Global Financial Collapse A ‘Mathematical Certainty’ Within 2 Years: Former BlackRock Manager
In the video below, I interview Edward Dowd, a hedge fund “guru” and former equity portfolio manager for BlackRock, one of the two largest asset managers in the world, Vanguard being the other. Over the past two years, Dowd has courageously come forward to awaken people to the collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, in early March 2022, Dowd shared mortality statistics on Steve Bannon’s War Room, showing Millennials aged 25 to 44 had an 84% increase in excess mortality during the fall of 2021.
Dowd became interested in finance right out of college. He got a job with HSBC Holdings, the largest bank in Europe, as an institutional, fixed-income salesperson, selling bonds.
“That was a five-year education in what really happens in the capital markets,” he says, “and everything you learn in the textbooks is garbage … I learned about Wall Street, how it worked and how it was incentivized.”
Dowd continues:
After that bust, the Federal Reserve went back to printing money and, in 2008, the real estate bubble burst, resulting in a massive recession.
I describe the forces at work — then, and now — in “Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse?” At the time of that economic collapse, Dowd was working for State Street Investment Research, which was bought up by BlackRock.
Asset managers and the global cabal
To many, BlackRock appears to play an important role in the globalist cabal’s effort to usher in The Great Reset. Dowd, having signed a non-disparagement agreement, is not free to discuss his views on BlackRock, but he can talk about similar players, such as Blackstone and Vanguard, the latter of which is a similarly sized institution.
Dowd says:
Kicking the financial doomsday can down the road
Lately, I’ve written many articles discussing the coming financial collapse. Worldly signs all point in that direction, and according to Dowd, it’s a mathematical certainty.
The Federal Reserve system, which is a debt-based monetary system, was created in 1913, the same year the IRS and tax system were created. The system of creating money through debt is inherently fraudulent.
In the early days, banks would lend the debt and the debt would find its way into different areas of growth, which would then get overheated. Fraud occurred because money was too easy, but it was mostly free market fraud.
In the late ‘90s, corporate fraud took over and we had a 50% stock market correction. The Federal Reserve responded by turning on the money spigot: They lowered interest rates and the money found its way into the real estate market, which turned into an unsustainable bubble.
Real estate was being hypothecated through collateral debt obligations and mortgage-backed security. Wall Street levered up 20-to-1, 30-to-1 on their balance sheets to make money and thought the party would go on forever. But inevitably, the Fed started to raise interest rates and the whole thing collapsed.
According to Dowd, the problem with this bank fraud was that it was systemic in nature. The central banks had to step in and buy this fraudulent debt.
So, this fraud still remains today, on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, and on the balance sheets of countless other banks. In other words, the fraud didn’t go away. It was just baked in and hidden.
Financial collapse is a mathematical certainty
“Then, governments, because the economy collapsed globally, started spending like drunken sailors,” Dowd says. “The last 12 years have been a ballooning of what I call the central bank-government bubble, the sovereign debt bond bubble.”
Who’s going to save that bubble? Who’s going to be the buyer of all that debt when this bubble finally blows up? Answer: No one. Many who are aware of the situation are just surprised the system has lasted this long.
It looked like it was ready to burst in 2019, and then, conveniently, COVID-19 showed up, which granted emergency powers to all central banks. Governments went on another spending spree, printing money, and this allowed them to kick the proverbial can down the road for another two years.
Dowd says:
A question of when
Dowd believes the initial financial collapse will occur within the next six to 18 months, or at most 24 months. If stock markets become seriously unhinged and we start getting declines of more than 40% in the indices, the Federal Reserve may start buying stocks outright, which will result in a neo-feudalism system that will only magnify already existing discrepancies between the have and the have not’s.
The reason for that, Dowd explains, is because:
Why Dowd started speaking out about the COVID jab
Dowd, who lives in Maui, first got involved in the anti-jab fight when the mandates were rolled out. In Maui, you had to have a vaccine passport just to enter a restaurant or gym.
