on social networking sites, follow Monday’s sensational admission in the European Parliament by Janine Small, president of international markets at Pfizer, that there wasn’t any proof of any transmission tests performed by Pfizer prior to the roll out of their novel mRNA COVID injections.

On Monday, Dutch MEP Rob Roos posed the following question to Small: “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market…?”

“No… we had to really move at the speed of science,” Small said in response.

Kolakusic followed his colleague Roos’ lead and pushed for stronger resistance to the imposition of COVID vaccines as a result, especially given that they had been made necessary throughout Europe and the Western world under the false pretense that they would cease transmission.

“Hundreds of millions of people around the world in the last two days have seen through social media the response of [Small] to the question of my colleague Rob Roos: ‘Has the vaccine been tested with regard to the prevention of transmission of the virus?’” slammed the politician, affirming that the answer Roos received was a “direct response” that there had been “no vaccine testing for transmission.”

Kolakusic urged the EU Parliament even more by citing data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics, which revealed that COVID vaccines offer no real protection against death based on National Health Service (NHS) data accumulated over the last two years.

“Futhermore, given that the available data, in particular the data of the English NHS, which precisely keeps the statistics of the number of sick, hospitalized and deceased according to so-called vaccination status… it is undoubtedly clear that there is no difference in infection, illness and death from COVID between the so-called vaccinated and unvaccinated patients,” continued the politician.

Kolakusic went on to say that in light of this, agreements with vaccine producers should be terminated “immediately,” and the billions spent should be reimbursed, because the jabs are, in his opinion, “fake vaccines,” as they do not halt transmission or explicitly offer protection, as vaccines are supposed to.

Authorities need to “prosecute Pfizer and others” he charged. “Otherwise we also participate in the crime of obtaining and promoting fake medicines and damaging the EU budget.”

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