Senator Paul disclosed that there is a committee that is intended to oversee experiments with potentially lethal viruses, but that it is above the oversight of Congress. Fauci misled congress about gain-of-function research, but was protected by the Biden administration, claims the former CDC chief.

Fauci Misled Congress About Gain-Of-Function Research But Protected By Biden Admin Former CDC Chief Says

Just this past week, Senator Rand Paul attacked Anthony Fauci on Fox News for adopting the default stance of attempting to “cover up” his conduct, which may have included pressuring social media corporations to suppress medical information.

“I think that all of America should be appalled that America’s doctor, the leading expert on COVID in public health, doesn’t want to divulge information, doesn’t want to divulge his communications with Big Tech,” Paul urged, adding that Fauci’s “modus operandi” is to “cover up”.

Senator Paul disclosed that there is a committee that is intended to oversee such experiments with potentially lethal viruses, but that it is above the oversight of Congress in his remarks following the first-ever Senate hearing on gain of function research a month earlier.

“We don’t know the names. We don’t know that they ever meet, and we don’t have any records of their meetings,” the Senator reiterated, adding “It’s top-secret. Congress is not allowed to know. So whether the committee actually exists, we’re uncertain.”

“We do know that they’ve met three times and there are thousands of gain-of-function research proposals. They’ve only met three times, they’ve only reviewed three projects,” Paul continued.

The Senator added that “When Dr. Fauci said, ‘Oh, we’ve reviewed this and the experts have looked at this, and said it’s not gain-of-function,’ even that wasn’t true. There was a committee that was formed after 2017 to look at this dangerous research. They didn’t look at this research at all because they never reviewed it. So no one reviewed this to say it wasn’t gain-of-function research. They didn’t review it, period.”

“So we learned a lot of things, but I think we reconfirmed that Dr. Fauci is not being honest with us,” Paul urged, adding “Yes, the NIH funded gain-of-function research. Yes, it was dangerous. And yes, nobody looked over this. Nobody reviewed the research. Yes, a million people died. And there still seems to be a significant lack of curiosity on the part of Democrats.”

Of course, Fauci laughed this off as yet another ‘vast-right-wing-conspiracy-theory’ or some-such.

But now Dr. Fauci has a dilemma… According to Greg Piper of Just The News, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who was depicted as a conspiracy theorist after saying the evidence supported the lab-leak explanation for COVID-19, supposedly instigating death threats, claims that the real “conspiracy is Collins, Fauci, and the established scientific community.”

Robert Redfield informed former Senate Finance Committee investigator Paul Thacker that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci “knew” he supported gain-of-function study that renders viruses more hazardous and “misled Congress” when he denied it.

Rand Paul was correct after all, and there was not a massive right-wing plot?

“Everyone had to agree to the narrative” pushed by Fauci and then-National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a “wet market” in Wuhan, not the Fauci-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology miles away, to avoid becoming a public target of the two officials, he said.

Fauci Misled Congress About Gain-Of-Function Research But Protected By Biden Admin Former CDC Chief Says 2

Redfield believes The Lancet spring 2020 letter, which paired the lab-leak scenario with “conspiracy theories” was “orchestrated … under direction of Fauci and Collins, trying to nip any attempt to have an honest investigation of the pandemic’s origin.”

“There was nothing scientific about that letter. It was just an attempt to intimidate people,” he also said.

“I was threatened, my life was threatened,” he said.

“I have letters I got from prominent scientists, that previously gave me awards, telling me that the best thing I could do for the world was to shoot myself because of what I said.”

According to him, “Fauci and Collins were behind a lot of” of the conspiracy theories and “anti-Asian hate” accusations around the lab-leak theory.

Finally, we inquire as to how Fauci has managed to withstand all of this (in terms of politics, bureaucracy, and freedom).

You will not like the answer that Dr. Redflied has to offer:

“[n]othing’s going to happen as long as the Biden administration is here.”

But keep in mind the scientific component!

One Response

  1. N’ER-DO-WELLS can fabricate one lie after another , and are Truly EXPERT at explaining away not doing their ‘due diligence’ . – – away w them all. …… …shalom

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