Greta Thunberg has been arrested at a climate protest. Despite the protests, the entire town has been evacuated, with 30 residences, 35 “tree structures” and 300 residents relocated to other towns and cities.

Greta Thunberg Arrested At Climate Protest

During a demonstration against coal mining, police detained climate rights activist Greta Thunberg.

Police apprehended the 20-year-old in the German village of Luetzerath, reports Dailystar.

The village is in danger of being devastated to create room for the Garzweiler II coal mine.

Images from the protest reveal that it swiftly descended into mayhem, with police using pepper spray to calm things down.

While Thunberg was not cuffed, she was seen smiling as two heavily armed police officers hauled her away from the rally, wearing full-face helmets.

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‘Germany is embarrassing itself,’ she said (Image: Getty Images)

“Germany is really embarrassing itself right now,” she stated at yesterday’s protests.

“I think it’s absolutely absurd that this is happening in 2023.

“The most effective people are clear, the science is clear, we need to keep the carbon in the ground.

“When Government’s are actively destroying the environment, putting countless people at risk then people step up.

“We stand together in solidarity.”

Despite the protests, the entire town has been evacuated, with 30 residences, 35 “tree structures” and 300 residents relocated to other towns and cities.

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Protestors had attached themselves to scaffolding in the village (Image: Hollandse Hoogte/REX/Shutterstock)

According to the German tabloid Bild, 12 arrests have been made and approximately 70 police officers have been hurt since the evacuations started yesterday.

Nine protesters were transported to the hospital after today’s demonstration, although the police insisted that “no one was seriously injured”.

At a press conference on Sunday, organizer spokesperson Indigo Drau said that the police had attacked with “pure violence”.

According to several reports, during yesterday’s mayhem, police utilized “massive batons, pepper spray… water cannons, dogs and horses”.

It is believed that the new coal mine will begin in the underground passage where two activists were discovered hiding.

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Several activists were removed by police on-site (Image: Hollandse Hoogte/REX/Shutterstock)

Greta was in front of the group of about 10 nonviolent protestors, who were being kettled into a tiny area by police, according to video footage from the scene.

They then went on to encircle them, with the two officers removing Thunberg.

Around 100 protesters were present when the demonstrations started yesterday, but it now seems that when the police became entangled, their numbers have decreased during the past 24 hours.

One Response

  1. I’ve got news for Greta. She’s wasting her time and ours. Long before global warming becomes a pressing problem, the likelihood is likely to have been burned and boiled to a crisp by the sun going rogue.
    This happens roughly every 12,000 years and achieves in a trice the kind of depopulation that the likes of Bill Gates and his fellow eugenicists can only dream of achieving over decades.
    The fun and games, if the doomsday scientists are right, are due to begin some time between now and 2030, commencing with a powerful CME radiation which will knock out global power grids and plunge the world literally into a new Dark Age.
    Worse horrors are forecast to follow, and if cosmic history is any guide, only a relative handful of homo sapiens will survive.Hopefully, Greta will be one of them, and get
    back to saving the planet.

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