In an interview with the German state media outlet ZDF, contradicting past statements, German Health Minister admitted that the COVID jabs can cause ‘permanent disabilities’.

Germany’s health minister has admitted that the COVID-19 injections can cause permanent disabilities after previously claiming that the jabs are without side effects. 

In an interview with the German state media outlet ZDF on March 12, 2023, health minister Karl Lauterbach was confronted with cases of people who suffered injuries from the COVID shots, including a 17-year-old gymnast who was hospitalized and nearly died after receiving the BioNTech COVID injection.

“These fates are absolutely dismaying, and every single fate is one too many,” Lauterbach said. 

“These are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent, so it’s difficult,” he added. 

Lauterbach called for “a faster process of recognizing vaccine injuries” and claimed that “serious vaccine injuries” occur in “fewer than 1 in 10,000 vaccinations, according to data from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI).” 

News anchor Christian Sievers confronted Lauterbach with his previous statements regarding vaccine safety. In a tweet from August 2021, Lauterbach wrote: 

In a video uploaded on Twitter, Senator Ralph Babet claimed that vaccinated individuals are dying because the Australian people were misled into believing that mRNA injections would protect them from COVID-19.

You can read more about this topic here.

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