It has been found that the official websites of the Government of Goa directly links to a fake Aadhaar site hosting porn. Both the government websites are managed by an obscure company Terasoft Technologies, headquartered in Ahmednagar with branches in Delhi and Belgium.

Goa Govt websites link to porn
Goa Govt websites link to porn

Investigation by a Twitter user who calls himself ‘Elliot Alderson’ has found that atleast two official Government of Goa websites are directly linked to an external website ‘Aadhaarcarduidai’ hosting pornographic material.

The porn website is linked to the Aadhaar image at the bottom section of both the Goa Govt sites, which should be pointing to the official Aadhaar website.

Goa Govt Directorate of Education
Goa Govt Directorate of Education website
Goa Govt Directorate of Official Language
Goa Govt Directorate of Official Language

Below are the websites in question:

The fake AadhaaCardUidai website registration details found the Registrant contact to be in Kiev, Ukraine and the site itself registered in July 2019.

Fake Aadhaar Card Uidai website registration details
Fake Aadhaar Card Uidai website registration details

Both the Goa Govt websites are managed by an obscure company Terasoft Technologies. The company is headquartered in Ahmednagar with branches in Delhi and Belgium. Apart from Goa Govt the company boasts as it clients as govt of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra among others.

What is intriguing is that another Reliance backed technology company Motech Software which came under investigation for stashing Black Money in Swiss Banks also hosts porn, now that it is under scanner of agencies. Read here about how Reliance Stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks.

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