Several sources claim that ex-FBI agent Timothy Thibault withheld information on Hunter and Joe Biden from a whistleblower, resulting in several pieces of evidence disappearing from the FBI. 

FBI Agent Timothy Thibault Hid Intel From Whistleblower On Hunter And Joe Biden 1

The Washington Field Office assigned Timothy Thibault, the FBI agent suspected of interfering with a Hunter Biden investigation, as the “point man” to handle whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, the first son’s former business partner, before the 2020 election. However, sources claim that Timothy Thibault suppressed Bobulinski’s damning revelations.

On October 23, 2020, Bobulinski was privately questioned by the FBI for more than five hours on his inside information regarding then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings with China.

According to an email discovered on Hunter’s abandoned laptop, the day before, he had revealed in a press conference that Joe Biden was the “Big Guy” entitled to a 10% cut of a profitable joint venture with Chinese energy company CEFC.

Along with emails and financial records describing the Biden family’s corrupt influence-peddling operation in other countries during Joe’s vice presidency, Bobulinski provided the FBI with the contents of three cellphones containing encrypted messages between Hunter and his business associates.

But it appears that his evidence disappeared into the same abyss as Hunter’s laptop did at the FBI.

The tale he told 

FBI Agent Timothy Thibault Hid Intel From Whistleblower On Hunter And Joe Biden 2
Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, speaks to journalists in 2020.

The “Big Guy” message and an email from a Ukrainian energy firm executive thanking Hunter for setting up a 2015 meeting with then-VP Biden in Washington were among the items from the laptop that were published by The Post the week before Bobulinski’s FBI interview.

On the day Bobulinski visited the FBI’s Washington Field Office, 11 days before the 2020 presidential election, he was instructed to enter by the back entrance of the unassuming, eight-story building in northwest DC, one mile from FBI headquarters, rather than through the front door.

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Giulio Arseni and James Dawson, the special agent in charge of the Criminal and Cyber Division at the time, met with him.

They gave him to William Novak and Garrett Churchill, two more young agents, who conducted the recorded interview and issued a receipt for Bobulinski’s digital data.

He discussed the work that Hunter, his uncle Jim Biden, and partners Rob Walker and James Gilliar accomplished in Oman, Romania, Georgia, and other countries while Joe was vice president in 2015 and 2016. He revealed to them how Hunter had a lucrative personal relationship with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming at the time the firm was arranging for China to buy Rosneft for $9 billion. Following the collapse of the transaction in 2018, Ye was detained in China.

In order to spread the influence of the Communist dictatorship around the world, CEFC served as the capitalist branch of China’s Belt and Road plan.

Additionally, Bobulinski revealed to the FBI Hunter’s connections to the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma’s owner, oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the billionaire Romanian Gabriel Popoviciu, and the former FBI Director Louis Freeh, whom Hunter hired as a consultant to help Popoviciu avoid facing corruption charges in his home country.

Several times during the interview, Churchill and Novak took a break to confer with Dawson, claims an insider.

An FBI forensic team and Arseni both occasionally entered the room.

Thibault’s cell phone number was provided to Bobulinski and his attorney, and they were informed that he would serve as their “point man” at the FBI going forward.

The following evening, Bobulinski’s attorney called Thibault, who promised to give advice shortly on what to do next and whether Bobulinski needs to conduct a follow-up interview.

However, Bobulinski and his attorney were never approached again. Bobulinski was also not summoned before the Delaware grand jury looking into Hunter.

Last July, Dawson relocated to the Little Rock, Arkansas, field office.

The Office of Special Counsel is looking into Thibault’s anti-Trump social media statements, and Republican senators have publicly accused him of burying Hunter Biden evidence that may have hurt Joe’s candidacy. Thibault left the FBI last week.

‘Improperly discredited’ 

Sen. Chuck Grassley received allegations from whistleblowers that Hunter Biden’s alleged “criminal financial and associated activities” was the subject of a closed investigation in the same month as Bobulinski’s FBI interview.

In a letter six weeks ago to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, Grassley stated: “An avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed at the direction of ASAC Thibault.”

“It’s been alleged that the FBI HQ team suggested to the FBI agents that the information was at risk of disinformation; however, according to allegations, [it] was either verified or verifiable via criminal search warrants … Thibault allegedly ordered the matter closed without providing a valid reason, as required by FBI guidelines [and] it’s alleged that FBI officials, including ASAC Thibault, subsequently attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”

Additionally, according to Grassley, an evaluation opened by FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten in August 2020 was utilised by an FBI headquarters team to “improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease … Verified and verifiable derogatory information on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation.”

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Timothy Thibault recently retired.

Last week, Thibault refuted Grassley’s claims. He “did not supervise the investigation of Hunter Biden which… is being handled by the Baltimore Field Office,” according to a statement from his pro bono counsel.

“In particular, Mr. Thibault was not involved in any decisions related to any laptop that may be at issue in that investigation and he did not seek to close the investigation.” 

However, Thibault makes no mention of how he used Bobulinski’s information in his statement.

Did he give it to the FBI field office in Baltimore, which had been helping Delaware US Attorney David Weiss with his four-year investigation into Hunter for alleged tax evasion, money laundering, and foreign agent violations?

If he did, why hasn’t Bobulinski appeared before the grand jury that Weiss called last year?

According to a source, during the testimony of Hunter’s other business associates, at least one of them was questioned about “the Big Guy.”

A credible source 

Given that the FBI has had the laptop since December 2019 and is confident it is legitimate, it is puzzling why Bobulinski, who met twice with Joe Biden in 2017 regarding the CEFC deal and supplied evidence that supports incriminating data on Hunter’s laptop, is not a star witness.

It’s not like Bobulinski lacks a lot of credibility. He has top secret security credentials from the Department of Energy and the National Security Agency. He is a decorated former officer in the US Navy. He is a wealthy businessman who has given to both political parties.

It was the FBI’s responsibility to look into any solid evidence that the future president may have been corrupted by China through millions of dollars paid to his family. 

There is no justification for the FBI’s failure to follow up with Bobulinski after the 2016 Hillary email scandal, even if the agency was unwilling to take any action that might be seen as political during an election campaign.

The FBI’s failure to do so amounts to electoral interference in 2020 by omission.

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