According to a new accusation by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci was smuggled’ into CIA Headquarters to influence” the COVID-19 origins investigation.

According to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci was brought into the CIA’s headquarters “without a record of entry,” where he “participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s” Covid-19 research.

The letter from Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) to the Inspector General of the US Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday evening, which seeks papers, conversations, and other proof between Fauci and the CIA, made reference to the purported encounter between Fauci and the CIA.

The CIA allegedly paid analysts to claim that COVID-19 did not come from a Chinese facility, according to a story that surfaced two weeks ago. This makes the accusation all the more intriguing.

According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” reads the letter from Wenstrup.

“The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.

“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” the letters continue, adding that the analysts were “experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.”

Wenstrup and Turner also asked for documents and communications between the CIA and other federal agencies, including the State Department, FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Energy Department.

In a separate letter, the House committee leaders identified former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andrew Makridis as having “played a central role” in the COVID investigation and asked him to sit for a transcribed interview. -NY Post

‘Senior-level’ CIA leaker claims that the organization ‘tried to pay off six experts who believed SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab provided they modified their viewpoint and suggested the virus leapt from animals to humans.’

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the new COVID-19 vaccine booster was tested on only eight mice.

In a declassified 10-page assessment on the origins of COVID released in June, the US Intelligence Community noted that “genetic engineering” and “biosafety concerns” were being conducted in Wuhan, but that the majority of its “agencies assess that SARS-CoV-2 was not genetically engineered.”

On Tuesday, the Committee made a note of;

Dr. Fauci’s questionable presence at the CIA, coupled with recently uncovered evidence that he, Dr. Fauci, “prompted” the drafting of “Proximal Origin” — the infamous paper that was used to attempt to “disprove” the lab leak theory — lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false COVID-19 origins narrative by multiple federal government agencies.

Chairman Wenstrup is seeking all documents and communications related to Dr. Fauci’s access to CIA facilities and CIA employees as it relates to these allegations. Also, after becoming aware of additional information, the Select Subcommittee is requesting Special Agent Brett Rowland appear for a transcribed interview regarding Dr. Fauci’s purported movements to and from the CIA. As mounting evidence continues to imply that federal government officials covered-up the origins of COVID-19, investigating any improper influence will ensure future accountability of not only the intelligence community, but also public health officials.

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