For many of us, using the internet means using Google. As the number one visited website in the world Google receives 5.6 billion searches per day controlling more than 90 percent of global search traffic.

How Google Rigged The 2020 Election

Searching for something is just another way of saying googling it and watching a video means using YouTube – a Google subsidiary.

YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world with 2.3 billion users and 1 billion hours of videos watched daily.

In other words, our minds, our political beliefs, and our world views are inseparably linked to Google’s search results, but Google is no longer an objective source of information, and the tech giant is actively censoring what we see.

In August of 2019, Senior Google engineer, Zachary Vorhies leaked 950 pages of internal documents providing evidence of Google’s use of blacklist, censorship, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election.

This particular blacklist shows hundreds of conservative websites which were censored on Android’s news search results. There is an obvious political bias.

For example; Daily Caller, Western Journal, RedState, Gateway Pundit, Steven Crowder, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh among other conservative websites made the blacklist.

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In 2021, Vorhies published a book entitled, “Google Leaks: A Whistleblower’s Exposé of Big Tech Censorship”, where he explains that the turning point for Google was the election of Donald Trump.

The morning after the 2016 election, when he showed up for work at the Google office in San Bruno, California, everyone was losing their minds. Employees were crying and talking as if a close relative had died.

Everywhere he went, Vorhies heard employees talking about how unfair the election had been, and insisting that a resistance was needed to tackle Trump and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.

Shortly after President Trump was elected, Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, said in an all-hands company meeting, “I certainly find this election deeply offensive and I know that many of you do too.”

He remarked that “many people apparently don’t share the values that we have.”

Kent Walker, the company’s Vice President for Global Affairs, blamed Trump’s victory on xenophobia and hatred and said Google must fight to ensure the rise of “populism” and “nationalism” is merely a “blip” and a “hiccup” in a historical arc that “bends toward progress.”

Ruth Porat, the CFO of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, could barely hold back tears at the thought of their election defeat when she said, “It was really painful. It did feel like a ton of bricks dropped on my chest.”

Video of the meeting was leaked to Breitbart:

In many ways, Google did lose the 2016 election to Donald Trump.

Google’s executives and employees employed a variety of strategies to elect Hillary Clinton.

Emails from the Wikileaks cache show that Hillary Clinton’s campaign had Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt draw up a campaign plan, which was sent to Clinton’s chief of staff when she was still secretary of state, in April 2014, a full year before the Democratic politician announced her bid for the White House.

The Clinton campaign’s chief technology officer, Stephanie Hannon, came from Google, as did the campaign’s chief product officer, Osi Imeokparia. At least two other key Clinton campaign staffers, Derek Parham and Jason Rosenbaum, also previously worked at Google.

Another leaked email chain among senior Google executives from the day after the 2016 election revealed the company paid for free rides for a get-out-the-vote for Hispanic voters operation — and employees called it a “silent donation” to the Clinton campaign because they thought the course of action would help her win.

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Left: Google titan Eric Schmidt at Clinton’s election night rally in New York, wearing a staff badge. Right: An enlargement of Schmidt’s staff badge on election night.
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Tech employees are notoriously politically aligned with the left-wing with 96% of Google’s employees donating to Democrats during the 2018 U.S. midterm election cycle following President Trump’s win in 2016. Source: Federal Election Commission

From Vorhies’ perspective, when Google launched a crusade against so-called “fake news”, what it meant in actuality, was censoring the ideas and arguments of the now-elected president and his populist supporters.

Conveniently, Google was what they called an “open” company, which made most of its internal documents available to all employees. Vorhies simply searched for “fake news” — and the documents that showed up showed a clear pattern — anything that was “pro-Trump” and anything that was “anti-Hillary” was being labeled as fake news.

In 2019, Project Veritas released footage of Google executive, Jen Gennai, discussing “preventing the next Donald Trump situation.”

She remarked, “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

In another leaked video, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki described how Google re-wrote its algorithms to bury the narratives that didn’t support the company’s left-leaning political agenda, “we’re pushing down the fake news and demoting it and we are increasing the authoritative news and promoting it.”

