As part of an effort to fight unconstitutional vaccine orders Florida is offering $5000 as a hiring bonus to cops who lose their jobs due to COVID vaccine mandates in other American states.

Florida To Offer $5000 Hiring Bonus For Police Who Lost Jobs Due To Vaccine Mandates In Other States

Republican-controlled states are increasingly trying to recruit law enforcement officers who lose their jobs because of Covid-19 jab mandates, and Florida may soon up the ante by offering displaced cops a $5,000 relocation bonus.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News on Sunday that he hopes to sign legislation authorizing the hiring bonuses as part of an effort to fight “unconstitutional” vaccine orders and fill a need for more officers in his state.

The Republican governor on Friday called a special legislative session to pass bills needed to protect residents from losing their jobs because of jab orders.

“In Florida, not only are we going to want to protect the law enforcement and all the jobs, we’re actually actively working to recruit out-of-state law enforcement because we do have needs in our police and our sheriff’s departments,” DeSantis said in a Fox News interview, citing vaccine mandates in such states as Washington and New York.

“So NYPD, Minneapolis, Seattle, if you’re not being treated well, we’ll treat you better here, you can fill important needs for us, and we’ll compensate you as a result.”

DeSantis, who has waged a war against vaccine mandates in his state, said that first responders and medical workers who were praised as heroes during the early days of the pandemic are now becoming outcasts because of the refusal to get a Covid-19 vaccine. 

“They couldn’t do their jobs on Zoom,” he told Fox host Maria Bartiromo. “They had to be there, and they did it with honor and integrity. Now, you have people who want to kick them out of their job over the shot, which is basically a personal decision?”

DeSantis argued that those officers who had recovered from Covid-19 should be exempted from the mandate due to the fact that they developed “natural immunity” to the virus. “They’re making no accommodations for that. They’re still pretending like that doesn’t even exist.”

Such states as Indiana, Arizona and Alaska have already been either openly courting officers forced out of their jobs because they won’t get vaccinated against Covid-19 or have timed their recruiting pitches with the introduction of vaccine mandates.

Chicago’s police union has, meanwhile, estimated that more than 3,000 officers in the city face possible elimination of their jobs because of their refusal to get jabbed.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva earlier this month said he won’t enforce a vaccine mandate on his employees because he would lose as much as 10% of a workforce that is already stretched thin by budget cuts.

The vaccine mandate imposed by Washington Governor Jay Inslee is one of the strictest in the nation and has already cost nearly 1,900 state employees their jobs. The Washington State Patrol said on Tuesday that 127 of its workers had been forced out.

One of those displaced was state trooper Robert LeMay, who ended his 22-year career last week by signing off to his dispatcher for the last time, saying, “This is the last time you’ll hear me in a state patrol car, and Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.” 

A social media video of his final words on the job went viral, drawing more than two million views.

Dozens of top Nuclear Scientists with highest security clearances are being fired after the vaccine mandate.

It is to be noted that those scientists who may face termination are not new hiers or low level staffers, but the scientists who have served one of America’s most advanced and sensitive defense facilities for decades.

More than 20 states have imposed some form of vaccine mandate on their workers. Major cities have joined in, such as New York, where Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Wednesday that all municipal employees who haven’t received at least their first Covid-19 shot by November 1 will lose their paychecks.

Recently, reporter Allison Williams left ESPN over COVID-19 vaccine mandate, saying “I am so morally and ethically not aligned with this.”

Meanwhile, a Senior Australian Police Sergeant quit her job after refusing to enforce Orwellian COVID rules.

Wearing her dark-blue uniform in a bombshell interview she revealed that she had been “troubled” by how police resources have been applied during the pandemic by state authorities.

However, a small but significant victory was achieved Wednesday when the French Senate rejacted a socialist senator’s proposal to make the COVID experimental vaccine mandatory for all citizens living in France. Non-compliance would trigger a fine of 135 euro (about $150 USD), and 1,500 euro for re-offenders.

3 Responses

  1. Sir, please do an article on the current situation in Sudan. Because there has been an attack there and a military coup is also started. I have a hunch there are some rogue elements involved and as usual, a Western power must be behind it.

  2. Free Enterprise at its finest . Eventual future positive outcomes on both sides ! ….. …shalom,a.j.

  3. DeSantis should be careful what he wishes for. Some of those Chicago cops have been known to engage in very real torture, secret detention facilities and extorting small business for “protection”. Yup — they’ll fit right in at a number of areas in Florida.

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