On a conference call organised by Fauci were 11 virologists from around the world, including Dr. Andersen, whom Fauci paid $18 million to change his opinion on COVID.

Fauci gave Anderson a $1.88M grant, and $16.5M funding.

Recently released e-mails show that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew key facts about the origins of COVID-19 in January 2020. But at that critical time, when the country was first learning about the virus, Dr. Fauci chose not to share the facts with Americans. Instead, he acted to conceal them.

On January 31, 2020, at 10:32 p.m., Dr. Fauci received an email from British researcher, Dr. Kristian Andersen. Dr. Andersen has received millions of dollars in grants from the NIH. In the email, he warned Dr. Fauci:

One has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features look engineered . . . Eddie [Holmes], Bob [Garry], Mike [Ferguson] and myself all find the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory.

Two hours later, at 12:29 a.m. on February 1, Dr. Fauci emailed his long-time deputy, Dr. Hugh Auchincloss. In the email, Dr. Fauci attached a paper written by Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi – the so-called “bat woman” from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The paper highlighted taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research on coronaviruses conducted by the WIV. Dr. Fauci told Dr. Auchincloss:

It is essential that we speak this [morning]. Keep your cell phone on . . . read this paper . . . you will have tasks today that must be done. Urgency. Intensity.

Schmitt wanted to show that Fauci collaborated with Facebook and others to dispel rumors that the virus was created in a lab in Wuhan, China. Fauci emailed a friend saying masks were ‘ineffective,’ pushed for mandates anyway, said the Missouri AG.

Read more about the topic here.

2 Responses

  1. The “test kits” for Covid 19 were patented in 2016. Whatever happened in Wuhan had nothing to do with a “leak” from the WIV.

  2. I looked up the term ‘dog squat’ in my new dictionary and there was a little picture of Anthony Faucifraud. Why is that maggot still breathing my air?

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