He says:
The choice to focus on nongovernment databases was prescient, as the CDC in recent months has started compromising mortality statistics. They’re supposedly upgrading servers and reloading all-cause mortality data, and now tens of thousands of death reports are missing.
All-cause mortality is a crucial endpoint for any drug
“I was using the fraud word pretty liberally in the fall of 2021 in regards to Pfizer,” Dowd says, and as soon as he saw that the FDA wanted to hide Pfizer’s data for 75 years, he was utterly convinced. “That’s prima fascia evidence of cover-up,” he says.
Now, as those documents are starting to pour out, at a pace of 55,000 pages per month, we’re coming to realize what the FDA and Pfizer were so eager to hide.
Dowd continues:
As noted by Dowd, one of the most remarkable counterarguments to come out of a fraud litigation case against Pfizer in recent months is Pfizer’s attorneys claiming that even if there is fraud, Pfizer cannot be prosecuted because the government knew about it.
“Why is this not the biggest headline in the mainstream media?” Dowd asks. “Only those of us in the echo chamber that are on top of this issue seem to know this.”
In the real world, the all-cause excess mortality demonstrated in Pfizer’s trial is turning out to be on the money. The U.K., for example, has seen excess mortality rise between 10% and 20% since the shots rolled out.
In other areas, and/or in certain age categories, excess mortality is far greater, yet the FDA and CDC are just going along with it, doing absolutely nothing to warn anyone of the risks.
Shocking increases in excess mortality
As noted by Dowd, insurance companies were reporting a 40% increase in excess mortality among working-age adults during the fall of 2021. A 10% all-cause mortality rise is a once in a 200-year catastrophe, so 40% is just off the charts.
Before the CDC started manipulating its death statistics, that too showed all-cause mortality was up by about 40%, Dowd says. The smoking gun in the CDC data was found when excess mortality was broken down by age group.
Millennials, those between the ages of 25 and 44, had a whopping 84% increase in excess mortality during the fall of 2021.
Dowd says:
There was also a huge shift in deaths during 2021 from the old to the young, with younger people now dying at an alarming rate.
“At this point, we have evidence of the crime,” Dowd says. “What I’m shocked at is the fact that the mainstream media are still blacking this out. The good news is there seems to be word of mouth, and more and more people, because the vaccine doesn’t work, aren’t getting boosters.”
Massive increase in disabilities
According to Dowd, insurance companies are also reporting increases in disability payments for the first quarter of 2022, and both insurance companies and funeral homes are also seeing a continued rise in excess mortality.
He continues:
Silver linings
If there’s a silver lining to this mess, it’s that parents are waking up to the dangers of not just the COVID-19 jab but also the childhood vaccination schedule as a whole. As of early August 2022, only 3% of children under age 5 had received the COVID-19 jab. Many are also taking a second look at other vaccines, including adult vaccines.
This is long overdue, as none of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule has ever been compared to a true placebo to confirm safety and effectiveness, and no studies have been done to confirm that giving multiple vaccines simultaneously is actually safe.
“I think as this scandal collapses and unfolds, it’s going to remake a lot of our institutions,” Dowd says, “and I think that’s a good thing. I think people like yourself and others who’ve been out in the wilderness are going to be vindicated. I’ll never take another vaccine again, or a flu shot. I’m done. I’m out.”
Are you prepared?
With regard to what you can do to prepare for the inevitable financial crash, Dowd says:
Aside from protecting your financial assets, you’d be wise to prepare for other related scenarios as well, such as food, water and energy shortages. Shore up supplies and figure out how to live in an “off-grid” scenario, in case daily conveniences suddenly vanish.
Also prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what could be stressful and challenging times as the globalist cabal continues to push The Great Reset forward, which will require more “emergencies.”
Dowd says:
Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business personality. He markets dietary supplements and medical devices. This article was originally published on