It seems nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately foresee “natural disasters” and foretell coincidental “acts of God.” They know everything before it happens. Perhaps they truly are prophets. Or, perhaps they’re simply describing the inevitable outcomes of their own actions.

Reset The Table Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

Right now, we’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet, back in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it.

‘Reset the Table’ is part of the ‘Great Reset’

The document in question, titled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” published by The Rockefeller Foundation July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic had caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

Mind you, COVID was declared a pandemic March 11, 2020, so by the time this Rockefeller report was published, the pandemic had only existed for four months, and while certain high-risk groups did experience food insecurity, such as children whose primary meal is a school lunch, widespread food shortages, in terms of empty shelves, were not widely prevalent or particularly severe in the U.S.

The report also notes that it grew out of “video-conference discussions in May and June 2020,” so we’re to believe that two months into the pandemic, these prophetic minds already had the future all figured out. According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset.”

As noted by ThreadsIrish on Substack, “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members.

In the foreword, Rockefeller Foundation president Dr. Rajiv Shah also stresses that “a comprehensive playbook” to address the food system would also need to address other issues, “such as living wages, housing and transportation,” and that “all of us” – meaning the self-proclaimed designers of the future – “need to write that playbook together over the coming year.”

Problem, reaction, solution

There are interesting titbits in this document. For example, on page three, it states that “94 percent of deaths from COVID-19 [are] among individuals with an underlying condition, the majority of which are diet-related.” This is surprising, considering diet and nutrition were essentially absent from public discussions and reporting about the infection.

Equally surprising is that, on page four, the Foundation actually admits its role in creating the problems currently plaguing our food system:

“The Green Revolution – which The Rockefeller Foundation played a role in seeding and scaling – was effective and successful in addressing calorie-based hunger and averting mass starvation. But it left a legacy that we see clearly today, including overemphasis of staple grains at the expense of more nutrient-rich foods, reliance on chemical fertilizers that deplete the soil, and overuse of water.”

On page ten, the Foundation goes so far as to declare that “food is medicine,” and that by “[i]nvesting in healthy and protective diets,” Americans will be able to “thrive and bring down our nation’s suffocating health care costs.”

The report even calls for the expansion of produce prescription programs, as “dietary health and COVID-19 outcomes are clearly linked.” That’s basically been my sermon for the past few decades, and even more so during the pandemic, which finally earned me the honor of being labeled one of the top disinformation spreaders in the U.S.

While it’s tempting to view this document as a sign of sanity, if you’ve looked into the WEF’s “Great Reset” plan, you’ll notice that “Reset the Table” is just another cog in a wheel that is intended to run us over. As noted by ThreadsIrish:

“The document is very much framed in the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution. Here is the problem that they have created (COVID) and now they want to implement the solution (transforming the global food supply). Naturally this is all tied into lands being destroyed, climate change, and trying to move people back into smart cities (Page 5). Surprise, surprise.”

How they intend to seize control of the supply chain

“Reset the Table” basically describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and the supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness,” and “environmental protection.” One key to this enterprise is data collection. They want to collect data on everyone’s spending and eating habits. Expanding broadband access is part of that.

“Forty-two million Americans lack broadband access that is essential to shifts to online enrolment, online purchasing of food, direct farm-to-consumer purchasing, telemedicine, teleconsultations, as well as education, finance, and employment,” the paper notes, adding, “[t]his is a fundamental resiliency and equity gap, and we need to close it, urgently.”

As you can see from these paragraphs alone, they want everything to shift into an online environment, including education, medicine, and the buying of food. This, of course, makes everything you do far easier to monitor and track. Another key is to make sure global WEF partners in multiple sectors work in tandem to form a “collaborative advocacy movement.”

A third key to success is “changes to policies, practices, and norms,” and those changes are “numerous.” The end goal is to centralize control of the food supply into a single executive office, which is right in line with the idea of a “one world government.” As WEF member Henry Kissinger once said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

What’s their definition of ‘healthy diet’?

As for the “healthy and protective diets” the Foundation is calling for, we’ve already been told what that is. For the past several years, the WEF has been promoting the idea that we should get used to eating weeds and bugs and drinking reclaimed sewage.

