Contrary to popular belief, a significant portion of the Ontario hospitalizations are of fully vaccinated individuals. The statistics quite clearly draws the line between fact and fictional construct by lamenting the fully vaccinated individuals as “super-spreaders” of the virus.

Fully Vaccinated Are Super Spreaders Of COVID Virus Shows Ontario Data

Most individuals in hospitals suffering of COVID-19 were “fully vaccinated,” according to publicly accessible statistics from the Ontario government.

As per the information, there seem to be 1,327 “Fully vaccinated cases” in hospitals as of January 7, contrasting to only 441 “Unvaccinated cases.” There were 100 patients inside the hospital for “partially vaccinated cases.”

There are 119 “unvaccinated cases,” 17 “partially vaccinated cases,” and 106 “fully vaccinated cases” in Ontario’s ICU.

The great proportion of patients who screened positive for COVID in Ontario originate from “fully vaccinated” individuals, according to the data.

On January 7, the province recorded 9,515 cases among “fully vaccinated” citizens, opposed to 1,543 cases among those who had not been vaccinated. In those who have been “partially vaccinated,” there had been 375 cases.

According to statistics from Alberta and Quebec, the majority of individuals in hospitals due to COVID are also “fully vaccinated.”

The Alberta administration reports 258 patients in hospital owing to COVID who have a “complete” immunization record, 19 individuals with a “partial” vaccine status, and 221 people who are “unvaccinated.”

COVID has been linked to 1,948 “fully vaccinated” patients in Quebec hospitals. In hospitals owing to COVID, there were 1,046 “unvaccinated” patients and 78 “partially vaccinated” people.

The overwhelming amount of new COVID “cases” in all Canadian provinces are all in those that have been completely vaccinated.

Despite the Canadian government’s praise for the COVID vaccinations’ efficacy, studies have seldom demonstrated that they prevent infection or transmission. They don’t even guarantee to reduce hospitalization; instead, they evaluate performance by reducing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Every provincial governments in Canada have contributed to the COVID testing craze by distributing free at-home test kits provided by the federal government.

Despite this, Dr. Robert Malone, the creator of the mRNA technology used in vaccinations, claims that the immunized, not the unvaccinated, are the disease’s “super-spreaders.”

Jean-Yves Duclos, Canada’s Minister of Health, recently stated that provincial governments may soon implement obligatory vaccination laws.

Conversations with provincial governments about making COVID jabs mandatory are expected to begin soon, according to Duclos. He further suggested that the only solution out of the situation is through jabs.

In response to Duclos, at least one Premier, Jason Kenney of Alberta, stated that no immunizations would be mandated in his jurisdiction.

As per the data shared by the Chandigarh health authorities in India, around 77% of the new cases of Covid reported from the city in November were fully vaccinated. Out of the cases that were fully vaccinated and tested COVID-19 positive, only 10% of them, including patients with comorbidities, required hospitalisation.

Meanwhile, a widely renowned virology and former senior officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has warned about the risks of the experimental COVID-19 gene transfer vaccines.

He said the vaccinated are the ones really serving as a kind of breeding ground for the virus. He also went onto encourage the un-jabbed to “stay unvaccinated,” while also predicting an inevitable “collapse of our health system” due to health complications in the vaccinated.

16 Responses

  1. Thank You So Very Much for all of this wonderful reporting. I live in British Columbia, Canada, and regularly “share” your articles to many fB groups, to GETTR, and to Twitter.

  2. I’ve been saying this for a couple of months! Why? Because they are not vaccines, they are transfections inasmuch as a spike protein virus is injected into the RNA/messenger of DNA which cannot be undone and which, over time, causes the vaxxed to become the super spreaders which also, over time, eventually kills them; usually within a year as told to us by many doctors who are being suppressed.

  3. Calling them super spreaders is a bit exaggerated. But they ARE spreaders, and do appear, according to this and US State comparison data, to be spreading the spike protein more effectively than the uninjected. Since the traditional definition of ‘vaccine’ conferred the exact opposite of this outcome, it is duly noted by the rational thinker that this outcome was intentional (that is, by design) and that the designers feel confident that their intent cannot be proven.
    This premise is the basis upon which further international legal action must proceed.

  4. You will never eliminate viruses .They have been with us since biological life forms have existed .Geert Vanden Bossche is absolutely correct . We need the un-vaccinated in order top train our immune system
    to overcome this virus.We will then live with it as we do with so many other viruses .

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  8. “He further suggested that the only solution out of the situation is through jabs.” Absolutely wrong information, deliberately so I’ll wager. The real solution is to halt these so-called vaccines immediately. The vaccinated is the pandemic. The survival rate for the majority 18 – 65 is 99,97% Natural immunity is more than enough protection, but strange it is our useless bought for politicians have never brought up the subject of natural immunity, vitamins c & d, Zinc, Ivermectin(used successfully in other countries), among others. But natural immunity doesn’t help the Pharma industry, does it Justin.

  9. Not they really are super spreaders that is NOT exaggerated, and they are the ones who are giving it to us unvaccinated people and the vaccinated ARE dying left and right just like Psalm 91 states! I take it you are vaccinated and scare of death, I suggest gettting right with the Lord, 2 so far of my uncles have gotten the booster and BOTH have died and ARE burning in hell sadly and I pray you don’t do that, I suggest looking up 23 minutes in hell on youtube because those who do NOT have the Lord or repent from their sins, WILL go to this place!! I did post it beneath it IS a real place, no matter if you believe so or not, it WILL be a place you will go to! Why not be safe than sorry!

  10. I am being very very honest, the vaxed ARE going to die! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is best to get Jesus because God is the ONLY one who can do anything about anything! I suggest watching and they will allow you to see the truth because God has filled them with the truth, and Glory ALWAYS goes to God! but no, you are not even human anymore because satan is trying to redo God’s creation, and so I just suggest getting in your Bible and rereading the Bible and focus on God and you will be surprised that He will do wonderful things for HIS Name’s sake, but you MUST do what He tells you, NOT just believe (James 2:19) but yes, do what He tells you!

  11. I am vaxxed because of my job. I did it for my family for the income. Though what could am I to them once I’m gone? I am in the process of writing my wife a letter of encouragement after I am gone. I am saved by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I wished my wife and I could have grown old together.

  12. Dear JT there is hope with lots of protocols to help vaccinated. NAC being at the top. Look on for drs such as Zandre Botha protocols. Get live blood microscope analysis done and find out what your blood actually looks like then work on remediation. May the Lord Bless and encourage you. Keep your eyes on Him.

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