In a powerful speech against vaccine mandates European Union parliament member Christine Anderson said, “I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig vaccinated with an experimental drug.”

I Will Not Be Reduced To A Mere Guinea Pig Vaccinated With An Experimental Drug Says EU Parliamentarian

It is not the goal that renders a system oppressive; it is always the methods by which the goal is pursued.

Whenever a government claims to have the people’s interest at heart, you need to think again.

In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people.

What makes any of us think this is different now?

If the age of enlightenment has brought forth anything then it’s certainly this, never take anything any government tells you at face value and always question everything any government does or does not do.

Always look for ulterior motives and always ask “cui bono”, who benefits.

Whenever a political elite pushes an agenda this far and resorts to extortion and manipulation to get their way you can almost always be sure your benefit is definitely not what they had at heart.

As far as I’m concerned, I will not be vaccinated with anything that has not been properly vetted and tested and has shown no sound scientific evidence that the benefits outweigh the risk of the disease itself and possible long-term side effects, which to this day we don’t know anything about.

I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig vaccinated with an experimental drug.

And I most assuredly will not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises in return I’ll be granted freedom.

Let’s be clear about one thing, no one grants me freedom, for I am a free person.

So I dare the European Commission and the German government, throw me in jail lock me up and throw away the key for all I care.

But you will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated.

Watch the speech below:

8 Responses

  1. Thank goodness for people like this who have self-respect, uses her brain, and has common sense.
    She expresses herself clearly too.

    best wishes
    Stephanie Shan

  2. Good for her. It’s rare these days to see a politician speak their mind when is runs counter to the establishment’s beloved narratives.

  3. I truly hope that this group involved with EU governance has enough clout to effect change .So many
    un-elected people in this organization are clueless in governing for the people and member states .Instead they govern for themselves and Big Tech and Pharma.

  4. She cares for humanity, unlike other politicians…… honestly great woman…..God Bless her!

  5. a voice of light in all this darkness my full respect to her, she is a beacon of light that will inginte others in this moment that we desperately need it

  6. It’s a shame that things have to affect a person personally before they stand up to tyranny.

    Ideas like our constitution should have been enough to say :”Let’s be clear about one thing, no one grants me freedom, for I am a free person.” But I guess we need to have it personified to realize what we have lost.

  7. Bonjour. Je réside dans un pays où 70% des gens sont vaccinés. Cet été (juillet-août), durant 30 jours j’ai séjourné dans un lieu spécial où j’ai été en contact dehors, à l’air, à quelques centimètres d’environ 3000 personnes qui ne portaient pas de masque, j’ai également 60 relations physiques. J’ai croisé 20000 personnes non masquées de près. Il n’y a pas eu de cluster ! Je ne suis pas vacciné, je baisse mon masque dans les lieux publics car j’ai un problème de respiration, je n’utilise pas de gel hydroalcoolique, je vois des amis non vaccinés. Mon test de sérologie covid est négatif, mes tests antigéniques sont négatifs. Mes proches âgés et jeunes non vaccinés n’ont pas le covid. Je respecte le choix de se faire vacciner ou pas, selon les lois des pays et je n’incite personne à faire comme moi !

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