The Hague Court has ruled that the COVID-19 lockdown which was imposed by the Dutch Govt had no legal basis and that it was illegal. However, the Dutch appeals court oveturned the ruling within hours which ordered the government to lift the “illegitimate” measure immediately. The appeals judges argued that they wanted to avoid what they called a “yo-yo effect,” referring to public confusion around whether the curfew was still in force.

Hague Court Rules COVID-19 Lockdown Imposed By Dutch Govt Had No Legal Basis

The Dutch Government was supporting the COVID-19 pandemic curfew. However, the Hague court has ruled out any kind of legal basis for this curfew.

Hence, it asked the Dutch government to lift the curfew.

The Dutch government imposed curfew under the provision of the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act.

This Act is kind of an emergency act that gives the state the right to bypass the legislative process to impose a curfew, but only in case of a “very urgent and exceptional circumstance”.

However, according to the Hague court it was not the case in this scenario.

“The Preliminary Relief Judge ruled that the introduction of the curfew did not involve the special urgency required to be able to make use of the [act],” the Hague continued, noting that the government had had time to discuss such a curfew beforehand, before ruling that “the use of this law to impose curfew is not legitimate.”

The curfew is considered as a violation of the right to freedom of movement and privacy and (indirectly) limits, among other things, the right to freedom of assembly and demonstration.

After the curfew was imposed by the Dutch government, citizens were required to stay at home between the hours of 9 PM to 4:30 AM.

Citizens could step out during this time only in case of emergencies, essential work, to seek medical assistance or if they have a valid excuse. If they did not have a valid reason, they would be fined accordingly.

A group known as the Virus Truth Foundation had filed a lawsuit in the Hague court.

The Virus Truth Foundation argued that this curfew was an infringement on human rights and the Dutch constitution.

As a consequence of this curfew, people faced riots that caused large materialistic damage, loot, police clashes and large numbers of arrests.

However, a Dutch appeals court has revived the country’s Covid-19 curfew just moments before it came into effect, overturning a ruling handed down hours earlier ordering the government to lift the “illegitimate” measure immediately.

A three-judge appellate panel granted an emergency injunction following a request from the Dutch government on Tuesday, agreeing to vacate the earlier order from a lower court to end the nightly curfew, DW reported.

The decision came just moments before the 9pm curfew was set to take effect, with the judges scheduling a full hearing on its legality for Friday.

The appeals judges argued that they wanted to avoid what they called a “yo-yo effect,” referring to public confusion around whether the curfew was still in force, adding that “in this case, the state’s interests weigh more than that of Virus Truth’s,” the activist group that brought the initial complaint against the curfews to court – also known by its Dutch name, Viruswaarheid.

In a similar ruling, a German court declared that COVID19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional.

Recently, it was revealed that the German Interior Ministry hired scientists to develop fake coronavirus model in order to justify strict lockdown, according to extensive email exchanges obtained by a group of lawyers in a legal dispute.

A major lawsuit has also been filed against the PM of Denmark for strict COVID-19 restrictions and for killing almost 17 million minks.

Last year, an American federal judge ruled coronavirus restrictions in Pennsylvania as unconstitutional.

Even the Belgian health experts have demanded an investigation into the WHO for faking a pandemic.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, a three judge court in Peru has ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was started by the billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller.

In the past in 2010, the WHO was caught faking a pandemic and was forced to admit that its methodology of measuring the virality or the spread of the disease, instead of its severity was incorrect.

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2 Responses

  1. The products that can be rolled out ( AI mostly) aren’t going to let the public go back to normal…ever.

    Even former Predident Trumps son in law Jared’s brother is setting up shop to collect on the medical bonanza covid-19 gravy train….
    “The founders of the largest gaming company in Latin America building a telehealth giant in the United States? The answer to this question will not be readily apparent for another few years when the links between big business and the gamified marketplace are clear for everyone to see. In the meantime, Oscar Health, a health insurance start-up co-founded by Jared Kushner’s brother and a German-born computer scientist, filed for an initial public offering last week in what is expected to be one of the largest IPO hauls in history, projected to rake in almost $34 billion.

