Israel is working on a system to conduct genetic scanning for all those who arrive in the country in order to better identify travelers infected with the coronavirus, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at a cabinet meeting Sunday.

Israel To Conduct Genetic Scanning Of All Arrivals For COVID

Bennett told ministers that the system will eventually be deployed at Ben Gurion Airport, the country’s main international terminus.

“We are working on a scanning system for everyone who comes into Israel,” Bennett said, according to comments from the meeting leaked to Hebrew media. “Israel will thus become the radar for the virus.”

No further details about the system or how it would work were reported by Hebrew media.

The government has made vaccination against COVID-19 a central strategy to curb the spread, including offering third booster shots to all those over the age of 12. At the meeting, Bennett said: “We have run out of patience for people who are not vaccinated.”

“The coronavirus has become a matter for those who are not vaccinated,” Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said. “Refraining from vaccination simply causes death.”

Earlier in April, the Israeli Peoples Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, published its report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body.

GreatGameIndia warned at the time that if the findings by IPC were genuine, then Pfizer vaccine was linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe.

Now the massive surge of COVID-19 infections in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, is nothing less than a disaster. The Israel vaccine crisis should be a warning to the rest of the world.

After Portugal, now Sweden has become the second European nation to ban travellers from the most vaccinated nation Israel.

Sweden also banned the entry of citizens from the United States, Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.

5 Responses

  1. they don’t to be doing this crap. they need to look at all the jab people within Israel that now have a compromised immune system and now carry the Covid and will be the cause of the Delta variant. They are now all bio-weapons. DNA forever changed. They have traded their God given birth right for a bowl of lintel soup! And healthy immune system over rides any vaccine. Arrest Fauci and get rid of the anti christ governments leading this genocide. They have blocked the simple cure for this our government, CDC, WHO, Fauci, Rockefeller and etc…………..This is all vile evil and genocide on humanity. Lock them up including pedophile Bill Gate, everything he promotes people die. Obama and his shadow government the Sadis game to take out America. The Biden administration has Obama all over it. The Israel leader is weak!!1 Dont trust your vile government they are evil!

  2. Genetic test? Sponsored by the government if Israel, Don’t you dare put a prefatory hand on my family and I.

  3. Genetic test? Sponsored by the government of Israel? Don’t you dare put a predatory hand on my family and I, PM Bennett.

  4. This Video explains everything how 5G,Graphene Oxide and 5G all have in common. Would make you wonder the first rule on the Georgia Guildstone that needs to be no more than 500 Million alive. These 500 Million will not be any where near 5G, nor take the Experimental Gene Therapy inoculations loaded with Graphene Oxide just follow the money and the players…

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