As noted in a July 2021 WEF article titled, “Why We Need to Give Insects the Role They Deserve in Our Food Systems”:

“By 2050, the world’s food supply will need to feed another 2 billion people. Insect farming for food and animal feed could offer an environmentally friendly solution to the impending food crisis …

Thanks to new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), we are at a turning point and finally able to industrialize the breeding of insects in a contained environment. Insect breeding is a data centric agro-industry with a lot of commonalities with precision agriculture.

Several indoor agriculture start-ups have emerged … Ÿnsect, for example, with more than 300 technology patents and completely unique AI-driven agricultural processes, is building the first fully automated vertical insect farm in the world, able to produce 100,000 tonnes of insect products a year.”

According to this article, insects are “a credible and efficient alternative protein source requiring fewer resources than conventional breeding,” and “a healthy ingredient” that is highly digestible and particularly suitable for senior nutrition. Insect farming is also far less expensive, requiring few natural resources such as water and could reduce agricultural pollution by nearly 99 percent.

The last barrier to making insect burgers the norm is “preconceived ideas about insects as a source of food and legislation with regard to the use and consumption of proteins derived from insects.” For years, the WEF has also promoted the idea that lab-grown animal foods and genetically engineered crops are the only way to feed the world and save the planet.

Not surprisingly, the word “organic” does not appear a single time in the Foundation’s report, and the word “natural” is only used in reference to “natural disasters.” This despite the word “healthy” being used 33 times and the word “sustainable” 17 times.

The term “alternative proteins” appears once, and there’s no mention of “grass fed.” In other words, their versions of “healthy diet” and “sustainable agriculture” do not include any of the basic criteria for a truly healthy, nutritious, sustainable, and regenerative food supply.

Considering its close networking with the WEF, it seems reasonable to conclude that the “healthy diet” the Rockefeller Foundation keeps referring to is one of weeds and insects, and that the kinds of changes to legislation and norms they intend to push through are ones relating to what constitutes “food.” As noted by ThreadsIrish:

“This report is dressed up as being in the public interest yet it is anything but. For 2 years COVID was the focus of attention. It was Stage 1 of Agenda 2030.

The total and utter destruction of the food supply seems to now be well under way. This is all too evident especially when Fact Checkers are having to debunk the number of fires at food processing plants within the last year.

Added to this is the culling of herds of cattle in Kansas (as many as 10,000) which is being put down to high temperatures and drought. Farmers refute this and it looks far more sinister.”

It’s inevitable because it’s an intentional plan

Time and again, the WEF and its global collaborators have “predicted” the future with stunning accuracy, sometimes years in advance, and then when the predictions come true they pretend as though they had nothing to do with it.

But let’s not forget that WEF founder Klaus Schwab, during the May 2022 meeting in Davos, clearly stated that the future doesn’t just happen, it is “built, by us. By a powerful community … in this room.” Make no mistake, they truly believe they have the right to decide the fate of the world, and that you and I have no say in the matter.

Our opinions and preferences are theirs to shape, and they will do so – or at least attempt to – using the most powerful social engineering technologies that ever existed.

And, if we do not wake up to their plans and resist, we’ve made the choice to accept their version of the future – a future in which we’ll all be living in smart multiplexes where there’s no private spaces, no private ownership, and everything you do is recorded, tracked, and punished or rewarded according to some social credit algorithm that determines what it means to be a “good citizen.”

At present, all data point to severe food shortages, and while the looming shortages are blamed on everything from climate change and COVID to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the fact is that WEF allies, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, have published documents and held fictional exercises, in advance, detailing everything we’re currently facing.

So, while they pretend to be modern-day prophets, with answers spilling out as fast as problems appear, it’s rather easy to make predictions when you’re working an intentional plan, and quite simple to fashion solutions at record speed when you created the problems as a means to an end in the first place.

All that is to say, do not doubt that food shortages and famine are coming. It’s inevitable because it’s intentional. The same goes for energy shortages. They’re intent on bringing us into the “green new deal” (as it’s part of the “Great Reset”) even though large-scale alternatives to oil, gas, and nuclear power are non-existent.

