A study published by the National Institutes of Health, which is headed by Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, has shown how she rigged Covid trials for children.

How Fauci’s Wife Rigged COVID Trials For Children 1

The wife of Anthony Fauci, who is also the head of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center’s Department of Bioethics, wrote a paper detailing the procedure for enrolling children in COVID-19 vaccine trials.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center provided funding for the research (pdf below), which was titled “Enrolling Minors in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials” and was published in the Pediatrics journal. The wife of NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady, and four other authors worked together on the study to “propose recommendations for when and how to enroll minors in vaccine trials for the coronavirus disease 2019.”

“The costs that delay poses to children, their families, and society provide strong reasons to consider enrolling minors in vaccine trials for COVID-19 before safety and efficacy have been established in adults,” claimed Grady in the paper.

The remainder of the study assesses the advantages and disadvantages of when children should be enrolled in COVID-19 vaccine studies as well as the best criteria for participant selection.

“A different way to address this concern is to enroll minors after there are sufficient safety data in adults, but before there is evidence of efficacy. To pursue this strategy, enrollment of minors should begin with those who are most similar to the adults from whom safety data were collected,” explains researchers.

The study was published in March 2021, or around one year before public health authorities would approve and strongly recommend that children receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

The newly discovered article was discovered in the middle of controversy surrounding Fauci’s funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s study of “killer” bat coronaviruses. Additionally, given her husband’s influence on the nation’s COVID-19 response and vaccination recommendations, Grady’s important position overseeing the ethics of NIH research and policy appears to present a conflict of interest.

Additionally, it comes in the wake of documents that exposed Fauci’s feverishly rising income and investments during COVID-19.

Read the study given below:


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