“We have a whole system, we’re keeping up with trashy news where we have built classifiers, we identify it, we look for salacious, clickbait content that isn’t – that we don’t think is, you know, the authoritative news,” she continued.

Wojcicki revealed that the company was using “machine learning” and “classifiers” to censor their search results.

Machine learning is when algorithms are fed real-world information – like decisions that humans make – and learn to make decisions themselves based on the patterns they find.

What were these classifiers?

In a leaked document entitled “Fringe ranking/classifier: Defining channel quality”, Google ranked ABC News, CBS News, and CNN as more “authoritative” than what Wojcicki would call the “trashy” Fox News, Russia Today, and Breitbart.

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A North Carolina State University study found that Google’s Gmail cost Republican candidates over $2 billion in donations since 2019 by flagging most fundraising emails as spam. Gmail marked less than 11% of left-wing candidates emails as spam while marking more than 77% of right-wing emails as spam.

Just past midnight on May 31, 2017, Donald Trump tweeted a six-word phrase that wound up becoming more famous than anyone could have anticipated: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

In a leaked document titled ‘covfefe Translate Easter egg,’ Google engineers even went as far as deleting the word, “covfefe” and its meaning “I will stand up” from the Arabic dictionary and replacing it with a shrug emoji in order to further their anti-Trump political agenda.

A few clicks of the mouse on the part of some Google employees, and voilà: Trump’s viral tweet no longer made any sense.

What’s more, Google’s censorship covers a broad range of subjects well beyond politics as revealed by this leaked YouTube blacklist showing hundreds of topics that were removed from search results.

For example; the truth las vegas massacre, sandy hook crisis actors compilation, cancer cure, cure cancer, anthony bourdain murder, kate spade murder, anthony bourdain pizzagate, kate spade pizzagate, and AMLO (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) were all blacklisted from YouTube search results.

In December 2018, Google CEO, Sundar Pichai testified under oath to Congress that the search engine was not politically biased against conservatives. Pichai said, “We don’t manually intervene on any particular search results” and he denied the use of blacklist or censorship.

In July 2019, Google’s Vice President, Karan Bhatia also testified under oath to Congress that the search engine wasn’t “manually intervening” or “utilizing blacklist” in search results.

In August 2019, Google senior engineer Zach Vorhies leaked documents that prove that Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai and Vice President Karan Bhatia lied to Congress.

Because nothing has been done to hold Google accountable, Google’s censorship rapidly increased during the COVID-19 lockdowns, leading up to the 2020 election, and has only continued to progress after permanently banning President Trump.

There is no such thing as a free society as long as a handful of unaccountable Silicon Valley billionaires and their anti-free speech left-wing activist employees are actively censoring, deceiving, and manipulating the minds of billions of people around the world.

These effects are nothing like Russian-placed ads or fake news stories.

Google has the power to determine what content American citizens see and what content they will not see and Zach Vorhies’ leaked documents prove that the tech giant used censorship, blacklist, and machine learning algorithms to “push down” the “trashy news” and “to promote” the “authoritative news” so President Donald Trump’s “nationalist populist” movement was just a “blip” and a “hiccup” in their historical arc that “bends toward progress.”

KanekoaTheGreat is an investigative journalist who covers censored subjects. This article was originally published on Kanekoa’s Newsletter.

One Response

  1. Not just the American elections.

    They also committed industrial scale fraud with 2014 and 2019 Indian general elections.

    Same methods.

    Evil people in a Swiss company called crypto AG which is a Swiss firm controls the machines in the US.

    People of India are all 100% sure that the voting machines are rigged at the tabulation stage.


    North east India is mostly Christian.

    There’s no chance in hell that they would vote for the bjp party.

    Yet to everyone’s surprise bjp has majority in all Christian states?

    This modi is what’s called as DushtaPalaka (protector of evil).

    Keep at it folks.

    We will win.

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