Prepare for the inevitable

If something is inevitable, it would behoove you to prepare for it. Eventually, I believe mass resistance will stop many of these diabolical plans, but that resistance probably won’t manifest until a majority are really feeling the squeeze.

Remember, the “Great Reset” includes a reimagined food system that doesn’t rely on livestock or require a large land footprint. That’s why we can be so sure that none of the current problems will be effectively addressed or counteracted.

They intend for the current food system to fall apart, so they can then “solve” the problem by introducing a new system based on patented lab-grown synthetic and genetically engineered foods and massive insect farms.

The only way out of this intentional chaos is to a) become more self-sufficient in the short-term, and b) create alternative parallel food systems locally, outside of the globalists’ control, for more long-term independence. Right now, you’d be wise to address your own short-term food security and safety. Here are some basic suggestions:

Secure a potable water source and the means to purify less-than-ideal water sources – Examples include stocking up on water purification tablets or drops, and/or independent water filtration systems such as Berkey that can filter out pathogens and other impurities (meaning a filtration system that is not tied to the tap in your home, in case pumps go down and you have no tap water).

Even a small survival water filtration system is better than nothing, as drinking contaminated water can result in serious illness and/or death. Having a rain barrel connected to your gutter downspout is a good idea. You can use it to water your garden, and in a worst-case scenario, you have a source of fresh water to drink, cook, and take sponge baths in.

Buy shelf-stable and non-perishable foods in bulk – Freeze-dried foods, for example, have a shelf life of 25 years or more. Canned foods and dry staples such as rice and beans can also stay viable long past their expiration date under the right conditions. Other good options include canned salmon, canned cod livers, sardines in water (avoid ones preserved in vegetable oil), nuts, powdered milk and whey and other nutritional powders you can mix with water.

Ideally, you’ll want to store food in a cool, dark place with low humidity. Bulk packs of rice and beans are best stored in a sealed food-grade bucket with some oxygen absorbers. Vacuum sealing food can also extend shelf life.

Buy energy backups – To prepare for eventual energy shortages, brownouts, rolling blackouts, or a complete shutdown of the power grid, consider one or more power backups, such as gas-powered generators and/or solar generator kits such as Jackery or Inergy. Having backup power can prevent the loss of hundreds of dollars’ worth of food if your home loses electricity for more than a couple of days.

Scale up and diversify according to what you can afford. Ideally, you’d want more than one system. If all you have is a gas-powered generator, what will you do if there’s a gas shortage and/or if the price skyrockets into double digits? On the other hand, what will you do if the weather is too overcast to recharge your solar battery?

Get cooking backups – You also need some way to cook water and food during a blackout. Here, options include (but are not limited to) solar cookers, which require neither electricity nor fire, small rocket stoves, propane-powered camping stoves, and 12-volt pots and pans that you can plug into a backup battery.

Start a garden and learn some basic skills – The more food you can produce at home, the better off you’ll be. At a bare minimum, stock up on sprouting seeds and grow some sprouts. They’re little powerhouses when it comes to nutrition, they’re easy to grow and are ready to eat in days rather than months.

If you have the space, consider starting a garden, and if local regulations allow, you can add chickens for a steady supply of eggs. (Just remember that they too may need additional feed.)

Also, start learning some basic food storage skills such as canning and pickling. While it can feel intimidating at first, it’s really not that difficult. For example, raw, unwashed, homegrown eggs can be preserved in lime water – 1 ounce of lime (calcium hydroxide, aka, “pickling lime”) to 1 quart of water – thereby extending their shelf life to about two years without refrigeration.

The lime water basically seals the eggs to prevent them from spoiling. Before using the eggs, be sure to wash the lime off. This does not work with commercial eggs, however, as the protective coating, called “bloom,” is stripped off during washing.

Fermented vegetables are also easy to make and will allow you to store the proceeds from your garden for long periods of time. For inspiration, check out my fermented veggie recipe. In the video below, I explain the benefits of using starter culture and kinetic culture jar lids. They’re not a necessity, but will cut the odor released as the veggies ferment.

Watch the video below:

Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality. He markets dietary supplements and medical devices. This article was originally published on Mercola.

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