As more and more people around the world share their stories of COVID vaccine injuries, the inevitable question becomes: what’s really in the experimental shots? This is not an academic question. In fact, it’s going to be the single most important question in medicine and public health policy for the next 50 years because we’ve just forced billions of people into a medical experiment.

Is Graphene Oxide Inside COVID Vaccines Causing Blood Clots

People are beginning to acknowledge these COVID vaccine side effects (despite the gaslighting of the medical community and the federal government) and even celebrities are admitting to these issues. For example, Justin Bieber now has facial paralysis — and his wife recently survived a massive blood clot in her brain that led to a stroke. Neither of them has said that the COVID vaccines are responsible — but who are we kidding anymore? Are those typical medical issues for a couple in their 20s?

Senior citizens are suddenly dying. Middle-aged people are suddenly dying. Even healthy young people are suddenly dying. In fact, the corrupt media is trying to create a syndrome called “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” to hide the toxicity of the COVID vaccines. What could cause thousands of young people to have heart problems so severe that they die suddenly?

It turns out that a material called graphene oxide has been widely studied and tested in the biomedical industry — and its presence in the experimental COVID vaccines may explain the sudden increase in deadly blood clots around the world.

The links between nanotechnology and graphene oxide are well established in scientific literature (read below). Graphene and graphene oxide are being developed and used as nanomaterials for medical applications — this is beyond dispute. Countless research papers can be found online: my quick search of scholarly articles using the search terms “graphene oxide” and “medicine” turned up 245,000 entries.

The problem is that graphene-based materials are toxic to biological life. In fact, the cancer-causing properties of graphene-based nanoparticles have already been studied and published. The results of injecting graphene oxide into mice are awful — as this study shows.

The pre-clinical risks, adverse effects of GNPs exposure, and approaches to minimize their health hazards still remain undefined. However, inhalation of graphene structures is believed to be a risk factor for cardiorespiratory disease. For example, inhaled graphene nanoplatelets can be transported deep within the distal regions of the lungs and trigger chronic inflammation in the respiratory tract [30]. It is generally thought that the placenta, lung, gastrointestinal tract and skin act as major barriers for many nanostructures entry into living organisms [31]. Indeed, a recent study on mice demonstrated that intratracheally delivered few-layered graphene was mainly retained in the lung, with 47% remaining after 4 weeks and this resulted dose-dependent acute lung injury and pulmonary oedema [32]. An in vitro study of the effects of graphene and graphene oxide on human skin HaCaT keratinocytes demonstrated that oxidized graphene was the most cytotoxic, inducing mitochondrial and plasma-membrane damage, and suggesting low cytotoxic effects at the skin level [33]. Reduced graphene oxide is more toxic than graphene oxide as evidenced by many studies reported recently [34][35]. This is primarily due to its sharp edges and structural morphology. In contrast to the typically soluble nanoparticles examined in conventional toxicology investigations, graphene nanostructures have different shapes and surface areas, and which in turn can significantly influence their diffusion, dispersion, aggregation and agglomeration in plasma. Importantly, these “tunable” characteristics of graphene account for the varying toxic outcomes on the tissues. In vivo, following toxicity testing of graphene, post-mortem histological examinations of liver alterations have revealed hypertrophy of hepatocytes, necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration in liver and kidney tissues [36]. The level of organ function and oxidative stress has been reported to affect the fate, transport and toxicity of graphene in organs but there is currently a lack of consistency in this regard [36].

You don’t have to be a doctor to understand “cardiorespiratory disease” or “acute lung injury” or “mitochondrial and plasma-membrane damage” — do you?

Multiple studies have concluded that when graphene-based particles are injected into mice it leads “to extensive pulmonary thromboembolism.”

What’s a pulmonary thromboembolism you ask? It’s called a blood clot.

Watch the video below:

Let’s summarize what we know to be true about graphene-based materials:

Fact #1: Graphene-based materials are being developed around the world for medical purposes.

Fact #2: Graphene oxide was tested specifically as a vaccine ingredient by Chinese scientists in 2020.

Fact #3: These graphene-based materials are toxic and deadly when tested in mice — according to multiple studies.

Fact #4: Graphene-based materials specifically cause deadly blood clots in mice.

Fact #5: Vaccinated and otherwise healthy people are now dying because of blood clots — mere months after a world-wide COVID vaccination campaign.

These five facts lead to an obvious question: are graphene-based materials contained in any of the experimental COVID vaccines? Have they been hidden under trade secret agreements that allowed Big Pharma to avoid listing them in the patents and in the lists of key ingredients?

According to Spanish researcher Ricardo Delgado Martin, the answer is: yes. According to Professor Pablo Campra, the answer is: yes. According to biotech industry whistleblower Karen Kingston, the answer is: yes.

The possible reasons behind adding graphene-based materials into COVID vaccines can be debated but they’re not important — the mere presence of such a toxic material would prove that the Biden regime’s mandating of these experimental COVID vaccines is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Simply put: there are plenty of experts who have concluded that graphene oxide is present in the experimental COVID vaccines without the knowledge or consent of the billions of people who took the shots — and this would clearly constitute a crime against humanity.

Emerald Robinson is an independent journalist. Her new weekday TV show, The Absolute Truth, is on FrankSpeech. She served as the chief White House correspondent for Newsmax (2020-2022) and for One America News (2017-2020). This article was originally published on Substack.

Read the document below:


2 Responses

  1. Delgado is right. There is alot of graphene in those shots -over 90%. I read numerous medical studies about graphene as delgado released his findings. Some discussed the moral benefit of graphene in the body – total drivel by fake scientists. Several of the papers were about using graphene in vaccines and their results. I tried to refer back to the papers 2 weeks later. They were wiped off the internet. They have known that graphene is one of the most magnetic substances on the planet. And it is a nano particle so small it can enter the brain. O and it becomes highly energized and reactive with microwaves…5g is the most effective.
    This was never about helping anyone. It’s about killing the populace and taking what they have. Definitely looking like a George Soros business plan.

  2. Coming soon: “Polygraph Justice” – FBI polygraphers know that undetectable deception is impossible when using a Stoelting Ultrascribe polygraph.

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