Former CBC reporter Marianne Klowak stated at the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) that the outlet suppressed negative stories about COVID shots and lockdowns.

A former journalist who worked for the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) shockingly revealed that reporters were stopped from being able to cover stories critical of COVID vaccines and lockdowns, and were instead encouraged to push government “propaganda.” 

The shocking revelations were made by past CBC Manitoba reporter Marianne Klowak during testimony at the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) on May 18 in Ottawa.  

“I know that as a public broadcaster, you’d expect us to be telling you the truth, and we stopped doing that,” said Klowak.  

“And it was a number of stories that I have put forward that were blocked, but it seemed to me as a journalist who’d been there 34 years, it’s like the rules had changed overnight. And it changed so quickly that it left me just dizzy.” 

Klowak noted that it was her editors who prevented her from doing stories in relation to protests against the COVID mandates, as well as reports of people having adverse events to the COVID shots, as reported by doctors.  

She noted she had “witnessed in a very short time the collapse of journalism, news gathering, investigative reporting,” adding that the way she “saw it” is that “we were in fact pushing propaganda.” 

“Not only had we shut down one side by silencing and discrediting anyone opposing the narrative, we had elevated and designated ourselves as gatekeepers of the truth. We no longer believed our audience was capable of thinking for themselves,” she told the NCI.

Brianne Dressen, who was injured due to the COVID vaccine, has sued the Biden Administration over censorship in a U.S. court in southern Texas.

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3 Responses

  1. It certainly wasn’t just the CBC pushing this huge boondoggle…..the entire msm was lockstep in the lies and suppression of facts and that includes the former twitter/google masterminds….the world was taken on a massive trial run for domination by a one world body of oligarchs….call it WEF or whatever you like.

  2. The whole covert crap and vaccine is disgusting with the government did and what they encourage doctors and the medical field to do

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