Courteney Ross, the girlfriend of George Floyd whose death sparked a civil war like atmosphere in America, has revealed in court that George Floyd was with a drug dealer before his arrest. They both purchased opioids from a friend who was the drug dealer in the passenger seat of Floyd’s car on the day he died. She also revealed that Floyd was addicted to Oxycodone – a prescription opioid painkiller.

George Floyd’s Girlfriend Courteney Ross Testifies In Court Passenger In His Car Was Drug Dealer

George Floyd’s girlfriend Courteney Ross revealed in court that they both purchased opioids from a friend who was in the passenger seat of Floyd’s car on the day he died and is now refusing to testify at Derek Chauvin’s murder trial, Daily Mail reported.

The friend, Morries Lester Hall, a key witness for the state, filed a shocking notice on Wednesday stating that he plans to invoke the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination, meaning that he will not testify.

George Floyd’s Girlfriend Courteney Ross
George Floyd with his girlfriend Courteney Ross

When Ross was cross-examined by Chauvin’s attorney Eric Nelson on Thursday, jurors heard that Hall sold controlled substances to both her and Floyd and that she ‘did not like Morries at all’.

Ross also revealed that Floyd had been hospitalized twice in March – on one occasion due to a drug overdose that saw him hospitalized for five days.

Morries Lester Hall drug dealer friend of George Floyd
Morries Lester Hall, drug dealer and friend of George Floyd

Ross told the court how, in March 2020, just two months before Floyd’s death, he purchased pills that she did not recognize as the opioids to which both she and Floyd were addicted.

At one point, Ross was questioned about Floyd foaming at the mouth when he overdosed in March, drawing parallels to the way Floyd acted during the arrest when he foamed at the mouth, which occurred before former officer Chauvin placed his knee on Floyd’s neck.

George Floyd buying drugs from Morries Lester Hall
Hall is seen (left in a red hat) with Floyd (right in a black tank top) inside the Cup Foods in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, moments before police were called to investigate a fake $20 bill Floyd used to buy cigarettes

Chauvin’s attorney Eric Nelson asked if Ross noticed ‘foam coming from his mouth…a dry white substance’ when she took Floyd to hospital in March.

She said ‘yes’ and that he had complained of his stomach hurting and was ‘doubled-over in pain’- similar to what happened shortly before his death.

Chauvin’s defense is apparently trying to draw conclusions based on the line of questioning that :

A. Floyd was possibly involved in a drug deal with Morries Lester Hall in the car when the cops approached the vehicle.

B. George Floyd swallowed the drugs, causing the overdose which resulted in his death.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, according to evidence submitted to the court, George Floyd swallowed drugs to escape arrest in 2019 and was peddling large quantities of controlled substances.

He had to be hospitalized for drug overdose where he admitted to snorting oxycodone daily.

Ross’s testimony was very touching and emotional, she clearly loved the very troubled Floyd and they were both wounded individuals.

The married mother-of-two said she was touched when Floyd asked to pray with her because she was going through a hard time in her own life – and they kissed in the lobby that same day.

George Floyd was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest.

He went to jail for atleast 5 times and a look at George Floyd’s profile as per court documents reads like a career criminal involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money.

The facts of this important case continue to play out on the national stage, as the entire nation anxiously awaits the decision, which could result in violence and riots like America has not seen in decades.

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4 Responses

  1. Yeah, like they need a reason to riot and loot. Agree there will be widespread violence and destruction in the event Chauvin is found not guilty, even though he is not guilty of the overcharges brought by Keith Ellison, the radical AG of Minnesota. Ingested drugs killed Floyd, pure and simple, but the woke crowd and blm are not interested in the truth, as the death has brought a lot of money to all, but serious destruction to our cities and citizens.

  2. Obviously Those key witnesses (drug dealer and drug user)were compromised (threatened) by the police for drug related charges etc…A regular endevour by the pow pow when they’re accused of a crime especially physical abuse and murder…

  3. I’m sorry, and, I support my local police to the hilt – however, the FACTS of this case are that this was over a bogus $20 bill that the drug dealer set up Floyd with, the clerk confirms… when Trump declared opiate addiction a national crisis, and made huge efforts to NOT treat addicts of Big Pharma drugs like criminals – HOW DOES THIS NOT APPLY in this article?! IF the victim was emotionally disturbed/metally incapacitated – and clearly known to be so by the “police” this required SPECIAL CONSIDERATION, not the taunting of a career-criminal-uniformed armed punk. (27 felony level assaults is what we the people see). Nope, this smells like a setup and a public lynching. The perp should never have been on the police force to begin with. And when are you going to really re-open discussion into the business Floyd and Chauvin were colleagues at (security) allegedly involved with Asian sourced counterfeiting operations. Huh? And the drug dealer also worked security – placing him in connection PERHAPS with Chauvin. Nope, there tons more to this horrific event.

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