The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given almost $58 million to the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) over the last thirteen years. Most recently, in September 2022, the Gates Foundation committed $560,021.00 to the Clinton Health Initiative “to leverage manufacturing capabilities in China to increase supply security and enhance the supply of key health commodities in low- and middle-income countries.” In other words, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative are collaborating to make developing countries depend on communist China for healthcare and medical products. And they’ve been doing so for years.

How Gates & Clinton Foundations Advance China’s Role In Developing World

The alliance between the Gates and Clinton foundations to foster global reliance on China comes at the same time as the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)—the signature event of the controversial Clinton Foundation—returns after a six-year absence. As reported by Natalie Winters of the National Pulse, the Gates Foundation provided no additional details on how the Clinton/Gates partnership would carry out its goal of promoting reliance on communist China, which is slated to run for 18 months.

Watch the video below:

Still, even in the absence of details, the funding will surely expand China’s manufacturing capabilities as the foundations push developing nations to rely upon Beijing for critical healthcare items. Aside from that, throughout the pandemic, both Gates and Clinton have supported communist China in its endeavors to infiltrate and dominate the U.S., including in the field of healthcare.

Pandemic Set Up Perfect Stage for Gates/Clinton to Praise China

Indeed, in the pivotal month of January 2020, less than a week after the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed “human to human COVID-19 transmission” (and long before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by WHO), the Gates foundation—the second largest supporter of the WHO— “urgently mobilized” its resources to provide support for China’s “epidemic” response as COVID-19 slowly crippled the world. Meanwhile, also in January 2020, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus praised the Chinese government for its handling of the outbreak. Since then, the Gates Foundation has shelled out more than $2 billion toward the global COVID-19 response. Yet, despite the Gates-funded pre-pandemic practice drills and preparation, the response has done nothing but wreck economies, destroy lives and set the stage for the global elite’s Great Reset.

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Screenshot / WHO programme and financial reports for 2020–2021,
including audited financial statements for 2020; pg. 20

To back that up, since 2014, the Gates Foundation has donated nearly $8 million alone to initiatives that specifically mention “Agenda 2030.” With an office in Beijing since 2007, the Gates Foundation minces no words declaring its ongoing commitment to supporting the communist totalitarian nation—a regime that poses the greatest threat to the United States and embodies the premise behind Agenda 2030. It’s worth mentioning that twenty-two years ago, back in 2000, Gates joined Bill Clinton in a last-minute appeal to Congress to open up trade with China, which set the stage for China’s burgeoning global presence. With steadfast support from Gates, his website notes that his organization supports China’s continued development in “infectious diseases,” agriculture and vaccine development while facilitating “China’s ability to share its expertise and innovations—including high-quality, low-cost vaccines and other health products—with sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the developing world.”

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Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping and a goodwill ambassador of the World Health Organization for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, meets with Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in Beijing, capital of China, November 21, 2019. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

Like Bill Gates, and despite the aforementioned six-year absence until September 2022 of the CGI, the initiative’s supposedly dormant fund got busy early in the pandemic to support “the immediate response and recovery of those affected by COVID-19.” And much of that aid involved China. According to a March 13, 2020, report by the Clinton Foundation (which has received millions from a Chinese company directly tied to the Chinese regime), the initiative shipped hundreds of thousands of N95 masks and other supplies from China to the U.S. and other countries via its strategic partners. Also, like Bill Gates, CHAI supports the WHO.

Gates & Clinton Projects Promote Economic Espionage Against US

Moreover, in June 2022, Gates footed the bill to coerce scientists to work with the communist nation. The grant, given to China’s Ministry of Science and Technology’s Foreign Talent Research Center, aimed to “organize [a] forum on pandemic preparedness and response, as a platform for leveraging resources to improve global health and support disadvantaged populations who are disproportionately impacted by pandemics.” The center has ties to the CCP-sponsored Zhongguancun Forum (a partner of the World Economic Forum), with high-level officials such as Chinese leader Xi Jinping often speaking. The grant from Gates is contentious as it is well known that China has used its science and technology programs to entice American scientists to form an alliance with the CCP, which poses a direct threat to U.S. national security.

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HARVARD, JAN-FEB 2011; Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber has created a transistor so small it can be used to penetrate cell membranes and probe their interiors, without disrupting function. The transistor (yellow) sits near the bend in a hairpin-shaped, lipid-coated silicon nanowire. B.Tian and C.M. Lieber, Harvard University
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A V-shaped silicon nanowire is attached to bimetal connectors that lift the entire structure up out of the horizontal plane on which it is made. B.Tian and C.M. Lieber, Harvard University
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Once the nanowire has been lifted up, it can penetrate three-dimensional structures such as cells. B.Tian and C.M. Lieber, Harvard University

As an example, former Harvard University professor Charles Lieber is one notable U.S. scientist who pledged his allegiance to China. In January 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted Lieber for failing to disclose financial ties to the CCP—despite receiving U.S. taxpayer funds. During his time at Harvard, Lieber, who holds several patents related to nanowire technology and has been linked to various theories about the origin of COVID-19, was accused of lying to U.S. authorities about his connections with the Wuhan Institute of Technology.

In December 2021, Lieber was found guilty of six felonies, as well as concealing his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology and his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program, which encourages trade secret theft and economic espionage. In announcing Lieber’s conviction, the DOJ press release noted:

“There is now no question that Charles Lieber lied to federal investigators and to Harvard in an attempt to hide his participation in the Chinese Thousand Talents Program. He lied to the IRS about the money he was paid, and he concealed his Chinese bank account from the United States. The jury followed the evidence and the law to a just verdict.

We expect professors like Dr. Lieber who are privileged to be part of taxpayer-funded research to be honest in their actions. Today’s conviction demonstrates OIG’s commitment to ensuring that taxpayer dollars are not wasted and that those handling these funds are truthful in their dealings with federal agencies.”

Headquarters in China Push Agenda & Benefit Both Foundations

Not to be outdone by the Gates Foundation, on January 10, 2022, CHAI, under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Activities of Overseas Nongovernmental Organizations, registered and opened its Hainan Office in the communist country. Through its CCP-based law firm Zhong Lun, CHAI’s Hainan office stated it will work closely with its Chinese partners to “operate projects in medical health, disease control and prevention,” as well as “support medical healthcare businesses to widely participate in global market supply chain by offering strategic recommendations and planning.” Furthermore, with long-standing ties to China, Clinton’s international non-government organization (INGO) states it will “strengthen close communication and innovation collaboration between China and international communities in public health and further explore creative international cooperation in talent exchange, forums and global aid, among others.” 

Reinforcing the Gates/Clinton/China bond, Henry H. Ji, one of the equity partners at Zhong Lun who led CHAI’s Hainan endeavor, is the China Representative for Bill Gates Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Founded by Gates in 2017, CEPI is intently focused on developing and pushing vaccines as well as achieving the goals of Agenda 2030. Without a doubt, CEPI is one of many NGOs poised to jump into action when—as Bill Gates has warned—the next global pandemic strikes.



Michelle Edwards is a journalist at UncoverDC. This article was originally published on UncoverDC.

One Response

  1. EYE-OPENER Article – – the Clintons / Gates ilk of this World only want to tilt the Pin-Ball machine toward Dictators / Despots , an agenda to rule and dominate w an ego the size of an ocean . Hey guys – give it up ……you’re exposed ! ….. …. shalom to all

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