    The questionable background of the company’s founders and their corrupt entanglements with Washington’s highest levels of power raises red flags as Oscar Health is handed access to Americans’ most sensitive medical and financial data.

    That data will be collected through Oscar’s mobile app and online platform, which ostensibly allows users to make medical appointments, virtual doctor visits, and prescription drug refills among other things. With 529,000 current subscribers across more than a dozen markets, the tech-based health insurance broker is on route to becoming a powerhouse in the fast-growing telemedicine sector.

    The tech-enabled health insurance company operates in 15 national markets, including New York, Texas, and California. Since it began operations in 2013 following the creation of the Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges in 2012, Oscar has partnered with healthcare providers like Humana, Cleveland Clinic, and Cigna to expand its presence in the health insurance marketplaces across the country.

    Oscar Health is considered one of the sector’s top ‘disruptors’ because of its “humanizing” approach to scheduling doctor visits, virtual appointments and prescription refills through its mobile app and online platform. In 2018, the company snatched $165 million from Capital G,  the investment arm of Alphabet, Google’s parent company and Verily Life Sciences, a division of Google X. Three years earlier, a previous iteration of Capital G, Google Capital, invested $32.5 million in the start-up, reflecting the strong interest of Big Tech’s most powerful corporation.

    Peter Theil’s Founders Fund along with Goldman Sachs, one of the underwriters for the IPO, also participated in the same venture capital funding round of 2015 making Oscar Health a strong contender to become the market leader in member engagement services across the rapidly changing health insurance industry.

    While observers have struggled over whether to categorize Oscar as a health company or a tech company, even being called the “hipster health insurance company” by Fortune magazine, Oscar is most definitely a tech company first and foremost. It serves as a sort of platform for healthcare providers and healthcare product vendors to scale their access to the telemedicine market, which is exploding as a result of the pandemic protocols.

    The health of the world is irrelevant as long as profits rule the financial markets…..” avarice is the root of all evil ( Canterbury tales).

  2. Coronavirus and viruses cure:
    1 heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water, (can be cold) cup a hand and sniff or snort the whole lot up, spitting anything which comes down into your mouth – no reaction fine, blow out your nose, flush away, washing your hands afterwards, you don’t have a virus .
    A reaction, you have a virus – retain the salt water in your head for as long as the soreness lasts (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose, flush away, washing hands afterwards and do this treatment 3 times a day, morning, noon, night, or more often, until the soreness goes away, when you have killed off the virus in your head and you won’t get the disease it will become, as I have done these past 26 years and to this, I add those virus related diseases which remain unknown to us, but are delivered by a virus, as in (unspecified) air pollution. Simple.
    Me, 9,490 days never ill, salt water cure vs vaccines about 160 days and horrid side effects, The European Union’s vaccine injury reporting system had logged 330,2018 adverse event reports, including 7,766 deaths, as of April 17, 2021, and the U.S. reporting system had logged 118,902 adverse event reports as of April 23, including 3,544 deaths and 12,618 serious injuries (Mercola) it is a test vaccine and the makers cannot be held accountable for whatever it does, in the short, or longer term – you are human laboratory white mice, all said and done. Vaccinated. Too late!!
    Try it, if you are satisfied with the results, pass the cure along, if results are not excellent, there are still the untested, trial vaccines to fall back on.
    I never have Flu shots, or this vaccine either. No point doing the above salt water cure and then having vaccine shots too – like Duh!!
    About 26 years ago, I read the report from a posh Research Center in America, where the author suggested, in his research paper, that his experiments with Salt Water cured flu type colds and he in turn referred to the Swedish or Norwegian Army (I think), who had barrels filled with Salt Water, attached to a hose, out of the bottom, which soldiers used to flush out their heads, when they thought they were getting a cold – and their troops never got colds.
    I have been doing it ever since and neither do I, from any virus related “thing”.
    There are weak salt water spray preparations you can buy from your local chemist, to clear your head. To my way of thinking, (as above) you need a stronger salt water solution to wash out your inner head and no spray is ever going to be enough to do that, which is proof of safety concerns, regarding salt, as above.
    If you are allergic to salt – don’t do as I suggest!!

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