Great Game of India for Grand Glorious India was called in the long 2000 year history by many names. Started as an epitaph for the unsuccessful campaign of Alexander who touched the borders of then India, this name gained its popularity with the British occupation of 51% India. From the beginning whether called under the name Clash of Civilizations and portrayed as Greco-Roman civilizational existential fight with Egyptians and Persians or under various names of Crusades (Christian Islamic fight or Orange Wars, Inter-Christian sectarian wars between Protestants and Catholics) the purpose of all wars was to control the fathomless depths of knowledge and resources of India. It was given a glorified name under French King Louis XIV as ‘Geo-politics’ and was defined as “trade is nerve center of economy and war is the only way to enforce safe trade”. Initially it was Greco-Roman religious wars with Egyptians and Persians for control of the natural and human resources of these countries to have a direct access to India. When these countries changed their religion to Christianity and Islam these wars became Crusades. When these countries fought wars within their borders it was for Democracy and when they fought with each other it was the Wars for World Peace. Here the word “World” means those countries that want to control resources of third world countries and more specifically India. This religious character of war continued till the beginning of the 19th century and took the name of World Wars for supposed world peace.

Before the Greeks and Romans set on the path of resource control, majority of the world was following Indian cultural practices starting from social life to sun and nature worship (sometimes also called as Pagan). These socio-cultural practices were shown as the cause of civilizing these resource-rich countries (read occupy them) and use the resources for the conquerors’ benefits. Every war needs massive human and financial resources which were conspicuously absent in the then Europe. So to sustain inter European wars money and men were needed from the neighboring countries or continents. This need became a curse to the multifarious civilizations and their progress as most of them were decimated for this greed of war machine.

There are two aspects of the control of Indian cultural resources worldwide.

  1. These resources are natural, physical and human resources.
  2. Most importantly the ‘knowledge sources’ that were part of utilizing these resources which formed the bed rock of the Indian culture.

A model and example was set by the Greeks in utilizing the resources through takeover of the knowledge sources. The method was to take all sources of knowledge (manuscripts, books etc) to the conquering countries, translate them into their own language and then burn all the original sources of knowledge from the countries they were taken, thus reversing the entire civilizational progress. Once translated these texts are called the original works of translators and the same was reintroduced in the conquered countries as massive propaganda tool of mind control, indicating to the losers that they have nothing and whatever science or technology existed it belonged to conquerors. Starting from the burning of the great library of Alexandria till the recent plunder of manuscripts from India the same trend was followed with much rigor, stealth and cunningness.

When Greeks, Romans Egyptians and Persians were bygone past, their role was filled by the Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Arabs and Iranians who by now adapted Christianity and Islam as religion. When Arabs sacked Constantine Naples and blocked the land access to India and moved on to control the trade and business or resources coming from India, centuries of wars were raged in the name of crusades in Europe, Eurasia to retake the control of trade routed to India. When that effort failed, the then Catholic Church divided the world using scale and pencil under the “Treaty of Tordesillas” in two democratic equal halves and gave the east side of the then known world map with all countries to Portuguese and west side of the known world to Spanish. Later newly created nations of Western Europe, including England, Portugal, Spain, and France, became interested in seeking alternative routes for conducting trade with the East. Portugal began exploration of trade routes by sea, and in 1487 charted an ocean route around Africa to India. The actual reason for this agreement and all efforts they did for exploration was due to the necessity to find resources and to win Crusades; that can only be provided by India and other Eastern nations.
There is also a scheming commission catch to this agreement that whatever Spanish or Portuguese find in these new lands, from resources to men, women and children, a simple and mere minimal commission has to be given to the Catholic Church or Pope (Holy See as all called them at that time in trade) in return for providing logistics and support.

The search for a secure Indian sea route was prompted by two concerns.

When Portuguese found the sea route to India, their first order of business was to find gold and spices and second was to find and kill all the Jews residing in India, which is now known as ‘Goan Inquisition’. The ferocity of such killing was so precise many Jews in those days took to Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma and adopted various communities’ practices for their survival when Arab Muslims threw them out of Europe and other areas of Central Asia. But they predominantly took practices of Teli community or the Brahmin community. Many Portuguese Governors then ordered killing of all Brahmins and Teli community members too irrespective of whether they were Jews or not which led to the exodus of these communities from the Portuguese occupied lands in India. After dealing with Jews Portuguese turned towards their traditional rivals Muslims.

British finally subdued the Spanish armadas using pirate army of John Drake who plundered the Spanish gold and enriched the British coffers. As a result Britain became a naval power and they figured out two things…

greatgameindia-magazine-jul-sept-2016-issueRead this exclusive research on the 2000 year suppressed secret history of India never taught in India nor even discussed in the mainstream media only in the Jul-Sept 2015 Inaugural Issue of GreatGameIndia – India’s only quarterly journal on Geopolitics and International Affairs.

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3 Responses

  1. Superb on so many levels, I am an English person who has studied Geology, Tudor history (boring then, western and ethnocentric as it now appears, as a student in 1978, but now at formative to the understanding of the foundations of colonialism) ‘Classical’ (Greek) Civilisation (Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Aristotle etc) then Archaeology to degree level and only after uni in the mid 80’s did I start to discover so many alternatives (Bernal’s Stolen Legacy) The true esoteric roots of Astrology (the major key to understanding ancient myth,the cosmological and zodiac knowledge underpinning the Bible, Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Ancient Architecture like Angkor Watt, Ancient Myth, the many examples of the Hero with a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell) and coincidentally 12 followers (the solar/zodiac Christ, the 12 zodiac tribes of Israel, 12 Knights of the ‘Round’ (Zodiac) Table) The great texts of the Upanishads, the Vedas, the essence of Buddhas message (before it got schooled into another Belief System) the truths of Krishnamurti (with some reservations, as he would say: Question Everything!) How the great civilisations and ancient (but still living) wisdoms of Africa, India, China truly are the source of all that we know, forgotten via (enforced) cultural amnesia and which we presume to discover for ourselves, and in the spirit of Emergence, let’s not turn such treasures into merely a museum, but to live them presently.. I live in a multi faith area of Leicester, Uk, consider myself ‘religious’ only in the etymological sense of seeking to literally ‘bind-back’ my fragmentary knowledge to some greater whole, fully aware of the limitations of any striven for belief system, but nevertheless, confident that there is a language that can almost get us to the threshold of a greater consciousness, that the last step is intuitive, and intuition is not some blind hunch, but the shorthand for a lifetime of study, reflection and perception, that this higher form of consciousness is no more mystical nor elusive to the common person as Lear was advised, to ‘See better..’ Between Thought and Expression lies a lifetime of Love, Learning and Living out the treasures of knowledge and wisdom, which we often encounter along the way are often serendipitous, such sites as this are one of those treasures. 🙏🏻 Marc

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